Euphorbia room


Euphorbia (Euphorbia) is a perennial evergreen shrub of the family Euphorbia, depending on the species, tall (more than 1 meter high), low (10-50 cm) or creeping (not more than 5 cm). Southeast Africa is considered to be the homeland of milkweed, in addition, it is common in the subtropics of Asia and America.

Euphorbia indoor - an unpretentious decorative flower, all types of which, by external signs, are completely different from each other. They can look like real trees or like cacti, or they can even have such a bizarre shape, analogues of which are no longer in nature. The appearance of inflorescences also depends on the variety of the plant, the flowers can be bright and interesting or completely inconspicuous and inconspicuous.

Be sure to read in detail about the mile.

Spherical forms grow slowly, and treelike forms quickly, up to 30 cm per year.
Flowering occurs in different ways. There are a lot of plant species.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Useful properties of milkweed indoor

Milkweed flowering milieu. A photo

The milky juice secreted by the plant is very toxic, therefore it can’t boast of useful properties for humans. Although it was once used to treat the effects of bites of rabid animals, as well as to get rid of warts and freckles.

Signs and superstitions

Euphorbia is white-veined. A photo

Plants reckon with a very strong positive energy. They are recommended to be grown to protect homes from dangers and preserve peace and good relations in the family.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Temperature modeThe temperature in summer should be 19-24 ° C, in winter it is permissible to drop to 15 ° C.
Air humidityModerate or low.
LightingIntense, all species except variegated prefer direct sunlight.
WateringDuring the active growing season - once a week, during rest - 1-2 times a month ...
PrimingIndustrial production marked "for succulents" or own cooking from turf land, humus peat and sand in equal proportions.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn the spring-autumn period, monthly complex preparations for succulents.
TransferAnnual, as the plant quickly “outgrows” the size of the pot offered to it.
BreedingFor most species, the method of cuttings is applicable, spherical propagated by seeds.
Growing FeaturesEuphorbia home can stretch out in low light, in which case it will be necessary to periodically carry out formative pruning of its crown to preserve the decorative bush. A mile can drop leaves. If this happens, the shoots will have to be cut, as the foliage of this species is not restored.

Milkweed care at home. in detail


Each variety has its own flowering characteristics. Most plant species bloom only 1 or 2 times a year., but there are also such varieties that delight the owners with abundant flowering year-round.

Each inflorescence has only one female flower, surrounded by many male ones. In this case, flowers "do not know how to pollinate on their own"; to obtain seeds, this procedure will need to be done manually.

Many varieties of milkweed bloom inconspicuous small inflorescences of a milky or yellowish hue, but, for example, the Mile flower at home can be bright red, and rich yellow, and even purple.

Temperature mode

The optimum temperature for active growth is + 18- + 22 ° С. In the summer months, you can take a flower to fresh air, shading it during hours of especially bright sun. Temperature differences are not particularly dangerous, but the plant does not like drafts - it is important to take care of their absence, choosing a place to place the flower.

During the rest, the plant is transferred to a cool room with an air temperature of about + 15 ° C. In such conditions, the plant will be able to prepare for the next flowering.


There is no need for additional humidification of the air, it can even be contraindicated for plants, since moisture falling on leaves and stems often provokes their decay.

To increase humidity in the winter months, spraying can be replaced by installing pots in trays with wet expanded clay. Plants are cleaned away from heating appliances.


Milkweed needs a lot of light, only under such a condition it will bloom and look as decorative as possible. A pot with a plant is placed on the south or southeast windows.

With the onset of cold weather, you can organize additional lighting - this will help extend the period of its active growth and flowering.


Succulents are able to store moisture in leaves and stems, therefore, they do not need frequent moistening of the soil.

Watering mode is as follows: in the summer - 1 time per week, and the soil between waterings should have time to dry out, in autumn and spring watering is reduced to 1 time in 2 weeks, and in winter they are watered even less often - 1 time per month.


The capacity for planting is selected taking into account the size of the plant: its root system should have enough space for development, but the pot should not be too spacious. Large plants need heavy and stable pots so that the plants do not fall from their own weight.

Good aeration of the roots is also important for flowers, so it is strongly recommended not to plant them in containers without drainage holes.


For cultivation, any industrial soil offered by flower shops marked "for succulents" is suitable. You can also prepare the soil mixture for the plant yourself: it is made up of equal shares of sod land, peat, humus and sand.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Care for milk in the apartment provides for regular feeding of the plant during its active vegetation. Fertilizers select suitable composition for cacti and other succulents, spread them from spring to autumn with a frequency of once every 2 weeks. For the winter, feeding is canceled.

It should not be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, as they provoke an almost uncontrolled growth of plant stems, which can lead to damage.

Milkweed transplant

Young bushes need an annual transplant, as they grow very quickly from their pots.

Adult plants can be replanted less often - every 2-3 years, old bushes that have already reached their maximum size can be left without touching, only updating from time to time the topsoil in pots.


It makes sense to trim only if, during the growth process, it forms lush bushes. Carrying out the procedure, it is enough to remove dry branches from the plant and thin out the young shoots, this will greatly facilitate the further growth of the flower.

Some varieties (such as triangular euphorbia) do not need pruning at all, they discard dead shoots and dried leaves themselves.

And for milkweed Mil, for example, only apical shoots are cut off to give the crown a neat and magnificent appearance.

Rest period

Like many other plants, it rests in the winter. At this time, the plant must ensure the correct temperature and watering conditions.

The plant will usefully and comfortably spend a dormant period if the room temperature is + 10- + 15 ° С, and watering will be carried out as the soil dries up no more than 1-2 times a month.

Is it possible to leave euphorbia without care during the holidays?

The plant is one of those surprisingly unpretentious plants that are able to wait for their absent owners for various reasons without any care for a whole month. Before leaving, it is enough to simply water it abundantly and push it away from the window, and then nothing will happen to it for a long time.


Milkweed propagation by cuttings

The usual and easiest way to propagate for most milkweed is to cut them. Planting material is obtained from adult plants, cutting off the tops of stems about 12-15 cm long.

The cuttings are left to fade for a couple of days, after which they are planted in sand until good roots appear. Rooted young plants are transplanted into suitable pots, then they are looked after normally

Milkweed propagation by seeds

This method is relevant for spherical varieties. Fresh seeds are sown in a mixture of leaf soil and sand. It is possible to accelerate the maturation of seeds and the emergence of seedlings by maintaining the temperature in the room + 18 ° C.

The pick is carried out in the phase of the appearance of the first sprouts, then the seedlings are looked after in the same way as adult plants.

Diseases and Pests

  • Lower leaves milkweed fall offif the irrigation regime is violated or the plant is in a place too cool for it. Another reason is the lack of phosphorus. To solve the problem, you need to adjust the watering and air temperature to optimal, as well as feed the flower.
  • The stalk rots - The reason most likely lies in excessive watering and too low air temperature. The solution is the organization of optimal growing conditions.
  • Spurge does not bloom with insufficient lighting, the plant needs to be transferred to the brightest part of the house so that it can receive the right amount of sunlight.
  • Wither leaves - the flower does not have enough moisture, it needs to optimize the irrigation mode.
  • Brown or black spots on the leaves - most likely the plant is affected by a fungal disease, it must be treated with a suitable fungicidal preparation.
  • Yellowing leaf ends milkweed indicates an overdry of earthen coma or an excess of calcium in the soil. The plant needs to be abundantly watered and temporarily suspended top dressing.
  • Web Appearance - a spider mite appeared on the plant. It can be removed at the initial stage of infection with a warm soapy water solution, if the pest has spread strongly over the flower, you will have to use insecticidal preparations.
  • Leaves milkweed bend, dry and fall off - perhaps the flower is affected by the mealybug, they are disposed of with the same soapy water solution and insecticides.

In addition to these insects, scale insects, aphids and thrips can also attack. Destroy them help special preparations against pests of indoor plants.

Types of milk milk with photos and names

Euphorbia Mile

Thorny succulent shrub, when grown indoors, forms bushes about a meter high. The stems are highly branched, sinuous, covered with medium-sized oval leaves of bright green color. The flowers are small, collected in thyroid inflorescences, in nature they have a rich scarlet hue, breeders also bred hybrid varieties with flowers of various colors.

Euphorbia white-veined

The plant with its appearance resembles a palm tree; in indoor conditions it grows no more than 1 meter tall. The stems are thick, ribbed, large dark green oval-shaped leaves extend from them on long stalks. Over time, they fall, exposing the trunks. Inflorescences of such milkweed are small and inconspicuous, bloom in the axils of the leaves, so they are almost invisible.


A tree-like succulent shrub at home capable of reaching a height of 1 meter. Stems are powerful three-ribbed, zigzag-shaped. Small leaves appear only on young shoots and quickly fall off. Inflorescences are small, greenish-yellow, bloom in very bright sunlight.

Euphorbia spherical

Low-growing succulent no more than 10 cm tall. The shoots are made up of an unusual kind of spherical segments, they do not have spikes. The leaves are small, fall almost immediately after emergence. Inflorescences of a greenish-yellow hue in the form of stars are located on long filiform peduncles.

Euphorbia puffy, fat

A small succulent plant about 30 cm tall, having a ball shape similar to an ordinary cactus. A single stalk is divided into segments by several longitudinal ribs. The inflorescences are gray-green, nondescript, appear in the summer in the upper part of the plant, have a delicate aroma.

Euphorbia triangular

A tree-like succulent shrub that can grow up to several meters in height. The stems are dark green, branched, have 3-4 faces, covered with thorns. The leaves are rather large, lanceolate. When grown indoors does not bloom.

Now reading:

  • Euphorbia mile - home care, reproduction, photo
  • Aloe agave - growing, home care, photo
  • Poinsettia - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Pachistahis - home care, photo
  • Chinese hibiscus - planting, care and reproduction at home, photo


Watch the video: Destiny Rogers - Euphoria Official Video (October 2024).