Vallota: description, varieties, home care


Vallota (cirtanus) is a flower of the Amaryllis family or "fire lily." The homeland is the subtropics of southern Africa, named after the botanist Pierre Vallo. Grown as a room flower from the 17th century. There are about 60 species.

Description of Wallots

Refers to bulbous plants. Its leaves are long, dark green and narrow up to 65 cm, fan-shaped, rounded at the end, matte or glossy. The base of the sheet is a purple tint. It grows from an egg-shaped bulb of a pink hue, which, as it grows, takes the form of a pear, 4-8 cm in diameter, covered with scales from the outside.

Beautiful flowers near the wallota with pointed scarlet petals bloom twice a year. The peduncle has 6-8 umbrella inflorescences. Stamens are yellow, petals of different palettes, depending on the variety.

The plant differs in the way children are formed, which appear not at the base of the mother’s bulb, but higher. If the children are at the roots, then they go deep into the soil.

Varieties of wallots

Previously, only three species belonged to the Vallota family, which passed from the Cirtantus genus, for example, the purple and beautiful Vallota. Therefore, now, for example, the beautiful variety is often called synonyms, namely, cirtanthus or sublime amaryllis. Many varieties were bred from them that are successfully grown at home.

  1. Purple - with an olive shade of leaves, up to 30 cm long. Inflorescences are 6 cm in diameter, 8 pieces are located on the arrow. Bell-shaped flowers with red, pointed petals.
  2. Beautiful - she has long narrow narrow dark olive leaves up to 45 cm wide - 3 cm. The palette is white, red, pink. Peduncle length reaches 60 cm, blooms in late summer.


  • White - different beautiful beige petals, called it an autumn lily.
  • Miniature - with a linear shape of the leaves and pale pink flowers.
  • Brachiscifus - narrow, long stems, leaves and flowers.
  • Mackenna is an evergreen plant growing near ponds. Prefers high humidity and shadow.
  • Alba is white with a yellow-cream core.
  • Major - a dark cream shade, or pink and white stripes.
  • Minor - small bright pink flowers and narrow leaves.
  • Magnifica - red petals with a white eye.

Some varieties form inflorescences 2 times per season.

Features of caring for wallot at home

Caring for the wallot is not easy, growing it requires increased attention at home.

ParametersGrowth period until the end of flowering (April - September)Rest period (October - April)
LightingIn the morning and in the evening to provide access to sunshine, to shade in the afternoon. Located on the east, southwest, south side.
TemperatureModerate - + 20 ... +25 ° С.Cool to + 9 ... +12 ° C.
WateringCautious, twice a week under the root, without falling on the flowers, foliage.Twice a month.
HumidityTo spray in the summer, in hot weather, at a temperature above + 23 ... +25 ° C. Do not get on the petals, wipe them with a damp cloth.Not needed.
Top dressingTwice in 14 or 20 days with liquid fertilizers for bulbs (according to the instructions).


  • Use rainwater or filtered water, be sure to drain it from the pallet.
  • In the summer, feed phosphorus-containing substances to stimulate flowering.
  • Waterlogging should be prevented from drought, too, otherwise the flower will drop its leaves.

Rules for boarding, transplanting

The plant is transplanted after three years, when the dormant period is over. The capacity is selected no more than 10 cm in diameter. The substrate for planting is taken friable (humus, turf land, sand equally). For drainage fit small pieces of brick, pebbles. The bulb is planted 1/3, the distance from it to the walls of the dishes should be 3-4 cm. After transplantation, it takes time for the roots to grow. A flower pot is placed away from sunlight.


Wallot propagated by seeds and small bulbs (children).

The seeds collected in autumn are soaked in a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Potassium humate), then sown. The composition of the soil in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1: peat, sand, turf and deciduous land. Cover with a film, air. Temperature - +18 ° С. Shoots appear a month later. Seedlings dive after 6 months. Watering a little, lighting creates good. In winter, the temperature is kept at +16 ° C. Transplanted in two years.

Reproduction by young bulbs - they are separated from the mother, planted separately, shallow. Rarely watered, flowering will come in 2 years.

Flowering features

If flowering does not occur at the end of summer, the pot is too large, the plant has not been transplanted for a long time or the dormant period has been violated.

Pests and diseases

Vallota is rarely sick, resistant to microorganisms. If the rules of care are not followed, fungal diseases and pests overtake her.

Disease / PestManifestationsControl measures
Gray rotBrown plaque on the leaves.Damaged, separate the flower from other plants, treat with fungicides Vitaros, Maxim, Topsin-M.
FusariumMucus appears on the bulbs, the flowers wither, wrinkle.Remove damaged parts, treat sections with activated carbon, then Fundazol, transplant into a new pot and soil. If the case is neglected, discard the plant.
Root rotWither leaves, shoots die.To clear of damages, to use fungicides Alirin, Glyokladin, to transplant.
Spider miteYellow spots appear on the leaves, they fade, shrouded in a white web.Spray with a solution of laundry soap, Fitoverm, Derris, Akalin.
ShieldBrown spots on the leaves.Treat with insecticides (Fitoverm, Karbofos, Aktara)
AphidGreen insects are visible.Use Actellik, Fitoverm.
WormThere is sticky fluff on the stems.Wipe with alcohol, diluted with water, infusion of tobacco, garlic.

For prevention, disinfect the soil in the oven or pour boiling water before planting, observe the irrigation conditions, and temperature conditions before planting.

Mr. Dachnik explains: signs and superstitions and Wallot

Vallota has an effect on relaxation, good mood. Its red color helps create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. A man in her presence relaxes, nervous tension, bad thoughts go away. Healthy energy is being created. Being engaged in affairs, owners gain strength.

Vallota - a poisonous plant

The flower of Vallota is poisonous, it contains the alkaloid Ligroin, which acts on the digestive tract and causes redness, itching of the skin. Care must be taken. Put a pot higher if you have small children at home. Leaves, flowers, bulbs contain many toxic substances, you need to immediately wash your hands after touching them. The transplant should only be done with gloves.


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