
How to propagate geraniums at home

Pelargonium, or as it is popularly called - geranium, a common indoor and garden plant, characterized by unpretentiousness and ease of care. At the same time, the flower pleases with the beauty of the flowers and the delicate aroma of the leaves. The popularity is due to the fact that the reproduction of geraniums is not difficult to carry out at home.

Magnoliacellular peperomy - home care

Because of the difficulty in leaving, peperomia is not such a frequent visitor in city apartments. However, given some of the nuances and characteristics of the culture, it is possible to achieve its presentable appearance for a rather long time. The variety of species Peperomia (Peperomia) belongs to the order of evergreen perennials of the family of peppers and has about 1100 species.

Why balsam does not bloom at home - the main reasons

Many flower growers face a problem when balsam ceases to grow or does not grow at all. Subject to the rules of care, a room flower develops successfully. Having figured out why balsam does not bloom at home, it is easy to find a solution to the problem. When buds should appear and bloom When using the seed propagation method, sprouts will appear much faster if they are planted in peat tablets.

Rosa Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - what kind of variety is it

Among the many varieties of roses, a hybrid tea, which was named by the breeders in honor of the Faust author, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's rose, earned a special love among gardeners. This delicate plant is covered with bright red buds. It is unpretentious in care and has a number of other advantages of breeding, which will be discussed later.

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Why spathiphyllum does not bloom at home

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Kallizia - growing and care at home, photo species

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Why does not calla blossom at home or in the open ground

Calla is one of the most elegant home flowers, having a laconic appearance and white, pink, purple, raspberry or purple colors of the buds. Therefore, the problem of why calla lilies do not bloom at home, especially concerns gardeners. The reasons for this behavior may be different circumstances. Some of them can not cause much harm to the plant, but there are those that are fatally dangerous to the bush.

Amaryllis: description, types, care, differences from hippeastrum

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Relish, Lutenitsa and 8 more unusual sauces that can be prepared for the winter

It is nice when in order to enjoy a delicious dinner in the winter, you do not need to stand at the stove for a long time. It is enough to pre-cook pre-filled hearty sauces and store them in the refrigerator. To the vegetable base, it remains only to boil the side dish. Here are 10 unusual sauces that are easy to prepare for the winter. Dolmio with mushrooms and eggplant Required: mushrooms (champignons) - 0.2 kg; tomatoes - 1 kg; onions - 1 kg; eggplant - 0.2 kg; garlic - 7 cloves.

Weed lawn

Before laying the lawn, the earth is dug up, treated with special preparations from weeds. However, their seeds are carried with the wind, birds, animals, etc., so they still appear, despite preventive measures. This spoils the look of the lawn. In addition, weeds are more resistant to adverse weather conditions, trampling, therefore, over time, destroy lawn plants.

Whitefly: All About the Pest

Whitefly is a cunning and secretive insect that causes serious damage to indoor, garden and greenhouse plants. Its white wings are usually visible to the naked eye, but the pest is located at the bottom of the leaf, which allows it to remain unnoticed. Description of the whitefly, its reproduction The whitefly belongs to the tiny sucking parasites.

Astra flower - what it looks like, coloring of leaves

It is difficult to answer unequivocally to the question of what the flowers of aster look like, the Astrov family is so large. There are more than 40 species groups that differ in shape, splendor of inflorescences, bush height, leaf shape, flowering time. Asters are called small alpine meadow flowers resembling daisies, and chic Chinese callistefuses, which are easily confused with chrysanthemums.

Schlippenbach Rhododendron Description

Rhododendrons are decorative flowering shrubs of the Heather family, include more than 600 varieties of deciduous and evergreen forms. Rhododendrons came to gardens around the world from China, Japan, and Korea; some species naturally grow in the Caucasus, North America, and Australia. In 1854, during the expedition of the Pallas frigate to Southeast Asia, naval officer Alexander Yegorovich Schlippenbach discovered a deciduous form with pale pink flowers, which later became the golden foundation of landscape designers around the world and got his name.


Prilomnik - low-growing herbaceous plants forming lush flowering bushes. In the family of this representative of the family Primrose there are annual and perennial crops, most of which live high in the mountains. Botanical characteristics. The numerous genus of the breaker has more than a hundred annual and perennial plants.

Solyanum - the dangerous beauty of nightshade

Solyanum is a beautiful ornamental plant. It attracts not so much with flowers as with bright berries that are stored on the bush for a long time. The flower solyanum belongs to the Solanaceae family, therefore it is often called simply nightshade. The homeland of the plant is the tropics of Brazil and the islands of Madeira. It is an elastic bush of juicy greens and in a pot forms a dense green shoot covered with orange balls of fruits.