Purchased multi-flowered - planting and care in the garden


On the meadows and hillsides of the subtropical and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, you can find grassy perennials from the Asparagus family with miniature flowers similar to lilies of the valley. This flower is called bought. It has long been famous for its useful and healing properties, as well as excellent decorative qualities.

The origin and appearance of the plant

Purchased multiflorum is a typical forest flower. Currently, there are about 50 types of baths, but the most popular are fragrant, multi-flowered and medicinal.

Purchased multi-flowered

You can meet this plant not only in personal plots and gardens, but also in glades, forest edges, as well as meadows and forest-steppe zones. Outwardly, many people confuse the plant with lily of the valley. Their main difference is that in the lily of the valley the stems are short and straight, and in the bought - long.

Despite the fact that the flower has a simple appearance, it stands out with its expressive individuality and touching beauty, which can not be confused with other plants.

In height, the bought flower grows to 120 cm. The rhizome is thick, horizontal, scaly and knotty. The stalk is bare, cylindrical in shape, bent arcuate to the top. The leaves are deep green in oblong or elliptical shape, slightly narrowed to the base. Flowers are located on bare pedicels, grow up to 1.5 cm long, do not smell. Flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves and collected 3-5 pieces in small inflorescences. The plant blooms in late spring - early summer. After flowering, berries are formed in black and blue.

Attention! Kupena refers to unpretentious plants that, without special care and transplantation, will bloom for many years. It is a shade-tolerant flower that fits perfectly into any landscape design.

Purchased multiflora known since ancient times. The birthplace of the flower is the Northern Hemisphere. It is there that the flower lives in natural conditions. He got the name because of his appearance. When you look at the plant, it seems that you are looking at a pile or green pile. It is because of this comparison that the peoples of ancient Russia called the flower exactly bought. If we recall the Latin reference books, then in them the plant is called Polygonatum. While in everyday life it is often called the "Garden Lily of the Valley".

What is the danger of this flower

The multi-flowered kupen is a poisonous plant, despite the fact that it is used for medical purposes. If you do not follow the rules when working with the plant, then it can cause poisoning and severe vomiting. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to independently prepare decoctions and other means from it. The most dangerous parts of the flower are the fruits and rhizome.

Combination with other plants

The flower bought goes well with daylilies and irises. Also, it is often planted in flower beds together with tulips in order to hide their dryness. The flower adjoins well with all plants that feel great in partial shade. These include:

  • ferns;
  • dicentres;
  • hellebores.
Saxifrage - planting and care in the open ground, in the garden, at home

With all the flowers listed above, as well as variegated plants, a multi-flowered one will be perfectly adjacent.

Note! If you do not carry out the division of the rhizome once every several years and do not keep the kupena under control, then it will actively develop and displace the neighbors in the flower garden.

Purchased in landscape design

In any garden or flower garden, decorative thickets formed by the bought will be welcome guests. It is thanks to them that you can hide unsightly and empty areas, making the place attractive and cozy. Often a flower is used for landscaping tree trunks of garden trees.

Garden lily of the valley in landscaping

Using a garden lily of the valley it’s impossible to lose a kupen in landscape design. The plant, even after flowering, will maintain the composition thanks to the green gracefully curved leaves. Often gardeners plant a flower along hedges.

Note! Attractively multi-flowered kupena looks in a cut, so it is often used to create bouquets and floral arrangements.

Other popular species purchased for gardening

Despite the fact that in nature there are many varieties bought, the most common can only be found is variegate, medicinal, fragrant, broadleaf, squat and multi-flowered. All these plants feel great in shaded areas or where diffused light predominates.

  • Squat is small in size, so the people began to call it low bought. In height, the plant reaches only half a meter. The flowers are white with a pink tint.
  • The broadleaf bought faceted stems, lowered from above. At the same time, a thickened and very fleshy root. The leaves are arranged in two rows and facing clearly in one direction. They are green above, and bluish below. It is this feature that gives the flower a charming appearance.
  • Variegatum is considered another popular species. Thanks to this plant, even in dim and dull corners, you can create spectacular compositions. The main difference of this flower are leaves with white longitudinal stripes.
Perennial cloves - planting in the garden and care

Medicinal and fragrant purchases are considered the most common, so they should be given special attention.

Medicinal purchase

The perennial plant belongs to the asparagus family and grows in shady places. Bushes in height do not exceed half a meter. The flowering period occurs at the end of spring - the beginning of summer. After flowering, bushes form fruits that have a strong emetic effect. Many call this variety bought pharmacy.

It is interesting! In Tibet, it is the drug purchase that is part of the treatment fees, and local residents believe that the plant has properties that can prolong a person’s life.

It is also used to rid livestock of parasite larvae. For the manufacture of medical fees, all parts of the medicinal product are used. With their help receive funds with the following action:

  • expectorant;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestant;
  • blood purifying;
  • enveloping;
  • hemostatic;
  • tonic.

The plant is also used effectively in cosmetology. Thanks to the means of which this plant is part, cosmetics are made that contribute to the clarification and restoration of the skin.

Medicinal purchase

Fragrant bought

The plant has high medicinal properties. Decoctions and tinctures are made from it.

Fragrant bought, grows up to 80 cm in height. In nature, a flower can be found on the slopes of low mountains and hills, as well as in forest glades and in the shady thickets of the forest. Leaves stand out in bluish-green hues. The plant blooms from mid-May for five months.

Note! From grass purchased means are made to eliminate joint pain, treat vascular atherosclerosis, as well as the prevention of uterine fibroids and prostate adenomas.

Growing conditions

For a pleasant appearance and unpretentious disposition, a multi-flowered flower is valued by gardeners. It is used for decorating both botanical gardens and small personal plots. It is planted both in open ground and in flower pots.

Features of growing from seeds

Creeping euonymus - planting, care and cultivation in the garden

You can grow an ordinary multi-flowered kupen from seeds. But this method is rarely used, since the case is considered very troublesome. In addition, the plant rarely gives fruit. This happens as a result of the fact that the structure of the flower does not allow ordinary insects to collect nectar and pollination does not occur properly.

Complicating the process of growing from seeds is also that the collected seeds are not durable and are suitable for planting for only one season.

Before sowing the seeds must be stratified for four months. After that, they can be sown. To do this, prepare a peat-sand mixture and place it in a bright and warm place.

You can sow seeds in the fall in the open ground, but hope for good germination is not worth it.

Note! If you plant a flower with seeds, then after germination the plant will develop for a long time. A full-fledged plant will become only after 4-5 years.

Growing a flower from seeds

When and how to plant a rhizome bought in open ground

Most often, gardeners prefer to propagate the flower by dividing the bush, in which case bought quickly develops, planting and care in the open ground do not cause difficulties. Reproduction can be carried out at any time of the year. But it is best to plant a flower in open ground in late summer or early fall.

For planting a garden flower, a multi-flowered one was bought first, it is preliminary necessary to clear the place of weeds and dig the soil to a depth of about 25 cm.After this, the plots are planted horizontally to a depth of 8 to 9 cm.As the roots are fragile and articulated, it will not be difficult to divide them.

Watering mode

Proper planting purchased and care for it guarantee that the flower will develop well - in a few years it will delight its owner with an attractive appearance. Care in the first place is to select a watering regimen that differs depending on the variety of flower.

Note! A multi-flowered bath requires regular but moderate watering. The plant should not be poured. The most optimal is the constant maintenance of soil moisture.

Top dressing

The multi-colored look was purchased quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil, so it can grow even on depleted soils, while it is very easy to take care of the flower. To make the plant look attractive, it is necessary to plant it in soil rich in humus. If bought, planted in pre-fertilized soil, then fertilizing can not be carried out for several years, since the plant will eat at this time and retain its properties.

When a perennial flower bought by the Lily of the valley family planted in scarce soil, it will be necessary to systematically fertilize. This must be done twice a season. The first time the flower is fertilized at the beginning of spring, and the second - during the flowering period. Complex and mineral fertilizers are used for top dressing.

Features of care during flowering and dormancy

During flowering and dormancy, the flower does not require specific care. In order for the plant to please the eye, it is necessary to adhere to a certain formula.

Berries of a garden lily of the valley


Twice a year, fertilizer is required to provide moderate watering throughout the season. Loosening the soil must be discarded, since there is a high probability of damaging the roots. Experienced gardeners recommend mulching to preserve moisture.

Winter preparations

According to the descriptions, when growing in the middle lane, there is no need to cover the plant for the winter. In the autumn, it is enough to mulch the soil.

Peat with sand or sawdust is perfect for this. If the flower grows on a blown place, for snow retention, cover it with spruce branches, which is removed in the spring until young shoots appear.

Possible pests and diseases when caring for the purchased

A multi-flowered kupena is classified as a plant highly resistant to pests and diseases. But certain problems are not ruled out. During systematic rains and cold, the flower may be exposed to gray rot or powdery mildew. With such a lesion, it is necessary to eliminate the diseased areas and spray the bush with a solution of fungicides.

Purchased in the garden


The main pest for the flower is considered to be the sawfly of Solomon. He eats leaves to skeletal veins. In the fight against it, the use of insecticides has a positive effect.

In rare cases, slugs or caterpillars can attack the plant. Most often, they affect young shoots and leaves. It is best to deal with them with complex means against pests.

A multi-flowered bought is often used to create landscapes. In the wild, the plant can be found in meadows and hills. The plant grows excellently in partial shade, shade and under the trees. This feature makes the flower very popular in landscape design. Growing, it creates dense thickets and prevents the appearance of weeds. During the growing of the plant there are no special difficulties, since the care is very simple. A flower can multiply both by dividing the bush, and by seeds. In addition, the garden lily of the valley is not just a beautiful plant, but also useful. Due to its unique medicinal properties, it is pickled, infusions and decoctions are made of it, which are subsequently used to treat numerous ailments.


Watch the video: FFXIV Flower Pots & Indoor Gardening Guide (October 2024).