Rosa Easy Daz It (Easy Does It)


Professional flower growers, as well as amateurs, are delighted with the roses of Easy Daz It. The shrub belongs to the Floribund group, has strong immunity and does not require special care. However, despite not being capricious, before planting a variety, the gardener should get acquainted with the features of planting, care and growing of the queen of flowers.


Rosa easy does it is a relatively new variety. However, now the plant can be found in various places on our planet.

The story of the creation of the flower originates in the UK. Breeders worked on the cultivation for a long time, and in 2010, orange buds finally blossomed in the Harkness nursery. Rose was shown at a competition in America. The variety has attracted attention, and since then its popularity has not faded.

Rosa Easy Daz It

Description, characteristic

The variety represents the Floribund class. It is characterized by abundant flowering and strong immunity. Unlike other species, for example, tea hybrid, Floribunda blooms for a long time and continuously.

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

Rosa Easy Daz It is refined and beautiful. The average height of the bush is 75-100 cm. In width, it can grow up to 70-90 cm. The flowers are large. Blooming buds reach 7-9 cm. Numerous petals are carved, similar to paper, openwork. There is a velvety coating. On one stem, 6-11 flowers can bloom.

The foliage is moderately plentiful. Medium-sized sheet plates, glossy. Its color is emerald.

Note! Among the special characteristics of the plant - the color of the petals varies with time. The young bud is always scarlet, then orange, then soft salmon. In the middle of flowering, this is a raspberry color, in the end - pink.

The aroma is one of the strongest: pleasant, rich, sweet-fruity.

The variety is surprisingly changing color.

With proper care, flowering is continuous. It starts in early summer and lasts until the second half of September.

Roses have a period of rest and activity. The rest period is late autumn, winter and the very beginning of spring. As soon as the sun begins to bake and the snow melts, the plant comes to life, and it begins a period of activity or active growth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rosa William Morris - Cultural Characteristics

Like any other variety, the easy does it rose has positive and negative characteristics. Among the advantages stand out:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • long flowering;
  • bright color of the petals;
  • unusual color change;
  • roses are not afraid of lower temperatures.


  • The variety fears drafts and cold winds;
  • High-quality planting material is not cheap. For one seedling they ask from 1000 rubles. The Rose Living Daylights has a similar value.

Landscape solutions

Rosa Titanic - characteristics of the Dutch variety

The medium-sized bush is suitable for collective planting on flowerbeds, borders, and for single. The variety successfully fits into the rose garden, rockery, mixborder. Combines with most perennials.


It is believed that roses Izi Daz It unpretentious disposition. However, this does not mean that they can be neglected. The gardener, who decided to grow this queen of the garden, must know the preferences of the variety and have information about a competent planting.

Selection of planting material

Planting Floribunda roses is carried out by seedlings. The main thing is to choose a healthy planting material. A worthy seedling that has every chance of turning into a rose bush should:

  • ü be with a closed root system;
  • ü without deformation of the trunk and putrefactive spots;
  • ü have an elastic not flabby trunk.

Important! Seedlings are purchased in trusted nurseries and specialty stores. Low cost may indicate poor quality or another grade.

Closed rhizome

Landing time

The correct planting time depends on how the bush takes root and will develop. Experienced gardeners advise planting roses no earlier than mid-May.

Appropriate place

The variety grows well both with an abundance of light and in light partial shade. The main thing is to hide the queen of the garden from drafts.

Another point to consider when choosing a flowerbed is the presence of fresh air. In places where the air stagnates, the flowers wither, the bush withers.

Important! The easy does it variety, like the living easy rose, does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater. They need a good drainage system.

Soil preparation

Earth should be loose, light, nutritious. A landing pit is prepared a few days before planting. It is enough to dig a hole 30 by 50 cm. Part of the earth is mixed with a kilogram of manure and a spoonful of mineral mixtures for flowers.

If several bushes are planted, then for them the holes are prepared at a distance from each other of at least 45 cm.

Step-by-step landing process

After the pit is ready, and the seedling is purchased, the gardener proceeds directly to the planting procedure. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The hole is shed with settled water, 5 liters will be enough.
  2. Half of the fertile soil with manure and minerals is placed in a pit. A slide is forming.
  3. The seedling is placed in the center of the slide. It is filled up with the remains of a fertile substrate, as well as ordinary soil.
  4. The root neck is deepened by 2-4 cm.

Care Procedures

So that the rose of Izi Daz It pleased with continuous and abundant flowering, competent care should be arranged for it. Important Care Points:

  • ü watering, observance of necessary humidity;
  • ü fertilizer application;
  • ü pruning, transplanting;
  • ü preparation for wintering and wintering itself.

Watering, humidity

Like other roses, a variety cannot do without water procedures. Watering is carried out every 6-9 days. Under the bush, 10-15 liters of settled cold water are introduced.

Humidity required for the variety is medium. That is, the soil should not be completely dry, but it should not be kept in the most moistened state.

Watering is organized about once a week.

Fertilizer application

Culture is undemanding to frequent top dressing. It is enough to do this twice a year. Nitrogen is introduced in late spring, potassium-phosphorus additives - in early September.

Additional Information! In the first year after placing the plant in a permanent place, the rose is not fertilized.

Pruning, transplanting

Thanks to timely pruning, the vitality of the rose is activated. Like the living easy rose, easy does it needs pruning in early spring. Shoots are shortened with sharp disinfected clippers or pruners. The upper part is taken from the shoots. It is important that 4-7 branches remain on them. Dead wood is removed completely. A small sanitary pruning is also carried out in the summer: buds that have faded are removed.

Transplanting roses from one place to another is not recommended. If there is no other way (due to poor soil, conditions), then you need to do this in spring or autumn.


Preparation for the snowy season is to remove leaves, buds, processing Bordeaux fluid, hilling. Ideally, the culture should be sprinkled with peat.

During flowering and after

During flowering, the plant needs pruning. A person removes faded inflorescences, which stimulates the appearance of new ones. After flowering, the rose is fed with mixtures containing phosphorus and potassium.

Causes of Flowering Problems

Novice gardeners may run into trouble in the form of a lack of flowers on the Easy Dust It rose. The reasons may be different. For instance:

  • too strong spring pruning;
  • lack of necessary lighting;
  • diseases
  • poor soil;
  • aging.

To help the rose bloom, it is necessary to carry out a neat spring pruning, top dressing instead of a nitrogen-containing preparation with a mixture of microelements, and organize a decent watering.

Flowering varieties

Diseases, insects, the fight against them

Easy Daz It rose in the description has information about strong immunity. The flower is practically not sick. Particular resistance to black spotting. The variety is not immune to powdery mildew. The disease is treated with drugs:

  • ü Speed;
  • ü Topaz;
  • ü Fundazol.

To prevent infection, in the spring the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux fluid.

Among the insects that attack roses are a spider mite, scoop, weevil, etc. To combat them, means are used:

  • ü Agraverin;
  • ü Fitoverm;
  • ü Spark double effect, etc.

Pest spraying

Culture propagation

The rose of this variety propagates very well by cuttings. In order to get a new bush, you should competently approach this process.

The best time to breed

Green cuttings are harvested in June and July. Immediately they can be planted in open ground. The lower part of the handle is necessarily cut at a 45-degree angle.

Important! The upper end of the handle should be straight. From the very last kidney to the top, a distance of not more than 1 cm is left.

Detailed recommendations

  1. The handle is placed for several hours in a solution of a growth stimulator.
  2. The upper section is sprinkled with fly ash.
  3. The bed is dug up, the soil should be without lumps.
  4. If possible, compost and sand are added.
  5. The shank penetrates the soil slightly at an angle.
  6. A cap from a plastic bottle is put on it.

Rose easy does it is suitable for beginners to grow roses for gardeners. It is not as demanding as many other varieties. At the same time, it will decorate the bright gallery in front of the house and other landscape solutions with continuous flowering. The owners and petals will be surprised, which during the summer change color several times.


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