Gimenocallis: description, types, care


Gymenokallis is a bulbous plant from the Amaryllis family. Distribution area - Central and South America.

Description of hymenocallis

The genus of plants includes 50 species. The leaves are long, up to a meter, lanceolate in shape.

The sepals are elongated, with an elongated shape, reaching 20 cm. They have a green color at the base, and in the center and at the tips, in the tone of the petals.

Types of hymenocallis

At home, you can grow these types of hymenocallis:

CaribbeanEvergreen, therefore, does not need a rest period. Flowering lasts 4 months.Dark green, lanceolate.White, collected in sockets of 3-5 pieces, outwardly resemble umbrellas.
EarlyLatin name festalis (festalis). The sepals are bent into rings.Short, belt-shaped, length from 40 to 60 cm.White, in diameter up to 10 cm.
DaffodilType of Peruvian origin. It blooms from July to October.The xiphoid form.The buds are white, yellow or purple.
TubularDistributed in the middle latitudes of Russia.Wide, lanceolateWhite.

Features of planting and transplanting hymenocallis

Flower bulbs grow relatively slowly, so young hymenocallis are recommended to be replanted every two to three years, and adults once every 4-5 years. The most suitable time is considered the end of March and the beginning of April. This period corresponds to the end of the rest period.

You can buy ready-made soil in the store or make it yourself. It should be loose, nutritious, have a pH from 5 to 6. With independent preparation, it is recommended to make it from soddy soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1.

The pot for these flowers should be chosen so that its diameter is 7-10 cm larger than that of the bulb.

When the flower is moved to a new container, a drainage layer of 3-4 cm is poured on its bottom. Then the pot is filled up to half with prepared soil. Next, the bulb is removed from the old container and placed in the center of the new one. Fall asleep so that the upper half remains above the surface of the soil.

Hymenocallis care at home

When caring for a flower at home, you should pay attention to the season of the year:

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
LightingBright diffused light, positioned on a south, southeast or southwest window.Blooming winter species, illuminated by fluorescent lamps.
Temperature mode+ 23 ... +25 ° С; after flowering, reduce to + 14 ... +18 ° С.+ 10 ... +12 ° С.
WateringProfuse, but do not allow flooding, since there is a risk of rotting of the root system. Frequency - once every 2-3 days, use soft, settled water.Moderate, prevent drying out of the soil.
Humidity70-80%, spray the plant.Reduce to 50-60%. Spraying to stop.
The soilLoose, nutritious.
Top dressingOnce a week to water with complex mineral fertilizer.Stop it.

How to care for gimenokallis on the site

Due to the demanding lighting, the flower is usually planted on the south side of the garden, however, it should be shaded on hot days. These plants do not tolerate air temperatures above +27 ° C.

On hot days, watered daily after the topsoil has dried out. Immediately after the appearance of leaves, you can carry out the first top dressing.

In the autumn, bulbs are dug up before the start of frost, and then laid out for drying for 14-20 days.

Methods of propagation of hymenocallis

Hymenocallis can be propagated by both daughter bulbs and seeds. Daughters begin to form on plants starting at the age of 3.

Growing from seeds is a very long process, as they can germinate for several months.

Mistakes in the care of hymenocallis

When caring for gimenokallis you can make a number of mistakes:

  1. Falling flowers and blanching leaves indicate that the plant is not enough moisture. It must be poured with water, which has settled for several hours.
  2. Spotting on the petals. The air is too cold. The container with gimenokallis must be moved to a warmer room.
  3. Lack of flowering. The plant lacks heat or is excessively watered. It is recommended to reduce watering and transfer the pot with the plant to a place with cooler air.

Pests and diseases attacking hymenocallis

During cultivation, the flower may be attacked by diseases and pests:

Pest / diseaseManifestationsCausesRemedial measures
MealybugLumps of white in the sinuses of the foliage.Insufficient humidity.Spraying with a solution of Actara or Fitoverm.
ShieldBrown tubercles. Damaged areas of the leaf turn yellow or redden, subsequently turn pale, wither and dry.Excessive watering or lack of moisture.
AnthracnoseStaining the tips of the leaves brown and the appearance of black spots on the upper side.Excessive dampness of the earth.Cutting off damaged leaf areas, spraying with 1% or 2% Bordeaux liquid or a suspension of the drug Abiga-Peak. Biological product Alirin-B may help. The latter fungicide is considered to be low toxic.
StaganosporosisLines or stripes of red on the leaves and indented red spots on the bulbs.Uncontrolled hydration.Trimming foliage, removing the bulb from the ground, followed by washing with water, removing rotten sluggish roots, immersing the plant for 20-30 minutes in a solution of copper sulfate (0.5% solution), Skor, Ordan.

With proper care, the plant will delight with its flowering appearance.


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