Flavored tobacco: varieties, reproduction and care


Among gardeners, fragrant tobacco is popular due to its varied colors, pleasant aroma and undemanding care. The smell attracts bees to the garden, protects some plants from harmful insects.

Types and varieties of fragrant tobacco

The plant has several species. They differ in shades of petals, the height of the main stems.

Dwarf varieties

The plants are small, reaching a height of up to 30 cm. They look spectacularly along the paths, near benches, as home flowers, in flower beds. It goes well with petunias, used by landscape designers in the alpine hills.

Havana appleblossomA plant with a variety of flowers of pink, lemon, scarlet, yellow hues.
Nicki redIt grows magnificent. Coloring is rich in palette from red to white.
Rosa gnomLow-growing variety, up to 25 cm with pale pink and bright red flowers. Looks great in the form of a border.

Medium-sized varieties

They grow to 50 cm. It is used to form living fences, planted on flower beds, at the porch of houses, along walls. Look good with undersized flowers.

Lime greenGrown as a perennial culture. The flowers have lemon, white, beige shades of petals.
Green lightThe plant has lush leaves, the original light green color.
White bedderWhite flowers do not close during the day, have a rich aroma.
Italian F1Grows with large buds, dominated by green, white, red shades.
Purple HazeThere are many flowers, they open in the late afternoon. Shade of petals in a lilac tone.
Fragrant harborIt extends up to 60 cm. It has an excellent smell, colors of white, blue, blue shades.
BonfireIt features bright red and raspberry large buds.

Tall varieties

Flowers of this variety grow from 70 cm and above. Used to decorate columns, walls, as hedges. They look beautiful when planted in groups near large trees. They are used in landscape design to form the background of compositions.

HypnosisPleasant, rich aroma. Lilac-colored flowers prevail, sometimes green tones come across.
Aroma greenIt has flowers not asterisks, but bells of a peculiar green color.
LenevskyShades of petals of a gentle tone. Dominated by pink, white, pistachio colors. Persistent, long lasting fragrance.
EveningThe variety has large white flowers. The buds open after sunset. Strong aroma is felt all night.
RecordIt features a variety of colors and an intense pleasant smell.
Mazhi NoirIt has an exquisite aroma, pleasant small flowers of various colors.
SensationGrows to 1 m. Flowers are brightly colored. The aroma is felt stronger in the morning.

Growing fragrant tobacco from seeds

It is more convenient to grow this ornamental plant from seeds. It can spread by self-sowing, but in snowless winters, cold weather in spring, sprouts may not sprout. This is a heat-loving flower, so it must be planted after the cessation of night frost. Then you can be sure of survival.

The fragrant tobacco plant is perennial in natural conditions, but is grown in the form of annuals on garden plots.

Prepare seedlings begin in early March. Need flat containers and soil. Garden soil is suitable for the soil, you can add humus and peat. The seed of the plant is small, it is necessary to carefully distribute it on the surface. For a more uniform sowing, experienced gardeners advise mixing grains with fine sand, carefully sprinkle with earth, spray from a sprayer. Take warm, well-maintained water.

Some gardeners recommend pouring a dessert spoon on irrigated seedlings. The pressure of the jet from the spray gun nails the sprouts to the ground, because of this they will not appear for a long time.

Care for seedlings of fragrant tobacco

To obtain strong and healthy plants, planting and care must be performed according to the rules:

  • The optimum temperature for seedlings is within + 18 ... +22 ° C.
  • After sowing seeds in a container, specially create the effect of a greenhouse. To do this, put glass on top or cover with foil.
  • Open the greenhouse for a few minutes daily for ventilation.
  • When the soil dries, spray it from the sprayer. The earth should always be moist, but without stagnation of moisture.

In one and a half - two weeks the first shoots will come out. They will be small. So that the seedlings do not stretch too high, they organize illumination for them in the daytime. The film or glass is removed. The temperature is reduced to + 16 ° C, they put containers with seedlings under bright but scattered light.

As soon as two real leaves appear in the sprouts, they are distributed in separate containers or thinned out, leaving a distance of 3-4 cm. When transplanted, they grab a root with an earthen lump. This will allow the seedling to quickly adapt to a new place. To form a lush plant, after the appearance of 5-6 leaves, pinch the top.

Planting fragrant tobacco in the open ground

Only after the final heat has been established can grown seedlings be planted in open ground. The earth warms up well, and frosts no longer return at night. Each region has its own period. Around the end of May for central Russia. Two weeks before transplanting into the ground, seedlings begin to accustom to fresh air. To do this, they are taken out daily.

The duration of this kind of hardening starts from 1 hour and reaches a day.

You need to carefully choose a place for planting fragrant tobacco. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight and strong gusts of wind. Tall stems break quickly, the bushes will look untidy. The composition of the land does not matter much, but moisture and fertility will affect growth and flowering.

You need to plant bushes at a distance of 20 cm from each other. For tall varieties, the distance can be increased. They grow large, require a lot of space, first stretch in height, then begin to spread along the bottom.

Superphosphate is added to each well. The seedling is carefully transferred, they add soil, well watered, they make out beds.

Care for fragrant tobacco

It is easy to grow fragrant tobacco on your personal plot. It is able to grow in any conditions, easily adapts. To obtain beautiful greens, a persistent smell and long flowering, competent care is needed.


This is a hygrophilous plant, consumes a lot of water greens. For lush flowering (especially in hot weather) you need high-quality watering. The soil should always be moist.

The best time for this is morning and evening hours.


The fragrant flower is unpretentious, it does not require special conditions. The plant will become accustomed to shading from sprawling trees and bright sunlight. For unpretentiousness, landscape designers love him. But in a dull shadow, tobacco grows poorly. Flowerpots move during the growth stage to form an even and beautiful bush.

The soil

The composition of the soil is not important for the plant; for seedlings, you can take just garden soil. Fertility and drainage contribute to good development. To form a large number of buds, it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly, use organic mulch, add it throughout the season.

Top dressing

Fertilize twice a season: when buds appear and at the beginning of flowering. Fertilizing is not needed in fertile soil. For depleted soil, mineral complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are suitable. Because of it, foliage will grow rapidly, but blooming will turn out to be bad. Fertilizers are mixed with water for irrigation.


Inflorescences that have bloomed do not interfere with the formation of new buds. But the plant looks sloppy, neglected. Flowering continues continuously, so there may be many wilted buds. It is better to collect them so that the decorative attractiveness remains at a high level.

Diseases and Pests

Flavored tobacco contains a large number of phytoncides in its greenery, so the plant is resistant to pests and disease. It protects other plantings that are nearby.

In rare cases, flowers are affected by downy mildew. A yellow coating with a green tint forms on the leaves. They dry up, the edges curl. To combat the disease, it is recommended to remove and burn the affected bushes. Spray the ground under them with a formalin solution (7.5%). For 1 square. m consumes 30 liters. Tools that were used also need to be treated with formalin (3%). Spray nearby plants with Tsineba (80%).

Fragrant tobacco after flowering

In the autumn, after the sweet pea fades, you need to select some of the strongest, most beautiful bushes. Dig them out of the ground, place in pre-cooked pots. Shorten the stems by a third. Bring in the house, put in a well-lit place (on the windowsill on the east or south side) and leave for the winter, store until spring.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. It should not be dry, as plants can die. Water as necessary, but without swamping. When the earth warms up in the spring, there will be no likelihood of nighttime temperature drops returning, the bushes are transplanted into the open ground. This method of propagation of the flower can be grown for several years.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: fragrant tobacco - a fungicide in the garden

Sweet tobacco is a beautiful and useful plant for a summer cottage. The aroma attracts bees, which is important for crops pollinated by insects.

Also, the plant successfully defeats the Colorado potato beetle. Tobacco and potatoes belong to the nightshade family. A dangerous insect passes on to a fragrant flower, but volatile in its leaves are poisonous. Pests after eating greens die.

To get rid of the Colorado potato beetles, experts advise to plant fragrant tobacco along the perimeter of the plot several days earlier than potatoes. The flower is not addictive in pests, like chemical poisons. Annual joint planting for three years will help get rid of dangerous insects.

Sweet tobacco refers to unusual fragrant flowers that create a unique atmosphere of the garden. Well combined with other plantings. Pleased with their appearance all summer, do not require complicated care.


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