Gloriosa: tips for planting and care


Gloriosa is a flowering plant that is part of the Colchicum family. Distribution area - tropical regions of Africa and Asia.

Gloriosa Description

Curly thin stems are formed from oblong tubers. Satin foliage, along the edges there are antennae designed to grasp the support. Color - bright green.

Flowers are solitary, with a diameter of up to 12 cm. Outwardly similar to lilies, have long wavy petals, bent up. The color is diverse, combines two colors, most often quite bright.

Types of Gloriosa

At home, you can grow several varieties of gloriosa:

RothschildDistributed in Africa, has a curly fast-growing stem. Negatively affects direct sunlight.Yellow-red with twisted petals.
CarsonA small culture with bright inflorescences.The center of the petals is purple-brown, yellow along the edges.
SimpleElongated and branched shoots reach 3 m. The foliage is lanceolate, bright green.It has several stamens and 6 wavy petals.
GrenaOutwardly resemble Chinese lanterns.The color is pale yellow.
Luxurious or gorgeousRecognize the most common decorative variety. Shoots reach 2 m. Lanceolate glossy foliage. Inflorescences form from the sinuses.Wavy red petals.
YellowEvergreen plant, up to 2 m high. The stem is branched. The foliage is lanceolate, green.Curved petals, yellow color.
CitrineLarge inflorescences externally resemble the Rothschild variety.Lemon yellow with reddish spots at the base.

Gloriosa care at home

When breeding gloriosa, special attention is paid to planting and care at home, focusing on the season:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingEast or west window. On the southern windowsill, only shading is placed during the high activity of the sun. Allowed to move to a glazed balcony or terrace. Bright diffused lighting.It does not need backlighting.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° С.+ 10 ... +12 ° С. At indicators above +15 ° C, a violation of the formation of flower buds occurs.
HumidityThe optimal indicator is 70-80%. Frequent heavy spraying. The pot is installed in a tray with moistened pebbles and expanded clay.Humidity level - 65%. The plant is moved away from heating appliances.
WateringAfter drying the soil 1/3. Once every 21 days.Stop it.
Top dressingOnce every 7-10 days.Suspend.


Gloriosa is transplanted annually. The optimal time is the beginning of spring, immediately after wintering. Its small tubers allow the use of low and wide ceramic containers.

Do the soil yourself, choosing the suitable option:

  • humus, leaf and soddy soil, peat, coarse river sand (4: 2: 4: 1: 1);
  • compost, leafy earth, vermiculite, chopped moss (4: 2: 1: 1).

Having prepared the soil, they proceed to the planting of gloriosa:

  1. An expanded clay layer equal to 4-5 cm is placed at the bottom of the vessel, and then the substrate is 3-4 cm.
  2. The earth is slightly moistened with a spray gun and waiting for it to be absorbed.
  3. A support is installed in the container.
  4. The tuber is placed there, the growth point should be directed upwards (if there are no buds on the flower, then its planting is meaningless). From above it is covered with a layer of soil of 2-3 cm. Moisten again.
  5. Provide heating from below, gradually increasing the indicator to + 15 ... +20 ° С. Bright lighting is needed. Before the formation of the first sprouts, the plant is only sprayed, and the ground is not watered.

Rest period

At the beginning of autumn, the flowering of gloriosa ceases, but within a few weeks it still saves its greens. Next, yellowing of the foliage, drying of the stem occurs. The aerial part of the flower dies, but the root system continues to be nourished. During this period, you need to reduce the frequency of watering.

When the leaves are completely dry, the application of water is stopped. There comes a period of rest. The part of the plant that is located above the ground is cut off, but there are several options for what to do with the tuber:

  1. Store without primer. Trim the top, and then carefully remove the flower from the pot. The tuber is cleaned of old soil and placed in peat or moss, and then in a cardboard box or paper bag. Storage is carried out in a cool room, at a temperature of + 10 ... +15 ° C. In spring, the tuber is moved to the pot.
  2. Keep in a container. Remove the entire aerial part of the flower and transport the vessel to a warm, dry place.

The temperature is the same as when stored without land. At the end of winter or in March, gloriosa is transplanted into fresh soil.

Choosing the option of storing tubers, it is worth noting that when in a pot the flower wakes up faster, and when wintering without soil, development is slowed down.

Gloriosa propagation

It is carried out using seeds and daughter tubers.

When grown by the first method, the plant develops slowly. And the first flowering is observed only after 3 years. Seeds up to 2 months old are suitable, because they quickly lose their ability to germinate.

Having prepared the material for propagation, follow this plan:

  1. They produce artificial pollination - they use a soft brush and transport pollen from the stamens on the stigma of the plant.
  2. When the formed fruits crack, they take out the seeds and leave them in the Zircon or Epin biostimulant for several hours.
  3. Seeds are planted in small containers filled with a mixture of peat, turf soil, coarse sand, perlite and vermiculite, all components are taken in the same amount. They are distributed on the surface of the earth and buried by 2-3 mm. Top spray with a spray gun.
  4. The boxes are covered with a film on top. The first shoots will appear in 20-25 days, at this time every day for several minutes open the greenhouse to prevent the formation of rot.
  5. After the appearance of 2-3 permanent leaves, the flowers are planted in separate containers.

The mother tuber is divided at the beginning or middle of spring, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Medium-sized pots are filled with a mixture made for gloriosa.
  2. The substrate is moisturized and small recesses are created.
  3. In the made holes, the tubers are placed with their kidneys up and then sprinkled with earth on top, a layer of 2-3 cm.
  4. The vessels are transferred to mini-greenhouses or placed in polyethylene. Provide bright diffused lighting, heating from below (well placed above the battery) and temperature conditions within + 23 ... +25 ° С. Watering is performed only after the formation of the first sprouts.
  5. If necessary, the shoot is attached to the support. In spring, the plant is transplanted into the ground for adult gloriosa.

Gloriosa care problems, diseases and pests

Gloriosa can be attacked by diseases and pests, and improper care leads to certain problems:

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
Blanching foliage, stretching shoots.Bad light.They are placed closer to the light source, in the winter they are illuminated with phytolamps.
Slowing growth, darkening of leaves.Sharp temperature jumps.Protect from drafts. If the flower is on the windowsill, then you can not open the windows.
White coating on foliage.Watering with hard water.Before use, the water is defended and filtered.
Lack of flowering.Lack of lighting, tuber damage during planting, lack of wintering.Correct the conditions of detention.
Yellowing of the leaves, the tips become brown.High or low humidity.Normalize humidity, avoiding sudden jumps. Throughout the entire cultivation of the flower, optimal indicators for it are maintained.
Wilting shoots, loss of elasticity.High humidity, decay of the root system.Correct watering, eliminate rotting by removing damaged roots.
Brown plaques on leaves and shoots.Shield.The pest is removed manually. Spray with any insecticide.
Twisting and wilting of young shoots and foliage, there are many green insects.Aphid.The plant is sprayed with Fitoverm or Actellik. Also, the leaves are wiped with soap suds.
Fading foliage and the formation of yellow spotting, there is a white web.Spider mite.Remove the pest-affected foliage. Sprayed with Actellic. Increase the frequency of spraying, the tick negatively refers to high humidity.
Withering of leaves, loss of elasticity by shoots, and then their death.Root rot.Tubers are removed from the soil, cleaned off damage, treated with activated carbon. Transplanted into fresh, pre-sanitized soil.

Mr. Summer resident warns: Gloriosa - a poisonous plant

The plant has poisonous properties, so it is strictly forbidden to eat. When it enters the esophagus, it negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, the general condition worsens, migraines develop, and nausea and vomiting are possible.

To prevent poisoning, the flower is placed away from children and pets, in their case, poisoning can even lead to death.

In contact with gloriosa, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rubber gloves should be worn when working with it.

Subject to all the rules for caring for a flower, it will delight you with a healthy look and beautiful flowering. The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of irrigation and fertilizing.


Watch the video: How to grow Gloriosa Lily Climbing Lily or Flame Lily (October 2024).