Tomato Mashenka: variety description, planting, care


Variety Mashenka was bred by Altai breeders. This tomato variety is great for growing in most regions, is resistant to cold snap and rarely gets sick, and its red and juicy fruits have a great taste.

Despite the fact that Mashenka tomatoes were bred relatively recently, today they are one of the most popular types of tomatoes among gardeners from all over the country. In 2011, experts named this variety for the excellent characteristics of one of the best novelties of the Russian selection.

Variety description Mashenka

The variety belongs to the universal mid-season. Tomatoes ripen in 110-115 days from the moment of transplanting seedlings into the ground. Bushes in height can reach 2 m. The plant is characterized by abundant fruiting - one bush brings up to 12 kg of crop.

The leaves are dense, green. The first ovary is above the tenth leaf. Between the ovaries there are usually 3 sheets.

The fruits are round, red, with juicy and fleshy flesh. Rip at a time. Weigh 200-260 grams. There are cases when the fruit mass exceeded 600 grams. Differ in a large number of seeds. Each tomato has up to 6 seed chambers. The peel is dense.

The taste is saturated, sweet and sour. Used for the preservation and preparation of salads. Shelf life is short.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tomato variety Mashenka

Gardeners and farmers who grow this variety on their sites, note the following advantages:

  • Mashenka tomatoes grow well both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground;
  • With one sq. m per season collect up to 28 kg of excellent product;
  • The variety is universal, so the fruits are used for fresh consumption and juice preparation. Also, tomatoes are suitable for conservation;
  • The plant is immune to most diseases, able to withstand temperature changes;
  • Tomatoes have a pleasant taste and good presentation, so they are often grown for sale.

Of the disadvantages are called such properties of the variety, such as:

  • Bushes height;
  • Short shelf life of ripened tomatoes;
  • The need for careful care;
  • With street cultivation, yield decreases.

This type of tomato is suitable for beginner gardeners, but in order to get a rich harvest, it is necessary to fully comply with the growing rules described below.

Technology for growing tomatoes Mashenka

Mashenka tomatoes are grown in the central strip of Russia, in the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus, the Middle and Southern Urals, as well as in Siberia. In regions with cold winters and poor soil, it is preferable to grow tomatoes in greenhouses.

The period of planting seeds for seedlings is from March to April (55-65 days before the proposed placement in open soil). In the south, a little earlier - in late February or early March.

Best seeds grow in a substrate diluted with river sand.

Soil is pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or heated for 15 minutes in the oven. Processing disinfects the substrate and kills possible fungi.

Seedlings take root well in containers of any material. At the bottom of the container should be a hole that will prevent the accumulation of excess moisture and rotting of the roots.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in a soda solution or in aloe juice, then treated with agents to stimulate growth. Gardeners from regions with a harsh climate also harden them by placing them in a refrigerator for 4 hours or taking them out into the open.

Planting material is planted in holes 1 cm deep at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Containers with seedlings are put in a warm place. After the first seedlings appear, the container is transferred to a light area of ​​the house. Plants need bright lighting, lamps are additionally installed next to the seedlings.

Shoots need top dressing, so they are fertilized 2-3 times with special fertilizers. Some gardeners use seed dressing made at home. To do this, pack the yeast with warm water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and let the mixture brew for 2-3 hours. Then prepare a solution at the rate of 0.5 l of solution per 10 l of water and water the seedlings.

Two weeks before planting on the beds, tomato sprouts are hardened, taking containers to fresh air. The street should be warm enough, otherwise the seedlings may die.

The greatest yield is brought by tomatoes planted in sandy loam or loamy soil. Plants are transplanted into the soil in late spring or in the first weeks of June. By that time, warm weather should be established without night frosts. Bushes take root in the ground, reaching a height of 30 cm at the time of planting and giving 4-5 leaves.

The soil is pre-fertilized with a mixture of ash, compost and 1 tablespoon of urea. The distance between the bushes should be at least 35 cm. Seedlings need top dressing with a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen.

Mature bushes require the correct garter. If the stem is not tied to a support, it may break off due to heavy fruit.

Throughout the season, tomatoes need regular watering, top dressing and weeding. The beds are cleaned of weeds no more than 1 time in 3 weeks. Water the bushes as the soil dries. Mulching helps maintain bed moisture. As mulch, straw, sawdust, peat are used. The mulch layer should not exceed 10 cm.

Plants eliminate lateral leaves weekly. Pasynkovka is an integral part of caring for tomatoes, without which the plant will not be able to bring the expected yield.

When 5-6 ovaries appear on the bush, the top is cut to stop further growth.

Diseases and Pests

Tomatoes cultivar Mashenka rarely get sick. More often, plants suffer from pests - butterflies, scoop caterpillars, aphids. Against insects, such agents as Spark M, Coragen, Aktara and others are used.

In order to prevent pests, the bushes are treated monthly with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram / l of water). Stems and leaves are abundantly sprayed with this liquid, and they also treat the soil with its help.

In greenhouses, tomatoes are more susceptible to fungal disease and damage from the spider mite. A possible cause of the development of diseases is non-compliance with the irrigation regime and the lack of proper care.

Mr. Summer resident informs: the collection and use of tomatoes Mashenka

Harvest time depends on how the tomatoes are supposed to be used in the future:
Fully formed, but still green fruits are harvested for long-term storage. Such tomatoes ripen already at room conditions;

For long transportation, slightly reddish tomatoes are best;

Red and fully ripened tomatoes are harvested for use in salads and fresh.

Mashenka tomatoes are suitable for a variety of culinary applications - they are used to make sauces, pastes, ketchups, juices, and lecho. Since the fruits reach large sizes, they are pre-crushed before canning is harvested.

Another feature of this variety is its rich vitamin and mineral composition. The fruits that are used for salads within 2 weeks after harvesting are most beneficial. The maximum shelf life of a mature crop is 3 weeks. At the end of the term, the fruits begin to deteriorate and lose their taste.


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