Oxygen or oxalis: description, care features


Oxalis (oxalis) is a herbaceous plant that is part of the Acidic family. The distribution area is the southern regions of America and Africa, Mexico.

Description of Oxalis

Perennial, 15-35 cm high. Instead of a trunk, there is a creeping rhizome. Outwardly, it resembles clover, because the foliage is just as small and with a triple shape.

The fruits are in the form of a five-nest box, light brown, length - 1 cm, width - 50 mm. The flowers are single, the color is white and light pink, the center is yellow.

Types of acidity and features of caring for them

At home, you can grow such varieties of sour acid:

ViewDescriptionFlowersCare Features
TriangularShapedly located ternary compound leaves fall and rise taking into account the time of day (plate vibrations are similar to butterfly wingspan). Color - dark purple.Small, purple.Undemanding in care, there is no dormant period. Do not allow drying of the soil or stagnation of water. For weight gain, in the autumn-winter season provide forced wintering. To do this, reduce the frequency of watering, cut the trunks and move the flower to a cool room.
Regnella (triangular moth)3-ply saturated green foliage.Small, white.Unpretentious appearance, can be without watering for about 10 days. Perform regular pinching of the leaves to give the plant splendor.
GlandularThe most popular garden species, grows up to 10 cm. In shape - a compact shrub with decorative bluish-green foliage.Pinkish-lilac with raspberry streaks.Provide moderate watering and regular pinching.
DeppThere are 4 green plates on the handle, on the base they have a dark pattern. They grow to 35 cm.Saturated pink, collected in inflorescences.In winter, they create shelter, because the plant does not tolerate subzero temperatures. Watering is moderate.
VariegatedIn the shape of a candle, the color is white with a scarlet border.Perform regular pruning. They feel comfortable in arid areas.Perennial with needle foliage.
CarobBrown cherry leaves.Small, yellow.Refers to weeds, therefore, care is not required. Gardeners only control the growth of the plant to prevent its total growth.

Oxalis home care

When caring for acid, you should focus on the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Lighting and locationA window located on the west or east side of the building, garden oxalis is placed in partial shade. The light is soft and diffused, exposure to direct sunlight causes burns.Penumbra. There is no need for additional lighting.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° С.+ 14 ... +18 ° С.
HumiditySprayed in the morning and evening.The humidity level is 45-50%. Do not spray.
WateringAbundant, immediately after drying of the top layer of the earth. 1 time in 2-3 days.Once every 14 days.
Top dressingOnce every 2-3 weeks. Apply universal fertilizers.Do not contribute.

Rest period

The duration of wintering is 1-1.5 months. Flowers suspend their growth, but the foliage does not fall. At this stage, watering is reduced or completely stopped (you need to look at the state of the plant). Indoor varieties are transported to a cool and dry room.


Flowering, if the acid is guaranteed to be of high quality, can begin at any time of the year. For this, after the end of the usual period of the appearance of the buds, an artificial wintering is created. After a month, the acidic is transplanted into new soil, watered abundantly and placed in a well-lit place. Flowering occurs after 30-40 days.

Transplant Features

Oxygen is a fast-growing plant, and therefore needs an annual transplant. The optimal time is the end of February or the beginning of March.

At the same time, they replace the soil and try to handle the bulbs as carefully as possible. Oxalis is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dry foliage.

Oxygen requires the lightest substrates. With the independent creation of soil mixtures, it is recommended in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2: 1 to take the following components:

  • sheet, turf, humus and peat soil;
  • fine sand.

Oxygen can not be grown one onion, so 8-10 pieces are placed in a container. Planting material is buried in the soil by 1 cm.

A drainage layer consisting of expanded clay is required to be placed in the pot. After transplanting, the flower is moved to a cool room and limited to neat watering.

Outdoor Oxalis Care

Oxalis grows equally well both in partial shade and in open areas. The soil is selected fertile, loose and breathable. Preferred soil acidity is neutral or slightly acidic. If there is a need, then before planting a flower, dig up the soil, and then add peat and compost. Seedlings are placed to a depth of 3-4 cm, the distance between them should be 10-12 cm. Planting is recommended to be carried out in mid-April, in warm but cloudy weather.

Most often, oxalis has enough natural rainfall, but if drought is observed, then the bushes are watered with insignificant amount of warm water in the morning or evening.

Every few months, the plant is fertilized with diluted minerals or Korovyak.

In autumn, the flower needs to be prepared for wintering. To do this, mulch the earth at the rhizome. There is no need to worry about the terrestrial part of oxalis, because it will still dry out, but the tubers will remain alive and healthy until next spring.

Reproduction of oxalis

For the reproduction of acid, such planting materials are used:

  • bulbs;
  • tubers
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

The easiest way is to use bulbs:

  • the rhizome is removed from the container and washed in room temperature water;
  • the bulbs are carefully separated from one another;
  • the resulting planting material is placed for 15 minutes in any growth stimulator; Kornevin is considered a popular remedy;
  • the onions in a few pieces are placed in pots, and then the containers are transported to a warm place;
  • after the appearance of sprouts, the vessel is moved to a bright room.

Reproduction by tubers is carried out according to the same algorithm.

If the choice fell on the cuttings, then perform the following manipulations:

  • at the base, cut the stem;
  • remove excess foliage, only 2-3 should remain on the cuttings;
  • the process is placed in water;
  • after 2-3 weeks, the first sprouts appear, when they reach 1.5 cm, they are transplanted into loose soil.

The seed method of propagation among gardeners is not successful, since indoor varieties increase their numbers vegetatively, and garden plants - self-seeding.

Mistakes in Oxygen Care

During the care of oxalis, novice gardeners can make mistakes that, if untimely detected, can even provoke the death of a flower:

Effect on foliageCauseElimination
Color change.Bad light.A tank with acid is moved to a more lighted place.
Withering.Excessive watering.During the transplantation of oxalis, a high-quality drainage is created in the pot to remove excess moisture. Correct the watering mode. Oxygen is abundantly moistened only after the earth has dried in a pot.
The appearance of spots.Burn.The plant is moved to partial shade. Garden views cover with tulle.
Drying tips.Moisture deficiency, high temperatures, exposure to direct sunlight.In the warm season, the flower is occasionally sprayed with water.
Stretching leaves and trunk.Deficit of light.The elongated foliage is trimmed, and the sour is moved to a well-lit room.
Drying and dying.Natural process.The entire aerial part of the flower is cut off, and the sour is transported to a cool darkened room. In spring, oxalis will begin to grow.

Diseases, pests of oxalis and their control

During the growth of acid, it can be attacked by insects and diseases:

Pest / diseaseSymptoms External manifestations on the leavesCauseFight
Spider miteTwisting, on the inside there is a subtle white web.Dry air.The flower is treated with Actellic diluted in water. Repeat after a week.
AphidChange in shape, on the reverse side there is an accumulation of small greenish insects.In a glass of water add a tablespoon of liquid soap and stir. In the resulting solution, a cotton swab is moistened and all the affected areas of the flower are washed.
FusariumWithering, a white coating is present at the base of the stem.Excessive hydration, stagnation of water.The sour acid is removed from the pot and the roots are thoroughly washed. Rotten areas are cut to the level of healthy tissues. The plant is treated with Fundazole and transplanted into a new container with a high-quality drainage layer.

Useful properties of acid, use, contraindications

Among the beneficial properties of oxalis, the following actions are noted:

  • diuretic and choleretic;
  • antiparasitic;
  • purifying and wound healing (for external use);
  • anti-inflammatory and hemostatic (use ordinary sour acid);
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic and antitoxic.

But, despite such a great benefit of the plant, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • gout;
  • clotting problems;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pancreatic disease.

The plant has not only medicinal properties, but also has quite tasty fruits, so oxalis is widely used in cooking:

  • add to vegetable salads instead of sorrel;
  • cabbage soup is cooked on its basis;
  • fresh grass is added to refreshing drinks, this contributes to the quick quenching of thirst.

Oxygen contains the following elements:

  1. Oxalic acid. It has a positive effect on increased secretions of the pancreas and stomach. It plays an important role in hematopoiesis, and the body is saturated with magnesium, iron and potassium.
  2. Apple acid. It relieves constipation, improves metabolic processes, positively affects the quality of vision.
  3. Succinic acid. Prevents the formation of cholesterol, improves the body's resistance to the negative effects of drugs. Reduces the level of uric acid, which improves the condition of the joints.
  4. Folic acid. Participates in the formation of DNA, increases efficiency, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, participates in hematopoiesis.
  5. Vitamin A. Strengthens cells and the immune system. Contributes to the fight against malignant tumors, quickly regenerates skin cells.
  6. Vitamin C. Activates the immune system. It has anti-inflammatory effects, eliminates various viruses and microbes.
  7. Starch. It is among the well-absorbed carbohydrates, which are transformed into glucose, which is necessary for the synthesis of energy in the body.
  8. Routine. Strengthens capillaries, dissolves atherosclerotic plaques, restores the rhythm of the heart.
  9. Carotene. Prevents the penetration of harmful substances into the body, fights against early aging.

It has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. And these are not all the beneficial components present in the composition of sour.


Watch the video: Prayer Plant Time Lapse (October 2024).