Ficus microcarp: description, home care


Ficus microcarp (Moklama or Moklama) - an evergreen tree-like shrub, belongs to the Mulberry family. He hails from Southeast China, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Northern Australia.

Description of Ficus Moklama

Under natural conditions, the plant reaches 25 m, and with the growth of the house - no more than 1.5 m. Its unusual feature is a smooth, thickened gray, but at the same time thin and delicate, root stem and a bright green or motley crown. This plant is an epiphyte, it has many aerial roots.

Ficus microcarpus has small fruits that resemble berries, which is why it got this name. At home, they do not develop, like flowers, due to a lack of pollination. The leaves of the miniature tree are glossy, lanceolate, petioles are short.

Used in decorative floriculture as a bonsai.

Two representatives of ficus microcarp

The difference between the species of this representative of ficuses is small, only in the color of the leaf plate:

  • Variegata (Albumarginata) - variegated leaves, loves light very much. Unpretentious.
  • Ginseng (ginseng) is the main advantage in the original thick roots, the leaves are ordinary green. When forming a bonsai, the emphasis is on the root system, so the crown is trimmed.

Care for ficus microcarp at home

Ficus microcarp is unpretentious in the care, while with proper formation, you can get bizarre bizarre shapes.

First steps

Proper care of the plant after the appearance of the house determines its well-being in the future.

It is very important to put the flower away from other plants and carefully monitor its condition. If pests or diseases are detected, appropriate measures must be taken.

At first, the plant discards leaves, this is a natural process of acclimatization. Regular watering and daily spraying are needed, with the addition of a growth stimulant. After 14 days, the ficus can be transplanted.

Location, lighting

Immediately after the acquisition, determine the location of the flower.

The plant prefers dim lighting, high humidity and the absence of drafts.

The ginseng species is placed on the northern, western and southwestern windows, the verigat will feel good on the eastern, southeastern, as it is more photophilous. In winter, fluorescent lighting is used.

Location of ficus from heating systems - 2 m, no less.


Desirable - + 19 ... +24 ° C. In hot summers, they ventilate, but they do not allow drafts. In winter, when the plant is resting, it may drop to +15 ° C. If the container with ficus is on the floor, make sure that the roots do not freeze.

Watering, humidity

The correct irrigation is very important, which depends on the season, temperature and humidity of the room, the size of the pot and other factors. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the flower and, for any deviations, adjust the care.

The plant prefers moderate watering. With a lack of moisture, it discards leaves. It is possible to follow the situation on the ground. When it is dry - watered.

Comfortable humidity - 70%. At indicators below, the ficus is periodically sprayed, a warm shower is arranged once a month.

Transplant, soil, pot

Young ficuses require an annual transplant, more adults after 2 years. Spend her in the early spring.

The step-by-step process consists of the following actions:

  • The pot is taken 4 cm more than the previous one, but if the flower has not really increased in size, it is enough to replace the soil;
  • The plant is not watered so that there are no remains of the old soil mixture on the roots. Carefully removed from the pot, shaking the ground. Roots cut a little
  • Take a prepared container with drainage and substrate for ficus. The soil can be prepared in advance independently from sheet turf, peat, sand (equal amounts), with the addition of ash (0.5 part).
  • Place the tree in the center of the pot and sprinkle it, sealing it by tapping on the container.

For older plants, soil of the following composition is preferable:

  • sheet land and turf (2 parts each);
  • sand and humus (1 part each)
  • charcoal (0.5).

Top dressing

In the vegetative time (spring - autumn), ficus needs fertilizers - once every 14 days. It is possible to combine top dressing with spraying - once every 20 days. In this case, the concentration of the drug is reduced (see instructions). Special mixtures are used for hardwood or for growing bonsai. Peace (end of autumn - winter) - once in 40 days.


To form a beautiful crown, the plant is regularly shortened. Do this in spring and summer when the flower is actively growing. New branches are allowed to grow 10 pairs of leaves, then they are cut off, leaving 3. Carefully wash off the milky juice that is released and sprinkle with activated carbon powder.

If you want to grow bonsai, the top of the ficus is cut off when it reaches 15 cm, to stimulate the lateral processes. Then shortening the plant depends on the owner’s imagination.


Ficus microcarp is propagated in three ways.


The most popular method:

  • Take the cuttings remaining from the trim (cut at an oblique angle), placed for a day in warm water.
  • Move to a new container with warm water with the addition of charcoal.
  • When the roots appear, they plant in a small glass with soil, covering it with a transparent container.
  • New leaves are a signal for transplanting into the soil into a larger pot, with a 3-5 cm deepening of the cuttings. They also make a kind of greenhouse. Regularly moisten the seedling by spraying.
  • Rooting takes place a month.


When propagating ficus in this way, the characteristic features of the mother plant are not transmitted:

  • A cut of the tree bark (10 cm) is made, departing from the top by 50 cm.
  • Having dried the slice, wrap it with moss and film.
  • After the formation of roots in this place, the crown is separated from the main trunk and planted in another pot.


This method allows you to grow a plant with an unusual type of root:

  • Moistened and stratified seeds are placed in a wide shallow container, with a drainage layer and moist soil.
  • Distributed on the surface sprinkled with sand.
  • Cover with a transparent material (glass, film).
  • Contain plantings at a temperature of + 22 ... +25 ° C.
  • After 14-28 days, when the first pair of leaves appears, the sprouts are planted.
  • Regularly sprayed.
  • After 2 months, place in separate pots.

Mistakes in the care of ficus microcarp, diseases, pests

When deviating from the rules for the care of ficus microcarp, it can become sick and even die. When watering the plant exceeds the necessary, it is possible not only rotting of the roots, but also the appearance of pests such as spider mites. Lack of moisture and excess heat promotes aphid reproduction.

Manifestation on leaves, etc.CausesElimination
Falling off.
  • natural;
  • climate change;
  • unsuitable pot or soil;
  • little or much lighting;
  • freezing of the roots.
  • not to pay attention;
  • do not move unnecessarily;
  • change the pot, if it is visible that it is wide, treat the soil with fungicides (Fitosporin, potassium permanganate);
  • change conditions.
The appearance of dark spots.Root rot.Reduce watering. Allow the soil in the pot to dry. Add drainage holes.
Darkening, softening of the roots.FusariumRelocate to a warmer place, water as the soil dries.
The appearance of a whitish plaque, cobwebs.Spider mite.To treat with a swab moistened in alcohol or from laundry soap solution or spray with insecticides (Actellik).
The appearance of dark spots, which upon closer inspection are insects.Aphid.Bathe in a solution of tobacco or soap.

Mr. Summer resident informs: ficus microcarp - benefit and harm

Ficus is considered a plant that creates the comfort of a home and the stability of family life. In addition, it purifies the air, saturating it with oxygen and absorbing harmful substances. But at the same time, the juice of the plant is poisonous.

All manipulations with the flower should be carried out with gloves and exclude its content in the house where children and animals live.


Watch the video: INDOOR FICUS PLANT CARE: Important Facts (September 2024).