Ficus rubbery or ficus elastic: description, types, care


Ficus elastica (rubber-bearing) is a type of evergreen tree from the Mulberry family. Homeland - Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java and the Indian state of Assam.

It got its name because of the milky juice containing rubber.

Description of Ficus Elastic

The plant, in the natural environment, reaches a height of 40 m, when grown indoors it grows up to 10 m, but this is a rare case, as a rule, the height is not more than 1 m.

The leaves of the tree are a glossy oval with a pointed end, rather large (length up to 30 cm). At a young age, pinkish-brown, old - dark green.

Fruits are yellow-green, oval, 1 cm in diameter. At home breeding, ficus blooms are very rare.

Types of Elastics for Home Growing

Rubber-bearing ficus has many indoor varieties that differ in foliage, height of growth and exacting care.

RobustaTall, branched, with thick leaves. Effectively cleans the air.Unpretentious and hardy. Requires support. Suitable for beginners.
MelanieCompact, decorative, bushy, leaves are not very large dark green.Unpretentious.
AbidjanFast growing, has wide maroon glossy leaves, glistening in the light.Unpretentious. A pinch is needed so that the plant does not stretch.
Black PrinceDark rounded leaves change color depending on the lighting.Hardy, tolerates temperature differences, transplant is possible at any time of the year.
BelizeLeaves have characteristic light stains on the edges.Demanding for good lighting. In summer he prefers open air space, but does not like direct sun. Moody.
TinekeVariegated.Unlike whiteness, there are no pink shades in divorces.Heat-loving, does not tolerate drafts. Prefers reproduction by layering. Top dressing must contain nitrogen. With the help of pinches, you can form a bush and a tree. Moody.
SriverianaYellow-green stains cover almost the entire part of the sheet.Demanding on heat and watering. With an excess of the latter, the leaves curl and fall.
TricolorStains on leaves can be painted from white, light green, to pink.Heat-loving, loves good lighting. With its lack of unique color is lost. Watering is moderate, excess moisture leads to loss of foliage. It is attacked by pests, but insecticide prevention can protect it.
VariegataThe highest of variegated varieties, but the leaves are small.Heat-loving, does not tolerate drafts. In cold blown rooms dies. Once a month, plentiful spraying with water, pinching is necessary.

Ficus elastic care at home

In general, varieties of rubber ficus are unpretentious. But still, it is worth observing a number of requirements so as not to destroy the plant.

Location, lighting

The flower prefers a bright place, but with diffused light. Shadow and partial shade will stop its growth, and direct sunlight can be harmful. Also, when selecting a place, it should be borne in mind that variegated species like more light than plain ones.

Avoid location in drafts, when the window is open, it is necessary to monitor so that the flow of cold air does not fall on the plant.


In the spring-summer period they support + 20 ... +25 ºC. In winter - not lower than +15 ºC. Only species with monophonic leaves can withstand temperature for a short time to +5 ºC.

Humidity Watering

Water the plant regularly, but not abundantly, the soil in the pot should always be slightly damp.

Excessive or insufficient hydration affects the health of the ficus, it fades, variegated discolored.

Sprayed in the spring and summer with boiled warm water. In winter, you can just let it settle for several days at room temperature. Also wipe the leaves with a damp sponge on both sides.

Pot selection, soil, transplant, top dressing

Young plants are transplanted annually, in spring or summer. Adults in case of large growth (3 years), for them the pot should be a little cramped. To restrain root growth, it is better not to touch the old ones. Only the top layer needs to be changed every year.

Soil - a ready-made substrate for ficuses or the following composition:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • leaf, peat and sand (1 part each).

The transplantation is carried out by transshipment.

In the spring - in the summer it is necessary to feed 2 times a month, in the winter only in case of its growth (the concentration is halved). Fertilizers are used in liquid form (for ornamental deciduous crops). A well-rooted adult flower is fed with a mullein solution, after moistening the soil.

Crown formation

Trimming ficus, to stimulate the growth of new shoots and the formation of the crown, is carried out at the end of winter. It is carried out after top dressing, a month before transplantation.

Instruments for the procedure - a sharp knife, scissors or blade - are disinfected with alcohol.

To give splendor, shoots are cut by 10-15 cm (three internodes) both apical and lateral, with the latter being cut off leaving the outer kidney.

The prominent milky juice is erased, the sections are treated with charcoal.


At home, ficus is propagated in the spring by three methods.


A leaf with a handle is placed in warm water. After root formation, planted shallowly, to the base, in the soil (special soil for ficus). Fold the sheet and fasten with a thread.


The cuttings remaining after trimming are dipped in a glass with water. After isolating the milky juice, rearrange it in another container or directly in a pot with soil, for rooting.

To speed up the process, they cover it with a transparent jar, making it look like a greenhouse. Rooting will occur in a month.


This method is most effective. An incision is made on the trunk (not more than 5 mm), a match is inserted into it. It is wrapped with moistened moss. Wrap, the obtained tap film. After the appearance of the roots (3-4 months), the trunk is separated and transplanted.

Mistakes in care, diseases, pests

Like any ficus, the rubbery species is susceptible to disease, especially if improperly maintained. To avoid this, try not to make mistakes.

Manifestations on the leaves, etc.CauseElimination
Yellowness, falling.
  • excess or lack of watering;
  • improper container sizes;
  • lack of lighting;
  • rotting of the roots;
  • the appearance of pests.
  • change watering regimes;
  • placed in a suitable pot;
  • rearrange the flowerpot with the plant in a bright place, but without direct sunlight;
  • take out a flower, inspect, remove damaged roots, plant in a new pot;
  • apply insect control methods.
Stains.The dark ones.Cercospore is a fungal disease.The parts affected by the disease are removed, sprayed with fungicidal solutions (Fitosporin).
Yellow.Anthracnose or botritis.
White at the ends.Lithocysts are a natural occurrence.No measures are taken.
Brown at the ends.Sunburn.Rearrange in a place protected from direct rays.
Pallor, growth retardation.Lack of nutrition.Fertilize.
White coating.Powdery mildew is a fungal disease (poorly ventilated area).The affected leaves are removed, treated with fungicides, periodically ventilate the room, avoiding drafts.
Waviness and lightening.Excessive lighting.Cleaned deep into the room with artificial lighting.
Torsion.Low temperature.Rearrange the pot in warmer conditions.
Grayish and wilting stems.Root rot.Reduce watering. With a strong defeat, it is destroyed.
The pallor of greenery, the appearance of cobwebs.Spider mite.Processed with one of the means: solutions of alcohol, garlic, onion peels, soaps; carnivorous insects - phytosailus, amblyseus;
chemical (actellik, fitoverm).
Stickiness, small pimples.Shield.Spray: solutions of soap, garlic, bitter pepper, onion; Aktara, Vertimek.
White cotton coating, growth retardation.Mealybug.They are cleaned with a sponge with a soapy solution, treated with alcohol. Sprayed with Actara, Fitoverm.
Stickiness.WhiteflyApply adhesive tape for insects, soap solution, Actaru, Vertimek.
Squeezing, wilting, nodules on the roots.Nematodes.Treated with Phosphamide, Tank Ecogel.
Colorless spotting, wilting and falling.Thrips.Wipe with a soapy solution. Apply Fitoverm, Vertimek.

Mr. Summer resident informs: rubber ficus - signs and superstitions

This plant, according to popular beliefs, is a muzhegon, in the house where the flower is located men do not take root. But at the same time, he attracts luck in money. Therefore, its best location in the workplace, in the office, this will contribute to a career, increase in wages or attract wealthy sponsors.

Our grandmothers also believed that ficus has a beneficial effect on the pregnancy process, facilitates childbirth. If you place a flower in the kitchen, then satiety and security are guaranteed to you. But do not put it in the bedroom, it will bring discord to family relationships.


Watch the video: How to Care for The Rubber Tree Plant Ficus elastica (October 2024).