Melon: how to grow a healthy and juicy dessert


Everybody loves sweet, juicy and aromatic melon. Therefore, methods of growing southerners master gardeners in almost all regions of the country. Even if you do not have a piece of land, it does not matter. Melon can be a decoration of your balcony, and the taste of its fruits will not be inferior to those grown on the open ground.

History of Melon Cultivation

The homeland of melon is considered Central and Asia Minor. It is assumed that the cultivation of wild plants occurred in North India and the surrounding areas of Iran and Central Asia. It happened many centuries before our era. In Russia, this fruit appeared in the XV-XVI centuries.

Melon - a native of sultry Asia

Currently, melon is cultivated in almost all the warm countries of the world. But it is believed that the most delicious fruits are grown in Central Asia.

Since 1994, Turkmenistan has celebrated the annual festival "Day of the Turkmen Melon." In Ukraine, where this culture is also loved, the Melon Fair is held.

Turkmenistan annually celebrates Turkmen Melon Day

Plant description

Melon ordinary is an annual herbaceous plant. A rounded-faced and slightly pubescent creeping stalk equipped with antennae grows from 1.5 to 2 m, and sometimes more. The leaves are very large, alternately arranged, have a round-ovoid or palmate-lobed shape. Attached to the stem with long stalks. The sheet plate also has pubescence, so it feels a little rough to the touch. In the axils of the leaves are flowers and antennae.

Melon - a climbing plant, reaching a length of 2 m

The root system is powerful, because the plant comes from arid places, where water is in great shortage. The branching of the root system can cover a diameter of 1 to 2 m, and up to 1.5 m penetrates the core root.

The fruit of the melon is called pumpkin, has a spherical or cylindrical shape. The outer fruit membrane (exocarp) is leathery and elastic. Its color can be different - white, yellow, green or brownish, with or without stripes. The surface is also different - from absolutely smooth to rough. One plant can form from 2 to 8 fruits, the mass of which varies from 1.5 to 10 kg.

The pulp is very juicy, aromatic, sweet. In some varieties, the sugar content reaches 20%. Consistency of medium density. Color can have a variety of shades from white to greenish (depending on grade).

The color of the melon pulp depends on the variety

Inside the fetal cavity is a cavity filled with seeds. There are a lot of them. Flat, narrow or wide oval seeds have a white or yellowish tint. The surface of the outer cover is glossy or matte.

Numerous seeds hide inside the melon

How to distinguish male flowers from female

Melon is a monoecious plant. On it, male and female flowers can simultaneously develop. Melon pollen is heavy and sticky, so pollination requires helpers - bees or ants. But sometimes dexterity of hands is also useful - in greenhouses or in bad weather, insects cannot help.

The first flowers appearing on the melon are male. Their number depends on the maturity of the variety. In early ripe melons, flowers are laid in the axils of the 2nd or 3rd leaf, in later varieties - the 4th or 5th. Before the first female flower appears, the melon manages to plant from 6 to 30 male flowers.

Melon flowers are divided into male and female

The difference between male and female flowers is in their structure. The male has 5 stamens on which pollen is formed. A female flower has a well-developed pestle, which forms an ovary after pollination.

Video: pollinating melons manually


Often, melon is used as a dessert. But juicy pulp is good not only in its raw form, it is an excellent product for making jam, jam, melon honey, candied amber. Also melon is dried, canned.

In the Middle Ages, melon was the most popular food in Asia, especially during the period of fasting before the celebration of Ramadan.

Melon is a wonderful and healthy dessert


The healing properties of melons were well known and have been widely used in medicine since the time of Avicenna.

Table: protein, water, carbohydrate, fat content

Nutritional composition
How much is contained
in 100 g
Squirrels0.6 g
Water88.5 g
Carbohydrates10.3 g
Fats0.3 g

Melon is a low-calorie product. 100 g of pulp contains an average of 35 kcal, so the fetus is not contraindicated even for those suffering from obesity.

Melon can be called a real "first-aid kit" due to the large content of various useful substances in the pulp. The peel and seeds are also actively used for the preparation of medicinal drinks and decoctions.

Melon can be safely called a real pantry of nutrients

For a long time, melon has been used as a means of helping to recover from a serious illness. The pulp stimulates the intestines and improves its microflora. Melon is useful for:

  • anemia
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gout
  • scurvy;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

It is applied as:

  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • laxative;
  • diuretic.

Beauticians actively use the properties of melons for the preparation of tonic and nourishing masks. The pulp of the fruit, pulverized into gruel and applied to the face, will make the skin supple, relieve oily sheen and give a delicate color. Apply this mask regularly for a month.

But melon has contraindications:

  • should not be used by nursing mothers. In a baby, this can cause disturbances in the work of the stomach and painful digestion;
  • on an empty stomach, eating melon is not recommended;
  • after taking the melon pulp, you should not eat dairy products and drink cold water. This leads to indigestion;
  • can not be combined with alcohol;
  • with caution, melon should be consumed by people who suffer from ulcers, diabetes mellitus or liver diseases.

Varieties of melon

The most popular melon varieties include:

  • Torpedo. The elongated pumpkin is covered with a grayish-colored bark, mottled with a medium-density grid pattern. The mass of the fetus is from 2.5 to 6 kg. The greenish-white juicy pulp has an excellent taste and delicate texture. Creamy yellow seeds are not too wide and slightly elongated. The plant is climbing, with a dissected green leaf plate of medium size. Belongs to mid-season grades. Productivity - 1.8 kg / m2. A torn pumpkin for 15-20 days does not lose commercial qualities;

    The most famous Central Asian variety is torpedo melon

  • Medovka. The pumpkin is elliptical in shape, from 2.5 to 4.2 kg. The crust is painted in a light yellow color, has a slightly wrinkled surface. The mesh pattern is missing. The pulp is of medium thickness, painted in a pleasant light cream color. Taste excellent, juiciness at an average level. The consistency is tender, melting. The aroma is mild. Narrow-oval and acutely pointed seeds are of medium size and painted in ivory color. The plant has strong lashes. Leaf dissected, medium size, green. Productivity - 1.2-2 kg / m2. Preserves commercial quality 10-12 days after collection. The variety is mid-season;

    Friendly fruit ripening and excellent taste are what Medovka melon is valued for

  • Oksana. The pumpkin is elliptical in shape, painted yellow. The mass of the fetus is from 2 to 2.6 kg (some specimens grow to 4.5 kg). The surface is flat, covered with a dense mesh pattern. The flesh is light cream in color. Crispy, delicate and juicy texture combined with excellent taste. Seeds are large, blunt-pointed, yellow-cream. The plant is climbing, leaves are dissected, of medium size. The variety is medium early. Productivity 141-202 kg / ha. Within 8-10 days after removal, perfectly retains taste;

    Melon Oksana - a wonderful mid-season variety

  • Caramel. The pumpkin is oval, its mass is from 1.2 to 1.9 kg. The crust is dark yellow in color with a smooth surface on which a continuous mesh pattern appears. Thick flesh has a delicate and melting texture. It tastes great, juicy. The aroma is pronounced. Sunflower seeds are medium, blunt-pointed, oval in shape, creamy yellow. Belongs to mid-early grades. The plant is characterized by good growth of lashes, the leaves are not too carved, medium in size. Fruiting is good, with an average of 94-156 c / ha. Valued for its resistance to fusarium and a high rate of transportability;

    Fusarium resistance - a valuable quality of Caramel melon

  • Bizan. Elliptical pumpkin weighing from 2 to 2.8 kg is covered with yellow smooth bark. The mesh pattern is dense, medium thickness. The flesh is light cream, of good taste, tender and juicy. Crispy consistency. Taste is rated as good. It has a pronounced melon aroma. Seeds of medium size, blunt-pointed, creamy yellow. The plant is long-climbing, with small dissected leaves. Mid early variety. The average productivity of 126-256 kg / ha. Commercial qualities are perfectly stored for 8-10 days;

    Bizan melon has crispy and juicy flesh

  • Ethiopian The pumpkin is wide-round, with a yellow-orange skin, the surface is slightly pigmented, smooth. The mesh pattern is medium in density and thickness. The juicy, melting, delicate texture of the pulp is colored in orange. The taste is good and excellent, the aroma is strongly pronounced. The fruits are quite large - 2.3-2.8 kg. Refers to mid-ripening varieties with a yield of 89-145 c / ha. The lash plant has a medium-sized, slightly dissected green leaf. Pumpkin is able to maintain commercial qualities for 2 weeks. Valued for heat resistance;

    Ethiopian melon tolerates heat very well

  • Collective farmer. The variety is proven and very popular, despite the small mass of fruits - 0.7-1.3 kg. The shape of the pumpkin is spherical, the skin is yellow-orange, the surface is smooth. Sometimes the surface is decorated with a coarse mesh pattern. The pulp is juicy and sweet. The consistency is dense, slightly crispy and fibrous. The taste is rated as good and excellent. Belongs to mid-season grades. The plant is climbing, has medium size and thin stems. The sheet plate is rounded, with a blunt recess at the base, has medium dimensions. Productivity is 14.6-22.7 t / ha. Appreciated for its excellent transportability. Has resistance to bacteriosis.

    Melon varieties Kolkhoznitsa time-tested and very popular

Seedling of melon

Growing melon in the seedling method, you can get aromatic pumpkins a little earlier than usual. In addition, it will help gardeners in cooler regions to cultivate a delicate culture.

How to collect seeds

The quality of seeds in unripe melons is very low, in this case there is no hope for a good harvest. Seeds are harvested only from ripe fruits:

  1. Melon is cut in half and seeds are extracted.
  2. Rinse under running water to get rid of pieces of pulp.
  3. Allow excess moisture to drain and lay out in a thin layer on a clean cloth or paper to dry under natural conditions. To prevent seeds from moldy, leave them in a well-ventilated place.

Do not dry melon seeds in the oven.

Collecting melon seeds is a snap

Planting seeds for seedlings

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in mid or late April, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. Small containers, preferably peat, are used as containers. Sow 3 seeds into moist soil. Cover with a bag and place in a bright and warm place. Germination occurs at a temperature of 20-25aboutWith day, at night - not lower than 18aboutFROM.

To germinate the melon seeds, you need to put the pots in a bright and warm place

Seedling Care

Seeds germinate quickly, shoots appear in a week. Inspect them carefully, and choose the strongest. Cut the rest at ground level. It is impossible to pull out so as not to damage the root system of the remaining sprout.


  1. So that the seedlings do not stretch out, they need to be kept on the lightest windowsill - the south. If your windows look on other sides, additional highlighting will help. For this, fluorescent lamps are used. The main thing is that the seedlings should be lit for at least 10-12 hours.

    To prevent seedlings from stretching, use additional illumination

  2. Watering is a mandatory stage of care. The first hydration is carried out when the seedling develops one real leaf. It is necessary to water only with warm water, making sure that moisture does not get on the leaves and stems. Excessive moisture can lead to seedling disease. To avoid the common disease of the black leg, the soil surface is sprinkled with dry fine sand.
  3. The room where the seedlings are located must be aired, this will help to avoid an increase in humidity. But make sure that seedlings do not get into the draft.
  4. During the growth period, seedlings are fed only 2 times. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are used. Dosage is indicated on the label.
  5. After at least 3 true leaves have developed on the seedlings, pinching is carried out to push the plant to the formation of side shoots.
  6. A week before planting in the soil, seedlings begin to harden. For this, the day and night temperatures are gradually brought to 15-17aboutC and 12-15aboutC, respectively. Airing during this period lasts longer than usual.


For melon seedlings, as for all pumpkin, the picking procedure is not carried out. Seedlings very poorly tolerate the transplant process, and therefore are grown immediately in separate containers.

Outdoor Melon Care

Planting melons in open ground is carried out by seeds or seedlings. The first method is usually practiced in the southern regions. Seeds are planted at the beginning or end of May, provided that the prepared bed was covered with covering material. When planting it is not removed, the seeds are buried, making cruciform incisions in the tissue.

In open ground, melon can be planted with seeds and seedlings

Hardened seedlings are planted under a film shelter when it is at least 25 days old. In terms of time, this should coincide with the end of May or the beginning of June. Further care for planted seeds or seedlings of melons is practically no different.


Melon is a demanding culture; it loves watering. But they need to be carried out, observing certain rules:

  • watering is carried out on average 1 time per week;
  • water temperature should not be lower than 22aboutFROM;
  • the procedure should be carried out in the early morning or evening. Strictly watch that droplets do not get on leaves, flowers or fruits. The root neck of the plant should also not suffer from waterlogging. Melons are usually watered in grooves dug around the plant, but drip moistening is the best way;
  • The next watering is carried out only after the top layer of the soil is completely dry.

When the fruits are formed on the melon, watering gradually begins to reduce and completely stop it during the ripening period. This helps to achieve the maximum level of sugar content. If during this period of hydration to continue, the fruits will turn out watery and tasteless.

The drip system is most suitable for watering melon

Top dressing

Nutrient requirements for melons should be supported by regular fertilizer application. The plant especially needs nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizing.

Table: timing and rate of fertilizer

Application Dates Application Rate
A week after mass shoots or 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground.20 g of ammonium nitrate are bred in a bucket of water. Under one root, 2 liters is enough.
The process of budding.
  • you can use organics - a mullein is bred with water in a proportion of 1:10. Under one root, pour 1 liter of solution;
  • use ammonium nitrate in the same dose as with the first feeding.
During the growth period of the ovary (approximately 2-3 weeks after the previous feeding).
  • prepare a solution of 30 g of ammonium sulfate, 20-25 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate in 10 l of water;
  • in a bucket of warm water dissolve 20-50 g of phosphorus-potassium fat.

So that fertilizers do not harm the root system, they are combined with watering.

Proper feeding increases the chances of a good harvest

Pinching melon

Pinching must be carried out to limit the development of green mass and obtain a full crop. In open ground, melon is grown horizontally in a spread. With this method, the following procedure is carried out.

  1. After the first pinching over the 4-5th leaf, a plant of 3 shoots is formed, of which 2 most powerful ones are selected. They are pinched over the 4-6th sheet.
  2. The third pinch is carried out at the stage of ovary formation. Remove weak and non-fertile shoots. Pinch the scourges with ovaries on the 3-4th sheet.
  3. Places of pinching must be dusted with a dry mixture of crushed coal, sulfur and lime, taken in equal proportions.
  4. They direct the lashes so that they do not interweave and do not cover the aisle.

In different varieties of melon, pinching is done differently.

Crop rotation

To ensure that the culture grows healthy and productive, experienced gardeners always take into account predecessors. For melons, the most successful will be:

  • winter wheat;
  • corn;
  • spices;
  • onion and garlic;
  • Tomatoes
  • eggplant;
  • Bell pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • peas and beans.

After pumpkin and carrots, planting a melon would not be the best option. It’s also not worthwhile to grow a culture for several years in the same place.

Melon stock and step-by-step vaccination instructions

This operation is rarely resorted to just because few people know about it. Meanwhile, this procedure helps to increase the yield by almost 2 times.

But for melon you need to pick the perfect stock. It depends on how well the plant will bear fruit in the future. The most suitable for this are pumpkins and lagenaria.

How does the procedure go:

  1. They begin vaccination when 1-2 real leaflets appear on the melon.
  2. The stems of the stock and scion are cut at an angle of 30about. This should be done as close as possible to the cotyledons. The operation is carried out with a sharp thin blade in specular reflection.

    Plant stems are cut in a mirror

  3. Then the tabs are inserted into each other and the junction is wrapped with a thin piece of foil. Ideally, the procedure requires special clips.

    The stems are inserted into each other

  4. Two stems are planted in one container, preferably plastic.

    After vaccination, put the plant in a dark place until morning

  5. Vaccination is recommended in the evening, and put the plant in a dark place. In the morning to expose to light.
  6. On about the eighth day, you can cut the stalk of the melon. Starting from 3 days after vaccination, the rootstock growth point needs to be removed, and do this until the growth stops.
  7. A grafted plant is planted on a permanent place on the 25-35th day.

Growing Melon at Home

For those who like to experiment, there are no barriers, and growing a melon on the balcony or window sill will not be difficult. After all, all that love melons - warmth and light, you can provide plants at home. For growing on a balcony or loggia, varieties with small pumpkins are quite suitable:

  • Augen (from 0.8 to 1 kg),
  • Altai (from 0.8 to 1 kg),
  • Lyubushka (from 0.7 to 0.8 kg),
  • Tender (from 0.9 to 1.1 kg).

You can start sowing melon at home starting in March, but no later than the first days of June. To do this, you need:

  1. Prepare containers with a volume of at least 5-6 liters. Fill them with a universal soil with neutral acidity. If possible, buy in the store soil "For cucumbers."
  2. Sowing is done with seeds. To do this, deepen the seed by 3 cm in moist soil, after mixing the soil in the hole with a spoon of ash. Before sowing the seeds can be soaked, then they will sprout a little earlier.
  3. You can first grow seedlings (sow the seeds in April), and then transplant by transshipment in containers on the balcony.
  4. Light and heat-loving melon should grow in the most illuminated place.

    For home-grown melons, choose the lightest and warmest corners

  5. Water the plant only with warm water, trying not to fall on the leaves and stem. Water is best poured along the edge of the pot. Water only after the topsoil is completely dry. Adjust the frequency depending on weather conditions.
  6. Watch the humidity level. If this rate is high, the melon may hurt.
  7. Try to give nitrogen-containing dressings before the formation of flowers. During this period, they feed with azophos - 1 tbsp. l to 3 liters of water. For one plant, 1 liter of solution is enough. During the flowering period, the balcony melon prefers phosphorus-potassium top dressing - 1 tbsp. l superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. If the plant slows down in growth, pamper it with organics (mullein or chicken droppings), introducing the prepared solution after watering.
  8. Balcony culture needs garter. But to make a trellis is half the battle. Melon, unlike cucumber, has no antennae and will not curl itself. Therefore, the lash must be wrapped around the twine and tied with a cotton cloth or rope. Do this as you grow.
  9. Melon at home also requires formation. The first pinching is done over the 5-6th leaf. Tie the side shoot, which replaces the main stem, to the trellis. On hybrids, on the contrary, they do not pinch the main stem, but do it on the side shoots, above the 2-3rd leaf to avoid excessive thickening.
  10. If you have an open balcony, then insects can handle the role of pollinators. But it’s better to be safe and pollinate the flowers by hand.
  11. On the plant, leave 2 to 3 fruits. They should be located at a certain distance from each other. So that the fetus does not break the whip or break, it must be tied up. Having reached the size of a tennis ball, the fruit is packed in a net and tied to a trellis.

    Pack the ripening fruit in a net and tie

  12. For diseases and pests, use the same preparations as when growing in open ground.

Cultivation methods

There are many ways to grow a juicy dessert. From traditional ones - spread out or on a trellis, to unusual ones - in a bag or barrel.

Melon in a barrel without a bottom

This method is perfect for central Russia, where summer is not very spoiling with warmth. For a melon, a simple barrel is not entirely convenient. Too little space, because it is advisable not to let the whips out, since the temperature difference can negatively affect the crop. And in case of bad weather, a sissy should be easily covered with a film or other covering material. Therefore, sheets of iron joined together or a large capacity - just right.

Install such a bed in advance:

  1. At the bottom of the tank lay all the remains of the vegetation: branches, dry parts of plants. They will serve not only as drainage, heat will be generated during decomposition.
  2. Then fresh grass, hay, humus and fertile soil are laid on top.
  3. Everything is watered with water or Baikal fertilizer, which will help plants to over-heat better.
  4. The structure is covered with cellophane from above and left until the beginning of May.
  5. You can plant it with soaked seeds in the second half of April or seedlings in mid-May, but always under shelter.

Video: garden melon

In the bag

This method is useful for those who grow melon on the balcony. But, if you take a larger bag, then it is quite possible to get a crop in a small area. Of course, thin cellophane bags will not work as a material. We need large, made of durable polyethylene. Fertile universal land is suitable for balcony culture. Remember to install the trellis. In a garden structure, you can fill the volume in the same way as when growing in a barrel.

Video: growing gourds in bags

On a warm bed

This design is an exact copy of the above method of growing in a barrel. The only difference is that the box is built not of metal, but of planks.

High beds - a great opportunity to grow heat-loving crops

On the trellis

The method is used when growing crops on a balcony or in a greenhouse. It allows you to significantly save space, provides plants with high-quality care, which will necessarily turn out to be profitable with a high yield and low incidence rates.

  1. The method involves the construction of a U-shaped frame - the columns are buried in the ground so that they rise 2 meters above the ground, their tops are connected with trims for greater stability.
  2. The distance between the columns in the row is at least 2 m.
  3. Then a soft wire is tied to the transverse beam.
  4. One end is attached to the crossbar, the lower one is lowered to the growing melon and fixed on the plant.
  5. Subsequently, the growing lash is carefully wrapped around the wire and tied.

When growing melons with a trellis method, a coarse-mesh strong mesh can be pulled between the supports.

Trellis melon is easy to care for

Spread the method

This method is considered the most natural and simple. It is used in the cultivation of sweet fruits in the open field. Planting scheme with this method: the distance between the plants in the row is not less than 60 cm, the row spacing is 1 m. The stems of the plant should not be intertwined. So that the shoots are not blown away by the wind, pin them to the soil with the help of wire staples.

Growing melons in a spread - the easiest and most natural way

Features of growing melons in different regions

Gardeners not only in the warm regions want to grow a sun-loving southerner. Therefore, the melon even moves to the north - to the Urals and to Siberia. But each climate region has its own characteristics that must be considered when growing melons.

  • the most suitable conditions for cultivating a heat-loving culture can be called Ukraine, the southern regions of Russia (Lower Volga, North Caucasus, Krasnodar) and Crimea. Here you can safely plant seeds in open ground or seedlings. A sufficient amount of sunlight, and it needs at least 12 hours, allows you to grow various varieties, from early ripening to late:
    • Augustine
    • Aikido,
    • Alice,
    • Babor
    • Victoria,
    • Golden
    • Idyll,
    • Miron,
    • Autumn,
    • Prima
    • Raymond,
    • Taman
    • Southerner;
  • similar climatic conditions have regions located in central Russia, but still the weather there is more moody. Varieties suitable for cultivation under these conditions include:
    • Collective farmer,
    • Turkish Delight,
    • Roxolana
    • Sunny;
  • in the conditions of the Central region, Moscow and Leningrad regions, Belarus, melon is most often cultivated as a greenhouse or greenhouse crop. But to grow fruits under such conditions in the open ground is also possible. The key to success is a correctly selected variety, with a growing season of up to 90 days, with good resistance to cooling, shade tolerance and resistance to fungal diseases. You need to plant in the ground already grown and hardened seedlings. The ideal variety for this climate is Princess Svetlana;
  • in the Urals and Siberia, melon is best grown in greenhouses using the seedling method. But you can take a chance and try to grow outdoors. To do this, you will have to build a warm garden in the sunniest area. To prevent a tender plant from freezing, use covering material, water the plant only with warm water and monitor the level of humidity, preventing its increase. Early ripening varieties are recommended:
    • Altai,
    • Collective farmer,
    • Lolita
    • Tender
    • Dewdrop.

Growing melons in cool areas, try to lay boards under the fruits so that the melon does not rot from moisture. Also, the fruits need to be rotated from time to time to another barrel.

Video: growing melon

Melon in the greenhouse

The greenhouse will help out gardeners living in cold climates. This option is suitable for those who want to get an earlier harvest of aromatic fruits. The main task is to provide the melon with sufficient nutritional area, to take care of a stable temperature, normal humidification and air exchange.

Small secrets of successful fruiting:

  • successful cultivation will provide varieties resistant to fungal diseases;
  • to plant the best prepared seedlings;
  • do not forget that pollination is your concern, because bees do not fly in the greenhouse;
  • grow melon indoors only on a trellis.

Greenhouse - the key to a successful harvest of melons in cold climates

Diseases and Pests

Regardless of whether melon is grown in open or closed ground, it can undergo various diseases if it does not receive proper care. Southern culture is not insured against the invasion of harmful insects.

Table: Diseases and Pests, Treatment and Prevention

Diseases and
Symptoms Treatment Prevention
Powdery mildewIt appears in the form of whitish spots on leaves and stems. Spreading over the surface, the spots become brown. The sheet dries, becomes brittle, folds. Growth slows down, the fruits become smaller, lose their sugar content.To process melon beds with 80% sulfur powder. Norm - 4 g per 1 m2. After 20 days, you can repeat the treatment. The last procedure is carried out no later than 20 days before harvesting.
  1. Remove contaminated plant debris from the bed and burn.
  2. Do not allow moisture to get on the leaves and stems when watering.
  3. Regulate watering, do not allow excessive soil moisture.
FusariumThe disease begins with browning of the stems and the root neck. In warm weather, the leaves turn yellow and dry. The fruits are not tied, but those that are already formed do not grow. The plant dies very quickly - within 7-10 days.Detecting the disease at an early stage is almost impossible. Therefore, it is best to dig and burn a diseased plant. Treat the hole with a solution of copper sulfate.
  1. Observe crop rotation.
  2. Treat the seeds before planting with a 40% formalin solution for 5 minutes.
  3. Adjust the watering to prevent excessive humidity.
Gourd aphidsSucking insects accumulate on the underside of the leaf, feed on the sap of the plant. The leaves begin to dry, the flowers fall. Aphids can become a carrier of viral diseases that are not treated.
  • 10% solution of Karbofos.
  • 30% Actellik solution.
  1. Water the plant only with warm water.
  2. Perform a weekly inspection to identify insects.
  3. Get rid of weeds.

Photo Gallery: How to Recognize Diseases and Pests

Problems encountered when growing melons

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners experience failures in the process of growing melons. But there is nothing irreparable.

Table: Problems and Solutions

Problem How to fix it
On a melon some male flowers and empty flowers are formedYou must pinch the melon over the 4-5th sheet. On the emerging side lashes, female flowers are formed.
Melon blooms, but no ovariesThis often happens when growing melons in greenhouses. Pollinating insects rarely fly there. Therefore, you need to pollinate the flowers manually.
The leaves of the plant turn yellowThis can happen for several reasons:
  • water scarcity;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • melons are too densely planted;
  • melon aphid or spider mite.

Carefully inspect the plants and eliminate errors.

Spots appeared on melon leaves
  1. When watering, try to prevent water from falling on the leaves - sun rays can cause a burn.
  2. If pests are found, take remedial measures.
The fruits are crackingDuring fruit ripening, stop feeding and moisturizing plants.
The fruits rot in the garden
  1. Do not water melon during ripening.
  2. Place a plank under the fruit so that it does not lie on damp ground.

When the melon begins to ripen, stop watering and feeding, otherwise the fruit may crack

Harvesting and storage

Before you start collecting melon fruits, make sure that they are ripe. This is easy to do by the following signs:

  • the fruit acquired a net pattern characteristic of the variety;
  • a delicate aroma spreads around the melon;
  • ripe fruit is easily separated from the whip.

A ripped unripe fruit will not reach the desired ripeness, will not be stored for a long time. Overripe - also does not lie for a long time, it is better to eat it right away. Best stored fruit, plucked in the first stage of maturity.

Melons are removed with the stalk. They need to be stored on racks in one layer. You can hang the fruits in cotton nets. The storage location should have ventilation, the optimum temperature is 1-3aboutC, humidity from 70 to 80%. Mid-season and late varieties show the best keeping quality. They are able to maintain taste and commercial qualities until the end of winter.

You can not store melons in the same room with other vegetables. Fruits easily absorb extraneous odors, which can ruin the taste.

Melons are well kept in limbo

At first glance it seems that melon is a very moody culture. But, if you follow all the rules of cultivation, then the prize for you will be aromatic, sweet and healthy fruits. And it doesn’t matter whether you live in the south or in the north, to grow a tender fruit under the strength of everyone. Moreover, breeders have bred many varieties that easily tolerate difficult climates and are resistant to disease.


Watch the video: 28 HOLY GRAIL HACKS THAT WILL SAVE YOUR DAY (October 2024).