Araucaria: types and tips for care


Araucaria - an evergreen, gymnosperm, coniferous plant, belongs to the Araucaria family. Homeland is Australia, America, New Guinea.


Araucaria is a fairly tall tree, there are species up to 100 meters high. The trunk is straight with a thick resinous bark. Coniferous leaves are flat and very hard, the spiral is located on the branches.

The crown is divided into two types: umbrella-shaped and spherical. Large cones are visible on the branches.

The tree belongs to the dioecious: male cones are elongated, and female cones are round.

Indoor species of Araucaria

Araucaria has several indoor species suitable for successful cultivation in the apartment.

Brazilian (narrow-leaved)The trunk is up to 60 cm, the branches grow straight. The needles are generously distributed on the branches, soft. Crohn is quite magnificent. It perfectly cleans the air. The price is about 1500 rubles.
ColumnarVery tall tree, up to 50 m. Leaves of a bright green hue, located on the hanging branches, up to 5 cm long.
Araucaria multifolia (Norfolk, Heterophyllus)Very tall tree, up to 70 m. Pyramidal and narrow crown. The branches are very short.
Araucaria ChileanHeight is up to 60 m, girth is about 2 m. The branches are tightly pressed against each other with very hard leaves-needles of dark green color. Crohn's pyramidal.
Araucaria Bidville (Bunia)Wide-pyramidal shape and horizontally located branches. The needles are dark green in color, the cones are quite large. The plant does not belong to beautiful species, but it is very unpretentious, therefore it grows successfully in Russia.

Araucaria is often used in bonsai compositions. The plant is formed for a long time, reduced in size for tens of years, as a result, a tree with a height of 30 cm is obtained.

Home Care

Araucaria is a native of southern countries and a hot, very humid climate, but this does not mean that tropical conditions will have to be created in the room. When leaving at home, you need to consider that she loves spacious rooms and fresh air.

Araucaria prefers a temperate climate, the light should be diffused, and the air cool and humid. Very young spruce trees are grown in the apartment, they cannot tolerate bright light, in nature they grow in the shade. Indoor indoor species do not bloom, only cones are formed.

Season / ParameterLighting / LocationTemperatureHumidity
SpringPut in place with diffused but bright light. On the south side is a shade.It should be cool around + 20 ° C.High, more than 60%. Regularly spray or pour expanded clay into the pot and moisten it constantly.
SummerSuitable for growing on a loggia. Put in partial shade or a place with diffused light. If possible, take to the garden.He does not tolerate heat. Optimum - from + 21 ° C to + 25 ° C.Spray regularly.
AutumnPenumbra or ambient light. On the north side, regularly rotate the plant in different directions so that it does not develop one-sidedly.Moderate - + 20 ° C.Keep high, as dry air is harmful. Spray twice a day.
WinterBright and diffused light, or partial shade.Protect from drafts. Not lower than + 15 ° C.High, frequent spraying required. Keep away from the battery. Spray in the morning and evening.
Season / ParameterWateringTop dressing
SpringAs the soil dries. If the soil is wet, just spray the plant with water.Once every three weeks with special mixtures for conifers.
SummerYou can not fill the plant, but it is important to keep the soil moist, you can pour expanded clay on top and constantly moisten it.Mineral fertilizers once every 3 weeks.
AutumnAs the soil dries.Need not.
WinterTo reduce.

Pot selection, soil, transplant

The pot definitely needs a large and roomy, preferably ceramic. It should have drain holes. Drainage is mandatory so that the root system does not rot.

The soil must be fertile and loose, conducting air and nutrients. You can buy a ready-made earth mixture or make it yourself.

The peculiarity of araucaria is that it does not tolerate transplants. Young Christmas trees grow perfectly in one pot until 6 years old, adult plants need to be replanted once every 4 years. Landing is carried out in late spring.

Step-by-step procedure:

  1. Pour drainage and soil into the pot.
  2. Extract the plant and with an earthen lump plant in a new pot and sprinkle with soil.
  3. You cannot touch or disturb the roots, otherwise the spruce will die.

Pruning a plant and forming a bonsai

Indoor species do not need pruning. In adult spruce trees, bare lower branches can be cut. In order to avoid diseases and infections, the plant must be treated with sulfur.

The formation of bonsai is as follows:

  1. To make an interesting composition in spring, the crown is corrected in araucaria. Cut off excess branches that do not hold the desired shape.
  2. In May, tweezing or pinching of the young shoots of the plant is carried out for shortening.
  3. Using a simple wire, shape the trunk and branches. It can be left for 3-4 months, then removed.


Reproduction of araucaria occurs in two ways:

  1. The seeds. Houses are sown in soil with peat and humus. The earth is watered and put in a warm place. The first shoots will appear in a few months.
  2. Cuttings. For cuttings, top shoots from a large tree are suitable. Planted in the spring. Cuttings are dried and treated with root. After planting in the ground with peat and sand, heating the soil. Each pruning needs its own capacity, all of them are covered with a film. Root about 2 months, then you can transplant into a permanent pot.

Mistakes in care and their elimination

Thin shoots.Not enough nutrients.In the period of active growth, feed with fertilizers.
Leaves fall, dry and turn yellow.
  • overdried air;
  • little moisture.
  • daily spray the plant;
  • monitor the dryness of the soil.
The branches wilted.
  • waterlogged soil;
  • high temperature in the room.
  • monitor watering;
  • put the plant in a cool place.
The tree does not grow.Too much fertilizer and calcium to feed.Transplant the plant into new soil and choose a different fertilizer.
The plant has died.
  • hot temperature in summer or low in winter;
  • moist soil;
  • over-dried soil;
  • little light;
  • gas contamination, as the plant loves clean air.
Avoid these factors.
The needles are blackened, the branches dry.The root system is damaged.
  • transplant the plant into a new pot;
  • sprayed with Zircon solution.

Diseases, pests and methods of dealing with them

Pests / DiseasesMethods of struggleFightPrevention
AphidOn the leaves, punctures from insect bites are visible, since they feed on the juice of Araucaria.Spray with insecticides: Actellik, Intavir.You can put Pelargonium next to it, its volatile production will scare off insects, aphids can be washed off with water.
MealybugThe flower withers, the branches wilt.Wash off insects with soapy water.
Spider miteThe plant turns yellow and wilts, a spider web is visible on the leaves.Rinse the plant in the shower, wipe the leaves with soap and water.
ChlorosisYoung shoots lose the color saturation of the leaves, adults - turn yellow.Put araucaria in a place where there are no drafts, increase the temperature in the room and water as soon as the soil dries. Fertilize.Avoid wind and waterlogging of the soil.

Mr. Summer resident informs: Araucaria - benefit or harm

The plant has powerful energy. It can awaken creativity, provokes people to be active. Moreover, the action is both positive and negative. Araucaria enhances the energy in the house, no matter what it is. There is a sign that the plant in the house activates protective properties, gives peace and tranquility to those living in it.

The beneficial property of spruce is that it moisturizes and purifies the air. People with hypertension should not be kept in their homes. And for those who have low blood pressure, on the contrary, it is necessary, but you can not put it in the relaxation room.


Watch the video: How Araucaria or Christmas Trees are grown in the Nursery. (October 2024).