Tsiperus - home care, photo


Cyperus (Cyperus) - perennial umbrella plant of the sedge family, also known as raw, venus grass, detective. It consists of several tall stems growing from a powerful root system, on top of which there is a rosette of long linear leaves.

The rainforests of Africa, America and Madagascar are considered the birthplace of cyperus. In the natural environment, the flower stalk reaches 1.5-3 m in height. Inflorescences are small, milky or pale green, after flowering of which small elongated fruits of a brown hue are formed. With proper care, cyperus lives up to 20 years.

In one season, the plant adds 5-10 leaves.
Tsiperus blooms in the summer.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of cyperus

Ciperus has not only an original decorative look, but is also widely used in the treatment of certain diseases. A decoction of its leaves is used as a remedy for headaches and stomachaches, high blood pressure, and insomnia. In some countries, plant roots are added to foods and drinks. Stems are used as a material for weaving boxes and interior items.

Home Care for Cyperus

Ciperus at home grows as actively as in the natural environment. For its successful cultivation, you need to know the following features of the content:

TemperatureIn the summer season from 20 to 25 degrees, in the winter - no higher than 18 degrees.
Air humidityHigh humidity is desirable; frequent spraying is recommended in drier air.
LightingShaded places, east and north windows, or soft artificial light.
WateringThe plant tray in summer should stand with water, in winter it is recommended to drain it after watering.
PrimingUsed garden, compost, garden soil mixed with sand.
Fertilizer and fertilizerLiquid nitrogenous fertilizers are used.
TransferIt is carried out approximately once every two years, excluding the flowering period.
BreedingIt is carried out in several ways: when rhizome is divided during transplantation, rooting by leaf sockets, or planting seeds.
Growing FeaturesIt is necessary to maintain high soil moisture year-round, protect the flower from direct sunlight, soften water for irrigation.

Cyberus care at home. In detail


It is advisable to plant cyperus in the spring-summer season in a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees in moderate light.

If seeds are used, they are sown in a mixture of sheet and peat-sand soil, covered with a glass or polyethylene dome to create a greenhouse effect, and aired daily.

When sprouts appear, dive into pots with a diameter of 10 cm is carried out. Three sprouts for each pot. Planting of an adult plant is carried out with the preservation of an earthen coma at the roots. The remaining volume of the new pot is filled with prepared soil.

Flowering cyperus

Under favorable conditions, cyperus blooms most of the year, starting in early spring. Depending on the species, and about 700 varieties are known, the plant varies in hue and shape of inflorescences. So, the next-leaved cyperus produces umbrellas with small pale green flowers.

Spreading - small white or yellowish inflorescences. For indoor breeding, even such inconspicuous flowers, combined with the lush crown of the plant, serve as decoration of the interior.

Temperature mode

Home cyperus is a rather unpretentious plant for which significant temperature fluctuations may go unnoticed. In summer, the most comfortable environment is a ventilated room with a temperature of about 22 degrees. In winter - the flower can be contained at 12, and at 18-20 degrees.


The plant does not require special hygienic manipulations. Since this is a very moisture-loving flower, it will not be superfluous to clean the crown of dust weekly with the help of a shower or by abundant spraying.


Ciperus at home with very dry air needs more frequent recharge. A humidifier will cope with this problem, or you will need to apply spraying with soft filtered or standing water at room temperature several times a day. The lack of moisture during the day negatively affects the appearance of the flower.

Cyperus Lighting

Any kind of cyperus is primarily a marsh plant, which is comfortable in shaded places, without direct sunlight. In the home environment, the flower can be placed in any convenient place, avoiding the proximity to heating systems in the winter and the scorching sun in the summer.

For more magnificent growth and flowering, the plant needs soft long-term illumination, in the dark corners of the ciperus slows down in growth.


Since the flower of cyperus at home needs constant hydration, it is organized not only by abundant watering, but also by watering through a tray. This is the case when excess water cannot harm. The exceptions are cold periods, winter and late autumn. At this time, it is better to drain the water from the pan, but still you should not allow even the slightest drying of the soil surface.

For longer moisture retention in particularly hot periods, you can cover the surface of the flower soil with a moisture-retaining material, such as expanded clay.

Cyperus Pot

For cyperus, it is better to select high pots and blood vessels, since this plant forms a powerful root system. Wide shallow containers simply will not allow the flower to grow. The most effective plant looks in hanging and floor planters in elongated flowerpots.

Cyperus Primer

The main soil quality for growing cyperus is neutral or slightly acidic soil, consisting of turf, humus, sheet land, silt or sand.

With self-preparation, the listed components are taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1, respectively.

Also, a universal mixture for palm trees is well suited, in which river sand is added in equal proportions.

Drainage to the plant is provided with expanded clay, brick chips or small pebbles.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilizing the sytovnik is necessary only during periods of active growth and flowering - from early spring until the onset of frost with a frequency of once every two weeks. As a rule, any nitrogenous compositions for decorative and deciduous crops are used for this purpose. It is these additives that give a juicy shade and gloss to the green of the flower. In order not to overfeed - mineral substances are diluted about three times from the initial dose indicated on the package.

Cyperus transplant

Transplanting cyperus is a fairly common procedure if the flower is in favorable conditions for it. The sprouted roots do not allow to keep a plant longer than two years in one flowerpot.

Therefore, in this case, a deep container is prepared one and a half times more than the previous one, and the plant is transplanted by the transshipment method - with preservation of the soil at the root system and filling the voids of the pot with a new composition.


Many plants require pruning to maintain a neat, decorative look. These colors include cyperus. Home care involves the regular formation of a plant bush by cutting off excess leaves and stems.

Too overgrown - it provokes the bending and breaking of the stems under the weight of large leaf panicles.

If you don’t want to trim, you can tie up the plant or purchase special retaining decorative supports.

Cyperus dormancy

Tsiperus is able to actively develop all year round, therefore it does not have a pronounced need for rest. He does not need a rest period as such, since abundant watering and top dressing should be carried out regardless of the time of year.

Reproduction of Cyperus

This plant does not cause problems when breeding, even inexperienced gardeners can quickly grow a full-fledged bush. There are three ways to breed cyperus: cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds.

Propagation by apical cuttings

The stems of the plant, along with the leaves, are shortened to about 2-3 cm. The resulting outlet is lowered into a container of water with the stem up. In a couple of weeks, thin roots will appear. As soon as they reach a length of about 5 cm, the process can be transplanted into the prepared soil. This method is best carried out in the spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This option is suitable for a large overgrown plant, when, together with a transplant, one or several independent inflorescences can be painlessly separated from the flower. For this, the root of cyperus is cut into several parts, each of which should have 2-3 stems. The separated flower is planted in the ground and looked after as an adult plant.

Growing Cyperus from Seeds

Since the seeds of cyperus are very small - they are sown in a large seedling container without embedding in the ground. The soil must be slightly acidic, water- and breathable. As soon as the seedlings sprout, they are planted in cups in a more nutritious soil. The earth in the container with the seedling between irrigations should dry out, this will eliminate the death of sprouts.

Diseases and Pests

The most common plant problems:

  • new stems do not grow in cyperus with a long deficit of sunlight;
  • cyperus leaves turn yellow and fade from a constant lack of moisture;
  • ciperus is slowly growing - the problem is inadequate nutrition of the soil;
  • white spots on cyperus leaves may be the cause of pests, or thus a lack of lighting;
  • the edges and tips of the leaves are brown - it is always a sign of dry air in the room where the flower is located;
  • winter leaves turn yellow in case ciperus grows in too cold conditions;
  • winter leaves fall in the absence of watering in combination with a critically low temperature in the room.

Other diseases are also caused by improper care, or the appearance of pests. Basically, cyperus is affected by such parasites as: mealybug, thrips, spider mite, scabies.

Types of home cyperus with photos and names

The following flower varieties are most popular for keeping indoors:


It is also known as the foliar leaf - a plant about a meter high with long umbrella leaves and white-green flowers. It is widespread as a decorative foliage decoration not only of interiors, but also of landscapes. It feels ideal near ponds, ponds, when the lower part of the stems is located in the water, and the upper one is above the surface.

Cyperus undersized

Its second name is thin, white-striped or elegant cyperus. It differs in compact dimensions - the stems do not exceed a length of 30 cm. The leaves often have a wide white strip, hanging down to the stem with a lush “panicle”.

Cyperus Umbrella

The highest of the indoor representatives of the plant - the height of the bush reaches 1.7 meters. It is characterized by the rounded shape of the leaves, a dense crown with yellowish flowers.

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Watch the video: Циперус сыть.avi (September 2024).