
Marigolds - planting and care in the open ground

Marigolds are very bright and beautiful flowers. Although they are not amazing, like huge lilies or roses, the Tagetes are charming in their own way. Everyone knows their unpretentiousness and ease of care, but still many people ask themselves: how to plant marigolds correctly? First of all, you need to choose a view. Some gardeners believe that marigolds are exclusively annual plants.

Anthurium diseases and pests on flower leaves

Anthurium ("anthurium)" or "male happiness" - a flower with an exotic appearance. It has glossy leaves and beautiful unusual-looking red flowers. Although the plant is characterized by resistance to diseases, with improper care problems still arise. In addition, the bush is often affected by pests. Symptoms of the defeat of anthurium by a disease or pests. Damage to the bush by pests or the appearance of diseases upon careful examination are quite noticeable to the naked eye.

Neoregelia - the charm of bright leaves

Neoregelia is a grassy perennial of the Bromilian family. She prefers the moist forests of South America. Terrestrial and epiphytic plants are found in the genus, forming a low dense bush of leaf rosettes. Neoregelia produces flowers, but is more attracted by the reddish color of the apical leaves.

Rosa Charlotte (Charlotte) - variety description

Rosa Charlotte is very similar to her ancestor, the Graham Thomas rose variety. But unlike him, Charlotte has flowers of a pale yellow hue, buds of a more pronounced cupped shape. The bush blooms beautifully and very plentifully. The aroma of peduncles resembles a tea rose. Rose Charlotte (Charlotte) - what kind of D.

Echinacea: description, planting and care

Echinacea (Echinacea) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Astrov family. Distribution area - North America, the Caucasus. In Russia, she became the favorite of many gardeners only at the beginning of the XXI century. The first time Echinacea as a herb was described by Karl Linney in the mid-50s of the XVIII century.

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Ontsidium - a flock of moths over bright leaves

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Masdevallia: description of the orchid, its types, care

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Varieties of cherries Zagoryevskaya and Zagoryevskaya 2

When the sultry summer days come to replace the measured heat, cherries ripen in the garden. Juicy ruby ​​berries, sparkling among the foliage, give their aroma to everyone who is nearby. The hand itself reaches out to pick sweet cherries from the tree. And at this moment there is no greater pleasure than to feel the fruit burst of juice in your mouth.