Snapdragon flower: description, planting, care


Antirrinum (Antirrhinum) or the well-known snapdragon belong to the Psyllium family. They also know it under other names: a dog (in Russia), a snapdragon or a biting dragon (in England), a cleft palate (in France), a mouth (in Ukraine). The name when translated from Greek means nasal-like or similar to the nose. It is believed that he owes his origin to the goddess who created this flower in honor of the victory over the lion. From that moment in Greece, there is a custom to hand it to the heroes.

Description and features of snapdragon

There are almost 50 species that grow in the southern zones of the Earth, most of all in North America. This flower has been artificially grown for five hundred years. Thanks to the efforts of breeders today, there are a thousand varieties bred on the basis of one species - the antirrinum is large.

Snapdragon is a perennial shrub or grass that reaches a height of 15 cm - 1 m. Branched stems with thin furrows resemble a pyramid. Long leaves are similar in shape to an ellipse, lanceolate. Above is the next location, below is the opposite. Greenish color - all light and dark shades, bloody veins are clearly visible. Smelling, significant flowers have an incorrect appearance (two lips) and inflorescences like an ear. Varieties vary in color. There are light, golden and all kinds of shades of red. Derived a variety of terry varieties and with several colors. A large number of seeds ripen inside the fruit, which in shape resembles a box.

It blooms in summer and autumn almost before the onset of cold weather. Perennials are grown in most cases as annuals. The presence of high-quality care and suitable conditions allow the snapdragon, as a biennium, to remain in the ground and after winter to begin its second flowering. In landscape design, it is used to design borders, flower beds, green lawn. Balconies and verandas with a planted antirrinum look great. Ampel varieties are planted in hanging planters and baskets.

Types and varieties of antirrinum

All the diversity of antirrinum is classified by its growth.


The difference between these types is large sizes. Bushes compressed laterally are represented by one trunk. Large and most often fluffy flowers. Grow in greenhouses for cutting. These include the varieties: Start, Frontier, Suprem, Rocket, Forcing.


Their growth is slightly lower - 65-110 cm. A small number of stems are densely arranged, forming peculiar steps. The presence of densely planted inflorescences and large flowers is characteristic. Use in bouquets.


Pyramidal bushes reach a height of 35-50 cm. Their splendor is created due to strong branching. They look interesting in compositions if varieties with different opening dates are selected.


These are small plants (30 cm) with a large number of processes. At the time of complete dissolution, they look like a sphere. On the brush are small and loose flowers.


Tiny varieties (15 cm). Differ in wide branching of stems. It seems that the bushes just diverge in different directions. Inflorescences are small.

Methods of propagation of snapdragon

It can be propagated in two ways: generative and vegetative. Germination in seeds persists for several years. In areas with a mild climate they are sown immediately in the garden. Sprouts can be seen in a few weeks, and short cold weather will not harm them. In other places, it is better to grow seedlings, which is not very difficult and not laborious.

Seedlings growing process

To begin the process of planting seeds, prepare a container with a height of at least 10 cm. In its lower part, holes must be made to drain excess water. When preparing the soil, sieves are needed, both with large and small cells, a spatula. At the bottom of the dishes put drainage - most often expanded clay or small pebbles. Then they prepare the ground.

Soil selection

To obtain a sufficient amount of seedlings, the soil must be loose and light. Ready soil is bought or prepared on their own. Required composition: turf land, sand, peat, humus and wood ash. All this is taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5: 0.3, thoroughly mixed and sieved, using a large sieve, and then a small one. The substrate obtained after the first screening is placed down the dishes, the rest is filled in the entire container. Be sure to disinfect with a solution of manganese. Soil is ready to use in 2 days.

Seed preparation

Typically, snapdragon seeds are bought at a store, choosing a variety of your choice. Pay attention to the height, color, bloom period, what requirements does it make to the growing conditions.

If harvested on their own, they are sure to dry well.

Store in the bottom of the refrigerator to undergo the necessary stratification before sowing. Before planting, they must be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (half an hour), then dried, decomposed on a cloth or paper. Having completed all the preparatory procedures, they are planted.

Seeding rules for seedlings

The process of growing seedlings begins in early spring. Take prepared flat bowls (diameter 10 cm), put coarse sand on the bottom, then prepared soil and moisten the surface with a spray. Spread the seeds from above, cover with a substrate, sprinkle with water and cover with glass. Every day, it is necessary to lift it for air access, remove condensate, and as it dries, water the soil.

When the first shoots appear, the bowl is placed in a bright place, and after a few days they cease to cover. In prepared containers with soil, shallow grooves are made at a distance of 2 cm, where the seeds are poured, after mixing them with sand. For a complete contact with the ground, tamp. To ensure good seedlings, maintain a temperature of +18 ° C.

How to care for seedlings

The appearance of the first seedlings means that the glass covering the seeds can be removed. This is best done gradually, every day, adding 10-15 minutes for ventilation. The seedlings first form roots, and then only leaves. After the good development of two pairs, they pick. To do this, use separate pots, peat cups (8 cm) or containers (planting scheme 5x5). This is the first stage to obtain large bushiness, and for the formation of the processes, the crown is additionally nipped. At the second stage, a transplant is already carried out at a distance of 10 cm. To achieve success in growing, you need to provide the light, the necessary watering and a temperature of +23 ° C.

Transplanting seedlings in the open ground

They plant in the garden at a time when they do not expect a cold snap. Depends on the region of growth. Of great importance is the choice of location: it should be adequately lit, the soil with plenty of sand. Then they carry out its preparation (figures are given per m2):

  • make wood ash (glass) and complex fertilizer (tablespoon);
  • add overripe manure - 3 kg, peat - 1 kg;
  • dig up;
  • loosen.

Planting seedlings is carried out in the evening or in the afternoon when there is no sun.

The distance between the plants is left, given the height of the planted species. The higher the growth of the snapdragon, the greater it is. To preserve the root, seedlings are first watered and then moved to a prepared place with a lump of soil. Sprout does not deepen much. The soil is a little tamped.

Outdoor care for snapdragons

Caring for snapdragons is simple and accessible even to inexperienced gardeners. Here is a description of a few key points to follow:

  • Watering is moderate and regular. Water is used ordinary or settled. For seedlings and immature plants use a watering can so as not to damage them.
  • Special food. Fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are used. The first time they are brought in 15-20 days after planting seedlings. Later done twice a month.
  • Mulching the soil. Use sawdust, dry grass or humus.
  • Loosening. Carried out to gain air access to the roots. Prevents the development of weeds.

Seed collection

Seeds are collected at incomplete maturity and placed in a special room for ripening, providing air access to them. The process begins after the full maturation of the lower capsules on the stem with flowers. The upper arrow with green fruits is torn off, and a paper bag is thrown over the rest of it and secured. Trunk lower strapping trim and hang with a sharp edge down in a special room. Ripe seeds spill into the bag. Then they are collected in a cardboard box and stored, providing protection from moisture.

Diseases and Pests

A beautiful plant snapdragon with poor care is subjected to the following diseases:

  • Rust. Depressed light spots will be visible above, and yellow spots below, which will then darken and acquire a red tint. Transported by air. The flower withers and dies.
  • Downy mildew. You can observe the appearance of whitish areas on the upper part of the leaves, and on the bottom - a white or brown layer. For prevention, dense plantings should not be allowed, and high humidity in greenhouses. They are treated with copper preparations, before their use, all affected leaves are removed.
  • Powdery Mildew The formation of white plaque on all parts of the plant is characteristic. It is better to choose varieties resistant to this disease.
  • Brown rot. Foliage brightens, then turns yellow and falls. When extracting the root, it is clear that it has become rotten and soft. It develops with frequent watering or in soil with low acidity.
  • Brown rot. The color of the stem at the base changes. Seedlings and still immature plants are affected. When planting seedlings can not be deeply planted.

Insects, butterflies that lay eggs, and other pests can attack.

Affected plants are promptly removed, and their place of growth is treated with special solutions.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: medicinal properties of snapdragon

Snapdragon is known not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for medicinal properties. In folk medicine in the East, use its decoction as:

  • antidotes
  • anti-aging agent (combined with lily oil).

Used in the treatment of eyes, gastrointestinal tract, and colds. Ointments and infusions are prepared from antirrinum. Drugs are added in the preparation of therapeutic baths. As a prophylactic, tea is brewed (liver treatment), compresses for boils.

In addition to all of the above, there are other recipes. It must be borne in mind that snapdragon is poisonous, therefore, the reception is carried out only by agreement with the doctor and in the indicated doses. There are a number of contraindications: pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, hypertension.


Watch the video: How to care for your Snapdragons when they start blooming (October 2024).