Pachyphytum: description, types, landing, transplant, care


Pachyphytum is a perennial succulent from the family Crassulaceae. The plant got its name from the Greek words "groin" - thick and "fitum" - a leaf. Distribution area - South America, Mexico.

Description of pachyphytum

The plant has a branched root system, but the roots are thin. The creeping stalk, lateral processes are present. Foliage sessile and short-leaved, round or cylindrical. Color - green-blue.

Peduncle long and erect. Flowers outwardly resemble miniature bells of white, pink or red color. There is a subtle pleasant smell.

Types of pachyphytum

There are many different types and names of pachyphytums, but only the following are suitable for indoor cultivation:

OviparousShrub plant, up to 15 cm high. Has a straight and dense stem. Foliage of white-blue color, with a slight purple tint, up to 30 mm long. There is a wax coating on it. The flowers are pale pink, sometimes in raspberry speck.
BractA straight stem up to 35 cm high. The foliage is dense and oblong, has scars, and a light gray waxy coating is visible. The flowers are deep pink and red. The shape is bell-shaped.
Compact (compact)Low succulent with a thick and fleshy stalk. The foliage is white marble. The flowers are small, have a pink color with yellow tints. Peduncle reaches 40 cm in length.
PurpleHeight is up to 20 cm. Shrub succulent with a short stalk. The foliage is pale green, oblong. The flowers are medium sized, deep pink.
OififerumFleshy stalk, up to 20 cm long. Leaves silvery with wax dusting, extended. Small yellow flowers, center red.

Methods for producing indoor pachyphytum, planting, transplantation

Succulents need to be grown in small pots equipped with large drainage holes. During the initial landing, fill the bottom of the tank with a drainage layer consisting of pebbles and expanded clay. The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic. You can choose the soil for cacti and succulents or prepare the substrate yourself, for this in equal proportions you should mix turf and leafy soil, as well as river sand.

The transplant should be carried out in the spring every 1-2 years.

You can get a new indoor plant by cuttings and planting seeds, but the second method is almost never used.

Pachyphytum care at home

Care for pachyphytum at home depends on the season of the year:

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location, lightingPhotophilous, needs bright lighting, therefore it is placed on the southern windows.
Temperature+ 20 ... +26 ° С. It is often aired, can be carried out in the open air.+ 10 ... +16 ° С. It is at rest.
HumidityIt tolerates dry air and does not need additional moisture.
Watering2 times in 7 days.Once a month. If the temperature is less than +10 ° C, it is recommended to refuse watering.
Top dressingFertilizers with a low nitrogen content are applied 3-4 times.Not carried out.

Diseases and Pests

The plant is highly resistant to fungal pathologies, but suffers from the effects of a pest such as mealybug. These insects suck the juice from the flower, and it is covered with a white web. Foliage dries and falls, the root rots, and the sticky secretions of this pest are considered a favorable environment for the development of soot fungi.

If there are signs of the presence of this pest, it is recommended:

  1. Moisten a cotton swab in a soap solution and wipe the foliage, getting rid of larvae and adult insects.
  2. Spray the flower of one of the tinctures: garlic or tobacco, calendula, you can buy it at the pharmacy. Perform three times with an interval of 7 days.

If the plant is severely affected by pests, use insecticides. In this case, such drugs as Actellik, Vertimek, Admiral are suitable.

When using these products, it is worth remembering that they are toxic, therefore it is strictly forbidden to spray them in closed rooms and spray without a respirator. Use drugs should be strictly according to the instructions, its non-compliance can cost a plant life.
