Poinsettia: description, types, home care


Poinsettia is a shrub from the genus Euphorbia family Euphorbiaceae, imported from the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America. In Europe, it is grown in greenhouses and houses, often becoming part of a garden plot in the southern regions or the entrance group of a winter garden. Care at home for poinsettia requires the creation of conditions that are close to natural.

Poinsettia description

Main characteristics:

  • Height in nature - 3-4 m, at home - from 30 cm to 1 m.
  • Flowering time is in winter (in Russia), namely from December to February, therefore it is often used in New Year's compositions.
  • The lower leaves are emerald green, reaching 15 cm. They have an elliptical, petiolate shape. The stem completes a small flower.
  • Small flowers with bracts, collected in an elegant rosette.
  • Does not drop leaves in winter.
  • Bracts are leaves up to 15 cm long, having a bright color different from the rest of the green crown.

In Russia, the plant is also known as the Euphorbia the Great. And another name is the Star of Bethlehem. A number of Christmas legends are associated with this shrub. The modern botanical name comes from the last name of the US ambassador to Mexico, Joel Robert Poinset. It was he who first sent the plant to America, where breeders immediately noticed him.

Punsettia photo is often used on Christmas gift cards. Varieties with yellow, dairy, brick and pale pink bracts are bred.

The main role of poinsetia in home breeding is decorative. The plant is sun-loving, while growing well in indoor conditions. The need for moisture is limited, it naturally increases in the summer.

Provide poinsettia care without special skills, following basic recommendations.

Types of poinsettia for home breeding

Many types of plants have been developed for interior decoration, but the most popular one is red poinsettia. They position her as New Year's, she is familiar to us from the Christmas decoration of European shops.


TitleBract color
Red varietiesCortez FireBright red. The first with a fiery shade, the second with brilliance.
Red diamond
GalaxyPurple. Jester Red has darker veins.
Jester red
OlympiaScarlet, the first fiery.
Sonora Fire
WhiteFreedom WhiteDelicate.
ReginaWith grassy inclusions.
Silverstar WhiteMini bush, snowy, for flower pots.
PinkCarousel PinkDelicate, with terry leaves with herbal inclusions.
Cortez PinkWith an orange tint.
Da vinciWith a dusting of white color.
Freedom PinkDelicate color.
Jester pinkWith grassy edging.
MarblestarGentle color with a white edging.
CoinsWith a white pattern.
Silverstar marblePale pink with a delicate white edging.
Pink AleBright.
Sonora WhiteIvory with grassy inclusions.
VariegatedJingle Bells SonoraMaroon purple with white inclusions.
Sonora White GlitterVariegated whites.
Straburyand CreamCreamy-purple with white piping and terry.

In the southern regions, the shrub is planted in open ground in combination with variegated caciumeum jacalifa. This mix looks very impressive.

Hybrid Poinsettia

Rules for the selection of poinsettia for indoor breeding


  • choose a strong plant;
  • check that the flower pot is filled with moist soil;
  • find a bush with unblown buds, it is he who will please with long flowering.

After the acquisition, the plant should be acclimatized. He needs to choose a sufficiently lit place without drafts.

Home Poinsettia Care - Seasonal Table

Seasonal CareLightingWatering and humidityOptimum temperature
Spring SummerBright on the east and west window. In the summer - partial shade.Moisten and spray with melt rain water +30 ° C (in the absence, a softener can be used). Frequency - every 2-3 days.

40-60 %.

+ 20 ... +25 ° C.
Autumn winterA well-lit place without drafts.Minimum.+ 17 ... +20 ° C - with blossoming flowers.

+ 15 ... +16 ° C - rest period, protect from drafts, discards leaves.

SeasonFeeding (*)
Off-season (spring, autumn)Light solution of mineral fertilizers.-
WinterMullein Solution

(*) They begin to fertilize in March, with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Transplant: pot, soil, step-by-step description

Simple care for the poinsetia shrub at home still requires sufficient attention, first of all, compliance with some rules. A transplant to an adult plant is required no more than once every 3-5 years. Young - once a year.

The optimal time is May, at this time the rest period ends and a new stage of vegetation begins. It is best carried out by transshipment method.

Soil composition (1: 1: 2 ratio: see instructions, respectively):

  • sand;
  • forest land with deciduous humus;
  • peat substrate;
  • any granular fertilizer.

Clay at the landing site in open ground should be replaced.

Transplanting step by step:

  • pour over the pot with boiling water;
  • to lay soil to a height of 3 cm from gravel, expanded clay or pebbles;
  • pour prepared soil;
  • gently pull the shrub out of the pot;
  • transfer to a new container and add prepared soil;
  • water and put on a windowsill, not lit by direct sunlight, for two weeks.

After acclimatization, transfer the plant to its usual place.


Poinsettia is cut off as needed when it grows to a considerable size. Usually - from March to April, after flowering.

How to crop to get strong health shoots:

  • remove everything except stems 10 cm long;
  • after 2 weeks, the emerged sprouts are cut again, leaving 4-5 to form a bush.

Flowering and rest

Poinsettia blooms, as a rule, before Catholic Christmas. Flowering lasts until February. But it can be continued if the plant is provided with a lower temperature.

Rules for leaving at this time:

  • they put on a bright windowsill and make sure that there is no temperature difference in the room;
  • after the leaves fall, the bush is trimmed.

For repeated flowering:

  • at 18:00, that is, after sunset, the flower is hidden under a cardboard box;
  • in the morning open and take care as usual;
  • such a “course” lasts 10 weeks before the bracts begin to redden;
  • at the beginning of flowering, top dressing is stopped.

After dropping the leaves, the poinsettia is transferred to a room with a temperature of +16 ° C for relaxation. At rest, the shrub can withstand up to 8 weeks. Annual pruning is optional, but it will grow more slowly.


Poinsettia is propagated:

  • by seeds;
  • cuttings.

At home, they mainly use cuttings, this method allows you to get healthy plants that bloom in the second year.

Step by Step Actions:

  • cut young shoots 7 cm long, with 4-5 leaves;
  • dip the stalk in the Kornevin solution, but you can do without stimulants;
  • planted in prepared soil by sticking shoots with a slope of 30-40 °;
  • cover with cling film, making holes for ventilation, and put in a warm place;
  • rooting lasts about 2-3 weeks;
  • after the first shoots appear, the film is removed, the top sheet is pinched;
  • the flower is transplanted by transshipment of 3-5 cuttings in one container, then separately in a flowerpot.

In nature, a shrub can propagate by seed, but such plants bloom only after a few years.

At home, seed is treated with growth stimulants, due to this, a healthy and rapidly growing bush is obtained.

Mistakes in the care of poinsettia and their elimination

Change of leaves, etc.Reason and action
Fall off, the plant loses its tone.Reaction to excess and lack of moisture, as well as improper watering conditions. Provide proper soil moisture. Water should be warm.
Completely fall off.Sudden changes in temperature, the plant "blows". Rearrange the shrub in a bright place without drafts.
Turn yellow, leaf fall is possible.The lack of light, if the bush on the window behaves this way, it is provided with artificial lighting.
Dry the tips.Low humidity, the plant is hot. Change the conditions of detention, spray.
Blossoming flowers fall.Natural process.

Diseases, pests

Disease or pestExternal signsTreatment Prevention
MealybugCotton coating.The flower is peeled. After spraying and watered with tincture of horsetail.Humidity is controlled, sprayed with onion infusion.
Spider miteSpider web and twisted leaves.It is treated with a soapy solution with the addition of alcohol, and a "bath" is arranged for a bush under a shower with a water temperature of + 40 ... +45 ° C. Spray with acaricides every 6 days, three times.Quartz is carried out and sprayed with onion infusion.
WhiteflyInsects on leaves that curl noticeably.It is treated with a vacuum cleaner, treated with onion water or acaricides for 2-4 weeks.Regularly ventilate and spray, exclude contact with infected plants (bouquets of flowers).
ThripsBeige dots and scratches on the leaves.They remove the leaves, arrange a "bath" for the plant under a hot shower, spray.Maintain natural conditions. Plants are planted. Aerate.
Gray rotWhite spots with a gray tint on the leaves.Watered with fungicides (1% solution) for 2-3 weeks. Replace the soil and transplant the flower, sterilize the pot, completely cut off.Air and care, sprayed with fungicides once a week.
FusariumWatery areas on the leaves, the plant blackens, dries and dies.Perform a transplant. With severe infection, only cuttings with a clean cut are selected. It is watered with solutions with the preparations Maxim, Previkur and others for 6 weeks.Properly looked after: moisten the leaves, watered, do not put on a draft, sprayed.

Disease and pests will not affect your pet by regularly spraying the bush with acaricides and fungicides. They can be replaced with natural remedies, infusion of onions or garlic.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: poinsettia - the Queen of Christmas

Poinsettia is a real New Year beauty, as if reminiscent of the summer in extreme cold.

Happy owners do everything necessary for their favorite flower to bloom by December. Some signs are associated with the behavior of the flower during Christmas and other important dates:

  • if the bush turns yellow for no apparent reason, the family is spoiled;
  • Punsettia in the bedroom of the newlyweds - a guarantee of the rapid emergence of offspring;
  • a woman who has this flower at home is always beautiful and sexy;
  • poinsettia acts magically on men, its owner does not think about anyone but his chosen one.

This exquisite flower is one of the most desirable Christmas gifts with a hidden meaning and good wishes from the heart. Growing and caring at home is not a hassle, but gives great joy during flowering.


Watch the video: Poinsettia Care Guide (October 2024).