Ripsalidopsis: differences from other cacti, types, home care


Ripsalidopsis is classified as a forest cactus, it comes from Brazil. They are united by an origin from tropical countries, a love of a humid climate, and special care. They feel great among the shade of trees.

Differences of Ripsalidopsis from other cacti

In addition to ripsalidopsis, the following are popular:

  • Epiphyllum - with beautiful, unusual leaves, fragrant flowers bloom at night.
  • Ripsalis - has long ornate shoots covered with small hairs, they are dotted with flowers during flowering.
  • Schlumberger - the Decembrist or "Christmas cactus", blooms in early winter.

These plants are epiphytes, in the natural environment they attach to tall trees, grow into moss. Thin, airy rings are formed in the joints of the stems, which absorb moisture from the air.

Schlumberger and ripsalidopsis are two very similar flowers and the most common. With careful comparison, it is easy to distinguish them from each other. The "Decembrist" has jagged, sharp-shaped stems, flower corollas are beveled, and there is no aroma. The "Easter cactus" has smooth leaf-shaped drooping stems, a symmetrical arrangement of the petals, no thick skin and thorns, a pleasant aroma. They also differ in different flowering times.

Description of Home Ripsalidopsis

Indoor flower grows up to 30 cm, its branched stems are thickened ribbed segments of soft green color, in the sunlight reddish shades appear on their edges. Flowers bloom at the tips of the segments, shades of burgundy, red, pink, white.

The buds are opened gradually, you can enjoy for several days a view of ripsalidopsis pleasing with its beauty, as in the photo of the best glossy magazines. After flowering, berries form on it. The home plant is unpretentious, but requires special attention.

The main types of ripsalidopsis, signs, superstition

There are several types of ripsalidopsis. The most common are Gartner and Pink. By prolonged selection derived:

  • Andromeda - an adult plant has a long flowering period, shades of fiery, yellow in the middle, raspberry, sometimes fuchsia on the edges.
  • Auriga - the shape of the leaves is similar to Schlumberg, blooms in beautiful orange color, at the tips - a reddish tint.
  • King’s dream - looks great in a hanging planter, the species is selected from a wild cactus, with hanging stems, orange-pink flowers, an unusual shape of petals and long stamens.
  • White magic - characterized by snow-white flowers, a low bush with dense, thick segments.

In flower shops, spring ripsalidopsis is sold under a new name - Hatiora. All types of plants adore moisture, the sun, require special care.

Ripsalidopsis Gartner

Distributed in the forests of Brazil, its stems are smooth, with several segments. Reaches with good care up to 25 cm, with curling glossy, dark green stems, purple at the edges. Wavy segments are longer than other species - 8 cm. It begins to bloom in April. The flowers are large, hold until May, in their place appear berries. By color, varieties are distinguished: Elius, Sirius, Nina.

Ripsalidopsis Pink

A dwarf bush with green stems is represented as small, flat, ribbed segments with serrated edges. He does not change the tint, regardless of the lighting. Flowers with a diameter of 5 cm, pink, bell-shaped, with pointed petals.

Previously, there was a superstition that ripsalidopsis brings trouble, supposedly men begin to lead an idle lifestyle, abuse alcohol, change their wives, leave home. The cactus was nicknamed the “drunkard’s dream,” “dancing skeleton,” because of the structure of the stem segments of some species that look like small bottles.

"Easter flower" creates a positive energy at home, protects the owner from negative, negative emotions, with impeccable care forms a cycle of energy.

According to signs, located in the hallway, he does not let evil people in, drives away damage. It is only necessary to give the plant blooming, then well-being will be at home.

Home Care

It is necessary to create a suitable temperature regime for the plant, a certain humidity, and proper lighting. From the moment the buds appear until the flowers finally fall, you can not touch the flowerpot with the plant.

A feature of indoor forest cacti is in periods of growth and dormancy, when different air temperatures and irrigation frequencies are required.


An ideal placement condition is on the windowsills facing east. On the western, southern sides - the flower must be shaded so that it does not receive a sunburn.

The plant loves bright light, but direct exposure to sunlight can damage it. When there is a period of rest, you should put the flower on the north side.


Ripsalidopsis prefers a temperature of +25 ° C, he does not like it above when he has a resting state - optimal + 15 ... +17 ° C. In the summer, in extreme heat, it is better to take out the cactus in a cool room, it will cost some time without light, but may die in the heat.


During the growth period, it is imperative to spray the plant without getting on the flowers. From autumn to spring this is not necessary.

The secret of care: put next to the fountain, humidifier.

Fill the pan with a pot of expanded clay, pebbles, water regularly. In this way, a constant humidity is ensured, as indoor ripsalidopsis loves.


Abundant, constant watering to the plant is necessary during growth. Water should be soft, rain or settled, without salts of magnesium, calcium. When the plant is at rest, the ground should completely dry at low temperature.

Top dressing

The period of active growth requires top dressing once every 2 weeks with special mixtures - nitrogen, humus-containing fertilizers, they can be purchased at a flower shop.

When the plant is at rest, fertilizers are not required. Organic mixtures are not recommended.

Earth mixture

Leaf land, peat, river sand - this is the soil for ripsalidopsis. As drainage use brick chips, expanded clay. You can buy a ready-made mixture for succulents, cacti, or cook: clay-sod land - 5 parts, one part of charcoal and brick chips.

Add crushed chalk, superphosphate in a teaspoon of three liters of the mixture for disease prevention. The soil should be disinfected: in the freezer for 2 hours or in the oven for 15 minutes.

Features transplant, pruning

Young cacti should be transplanted every year, adults once every two years.

After dropping all the buds, choose a suitable pot size. With a transplant for crown symmetry, they trim in a narrow neck between segments, while the tools are disinfected. The rotten, dead roots are cut off, the soil mixture and the plant are treated with fungicides. A 2-3 cm drainage layer and soil are laid at the bottom, watered, a flower is removed, cleaned, placed in a new pot, the earth is sprinkled, and carefully packed. Then it is watered and put in a cool dark place, a week later it is returned to the previous one. After the purchase, the planting material is immediately changed, the pot is treated with disinfectants.

Breeding methods

Propagate the Easter flower in several ways. It is separated by rotational movements of 2-3 segments, dried for three days, put in moist soil without digging. After the emergence of roots - planted in the ground.

The pollen of one plant is transferred to another using a brush. After crossing on a fertilized flower, the berry ripens when it wrinkles, breaks off, and collects seeds. They are placed in the ground, after the appearance of sprouts, they are planted in different pots.

Optimal growing conditions

For ripsalidopsis to bloom with beautiful fragrant flowers, care is required in compliance with the rules of cultivation at different periods of his life.

PeriodsMonths of the yearThe necessary conditions
PeaceThe end of September - the beginning of October.
  • Bright, diffused lighting, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature + 15 ... +17 C °, spray.
  • Lack of drying, waterlogging.
Flowering preparationMid-February - end of March.
  • Creating cool, rare watering.
  • With the formation of buds - an increase in temperature, more frequent watering.
  • Lack of movement (do not turn).
BloomAt the end of March, April and May.
  • Watering as it dries.
  • The water is melt, rain, soft.
  • Temperature - + 18 ... +20 C °.
VegetationSummer months, beginning of September.
  • Transfer to the street, terrace, balcony.
  • Shading from sunlight, protection from drafts, temperature extremes.
  • Creation of high humidity, moderate watering.

To symmetry the crown, the pot with the plant must be periodically rotated in the fall. On the street to keep at a temperature not lower than +18 C °, during rains to cover with a film.

Ripsalidopsis Gartner

Diseases and Pests

The flower is susceptible to fungal diseases, pests attack ripsalidopsis. Timely processing and quarantine will not allow lesions of the forest cactus.

Disease / PestDescriptionControl measures
Late blightSegments stop growing, become transparent, with brown spots.Use chemical preparations - Quadris, Previkur, Albit, Oksik. When cases are advanced, the plant is thrown away.
FusariosWatery spots on the plant, loss of tone, black mesh, mold on the stem.Watered with Fitosporin, Fitolavin, Vitaros. Destroy damaged parts.
Gray rotGrayish-beige spots, gradually expanding.They are treated with Oksikom, Kuprozan, according to the instructions.
Root rotThe base of the roots is black, slippery, spreading throughout the stem.It cannot be treated, the infected parts are removed, the healthy ones are watered with Trichodermin, Fitosporin and transplanted.
Spider miteSmall dots on the stem, below the cobweb.It is treated with alcohol.
ShieldsSpeckles on the stem, brown seals.Use insecticides, alcohol for processing.
WormWax coating on the root, stem.Suitable alcohol, tincture of calendula for processing, chemicals.

Airing, suitable soil, moderate watering, the introduction of crushed chalk and ash into the planting material, loosening the soil, disinfection, quarantine of new plants are necessary preventive measures. Adding to the soil preparations Barrier, Barrier prevents root rot. Ripsalidopsis Pink

Possible Errors in Caring for Ripsalidopsis

Owners of forest cacti sometimes make mistakes in watering, fertilizing, lighting, the right temperature.

Flower conditionCauses
Black base of the stem, places between segments.Heavy substrate, cold room, hard, cold water, rot.
Falling buds before blooming.Draft or rearrangement of the pot.
Fast fall.Low humidity, heat, organic fertilizer.
Brown spots on the plant.Sunburn, stood for a long time under the influence of direct sunlight.
Poor growth, few flowers.Close flower pot, few fertilizers, non-compliance with the temperature regime during rest.
Thin stems, yellow edges.Lack of light, poor habitat.

Strict observance of all the rules of planting, top dressing, and the content of ripsalidopsis will contribute to long flowering.


Watch the video: The different types of Epiphytic Rainforest Cacti & all about them (October 2024).