Guzmania - bright tropical crown


Guzmania is a grassy perennial with a charming, bright top. This flower is compact in size and attractive in appearance, so it is ideal for indoor cultivation. Guzmania belongs to the Bromilia family, which includes many spectacular exotic plants. It is common in Central and South America. Epiphytes and terrestrial plants are found in the genus, which perfectly adapt to home conditions and do not require careful care. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations and the plant will please with bright flowers over neat leaves.

Botanical Description

Guzmania often settles in trees or among rocky crevices. It has a compact rhizome and a low crown. An adult plant grows 25-80 cm in height. The stem is a funnel-shaped leaf sockets located one above the other. Sedentary foliage of a belt-shaped form can reach a length of 30-45 cm. It can be erect or bent in an arc. Leaves most often have a uniform dark green color.

In the middle of spring, a long, fleshy peduncle with bright bracts of red, orange or yellow blooms from the center of the leaf rosette. The shape of the inflorescence is called the "Sultan" for its resemblance to the headdress of the eastern rulers. The flowers themselves do not attract much attention. Miniature nimbuses are located in the axils of bright bracts.

After pollination, small seed bunches with many small seeds ripen in place of the flowers. When the flowers fade, the whole plant begins to die. It is replaced by children from the lateral processes.

Types of Guzmania

Among 120 species of guzmania in culture, only a few are common. Today recognized as the most interesting variety mosaic guzmania. Its dark green smooth leaves cover light transverse stripes. The length of the leaf plate can reach 80 cm and a width of 7 cm. On small, thick peduncles, pointed bracts gather, similar to shortened leaves. They have raspberry or bright pink colors. Flowering begins in July and lasts almost 3 months.

Guzmania pace. The variety is distinguished by a lighter coloration of long leaves. They contrast strongly with bright scarlet bracts.

Guzmania Tempo

Guzmania minor rondo. The plant is suitable for lovers of compact flowers. Its crown does not exceed 25 cm in height. Above the dense rosette of dark green leaves rises a small bright red sultan.

Guzmania minor rondo

Guzmania Donatella Smith. Long leaves are collected in dense funnel-shaped rosettes with a diameter of up to 30 cm. A large inflorescence with yellow or orange bracts rises above the lush foliage.

Guzmania Donatella Smith

Guzmania Tsana. It is considered the largest species. Its leaves grow up to 70 cm in length and form a tall and symmetrical shoot. A massive sultan with red or orange bracts rises above it.

Guzmania Tsana

Guzmania is one-banded. The leaves of this species are covered with yellow stripes. The color of the upper leaves is darker than the lower ones. A narrow spike-shaped inflorescence with many small white flowers is decorated with red-brown short bracts.

Guzmania one-banded


Most often, indoor guzmania propagates by basal processes (children). After the withering flowers and the death of the mother plant, they develop quite actively. Such a life cycle is characteristic of all plants of the Bromilian family. Lateral shoots can be found even during flowering, but it is not worth separating them prematurely. By the age of 4 months, the height of the children usually reaches 15 cm. Now they can be cut off. It is better to do it in the spring. Small shoots should already have tiny roots. For planting, use small pots with soil for adult plants.

To grow guzmania from seeds, more effort is needed. Planting material can be bought or collected independently. Before planting it should be treated with a weak solution of manganese. Crops are evenly distributed on the surface of the sand-peat mixture. The pot is covered with film or glass and left in a room with an air temperature of about + 25 ° C. After 3 weeks, small green shoots appear, and after another month they can be dived and transplanted in separate pots.

Guzmania transplant

Guzmania does not require regular transplants. Its fragile roots are easy to damage, so do not disturb the plant unnecessarily. Only when the pot for the bush with the children becomes small does one pick up a new container. Buying too deep a container is not necessary, since the rhizome is located on the surface. A thick layer of drainage is necessarily laid out at the bottom of the tank. The following components are used for soil compilation:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • river sand;
  • pieces of pine bark.

The soil should be soft and nutritious. Do not tamper it too much during planting. Also, do not overly deepen the outlet.

Plant care

Indoor guzmania needs little daily care. An important role is played by the selection of the right place for the plant. It should be moderately lit without direct sunlight. But guzmania will not be damaged by partial shade.

The air temperature throughout the year should be in the range + 18 ... + 25 ° C. Cooling below + 17 ° C is detrimental to the plant. In summer, you can take flowers to a shaded garden, but you need reliable protection from drafts.

Guzmania is common in tropical forests, so it needs high humidity. It is recommended to spray the crown from the spray bottle daily and bathe it periodically under a warm shower. If possible, the pot should be placed closer to the aquarium, fountain or other source of water.

Guzmania should be watered moderately. It is better to slightly dry the earth than to water it. Weakly developed roots easily rot. For watering, you should use soft, well-settled water at room temperature or slightly warmer. The liquid is not poured into the soil, but into the center of the leaf outlet.

During the period of active growth and flowering, every 15-20 days, guzmania should be fertilized. The optimal solution would be to use special formulations for the Bromilievs. Conventional fertilizers are used in half dosage. The drug is diluted in water and the leaves of the plant are sprayed with it. Part of the solution can be poured into the soil.

Possible difficulties

Guzmania with excessive watering or dampness is easily exposed to fungal diseases. It is very difficult to save an infected plant, so you should strictly follow the rules for caring for it.

From time to time, scabies, spider mites or mealybugs appear on the plant. In dry air, the likelihood of infection increases. The solution of "Actellica" or a similar insecticide in a dosage of 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water helps to get rid of insects. For prevention, treatment is repeated after 5-7 days.


Watch the video: Guzmania Plant Care Tips: The Bromeliad With The Vibrant Star Shaped Flower Joy Us Garden (September 2024).