Adromiscus: description, cultivation + common mistakes


Adromiscus is a species of succulents of the family Crassulaceae. The distribution area is South and Southwest Africa. The plant is stunted, reaches 10-15 cm.

Description of adromiscus

A short stalk with a lush crown of thick leaves with a rough surface located on it. Their color depends on the species. Most often these are numerous shades of green interspersed with gray or purple.

Flowers have a tubular shape. The color is pink or white, in some species - purple. Attached to small, up to 25 cm, peduncles.

Sufficiently developed root system. In some species, aerial red-brown roots are formed over the soil surface over time.

Varieties of Hadromiscus

In the world there are about 70 species of adromiscus. As indoor plants, only some of them are bred.

Comb (Cristatus)Height is not more than 15 cm. With age, the branches begin to sag, the plant becomes creeping. The stem is completely strewn with aerial roots.Small, fluffy, collected in sockets, wavy, combed at the edges.The buds are dark green, wavy with a pink trim. Tubular and grayish-white petals.
CooperShort and thick stem, many filiform air roots.Oblong, narrowed to the base. The color is green with a slight bluish tint.Small up to 2 cm, assembled in a socket. Violet or pink.
SpottedLignified short stalk no more than 15 cm.It is unique in its color - green with red small spots, merge to the edge into one continuous border. The shape is oval or round. Size does not exceed 5 cm.The tubular shape is red-brown in color, collected in a spike-shaped peduncle.
TripleDoes not grow more than 10 cm, has short stems, practically does not branch.Round, slightly elongated, grow up to 5 cm. Pale green, red blotches in the form of spots are collected along the upper edge.Reddish with a whitish tube from the base.
Alveolatus (grooved)Slow-growing, stunted. With age, overgrown with aerial roots, when they become brown in color, they die off.Elongated, resembling a crystal, have a small groove on the edge. Greens.The flower stalk grows up to 25 cm. The buds consist of 5 pale pink petals gathered together.
Maculatus (spotted)Has an upright stalk up to 10 cm tall. At the base, it is surrounded by a series of small oval leaves.Green with red spots reach 5 cm in length. If the lighting is insufficient, blotches disappear.Red-brown collected on a spike-shaped peduncle.

Growing adromiscus at home

Adromiscus, like all succulents, is not picky, but requires attention. It is necessary in time, in compliance with seasonality, to carry out all necessary activities.

IndicatorSpring SummerAutumn winter
LightingNot afraid of direct sunlight.Extra lighting required.
TemperatureFrom +25 ° C to +30 ° C.From +10 ° C to +15 ° C. There comes a period of rest.
Watering, moisturizingOften, but in small portions.In the fall they slow down, in the winter - stop.
Top dressingOnce a month.Not needed.

Reproduction and transplantation

The plant is transplanted in late spring, but only if absolutely necessary. Pots pick up small ones. Use special soil for succulents, not forgetting the expanded clay drainage. You can mix the following components yourself in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1, respectively:

  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • turf;
  • sand.

Whole ripe leaves without damage are selected. Accidentally dropped will do. They must be laid out on paper and lightly dried for no more than a day. Next, place the base in the ground. Ensure upright position and stability. After some time, stepsons will appear, the uterine leaf will dry out.

Problems growing andromiskus

Andromiskus rarely causes problems to its owners, because possesses sufficient resistance to diseases. But regular inspection of the plant is necessary. Possible diseases and problems:

CausesManifestationsRemedial measures
AphidLeaves completely lose moisture, dry and curl. Then fall off, which can lead to the death of the plant.Both the flower and the ground are sprayed with tobacco broth mixed with a soap solution or aerosol insecticide Fitoverm, Fufan.
WormAppears on the roots, occasionally on the ground. The plant is covered with white lumps, similar to cotton wool.They are treated with Actar, Confidor. Repeat at least 3 times, after 5-7 days.
Spider miteThe leaves are entangled in a small cobweb. Affected areas turn yellow, merge with other parts of the plant, dry and die.Intavir, Karbofos, Actellik are abundantly applied.

In some cases, the plant dies for no apparent reason. Usually this happens due to improper watering, water entering the flower outlet, or, conversely, the complete drying of the soil. If the leaves faded, the stem stretches - there is not enough lighting.


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