Incarville: description, species, reproduction, care


Incarvillea is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Bignoniaceae family. Distribution area - the central and eastern regions of Asia, the Himalayas.

Description of the Incarville

Depending on the species, it is annual, biennial and perennial, grows up to 2 m. The root system is woody or tuberous, the trunks are erect, branched.

Foliage - unpaired palmate-dissected, has fine-toothed edges. Paniculate or raceme inflorescences consist of five-separated buds, corollas are tubular. Coloring - yellow, pink or red. The fruits are in the form of a polygonal bifid capsule, the seeds are winged, pubescent.

Types of Incarville

In indoor conditions, it is permissible to grow such types of incarville:

ChineseHomeland - East Asia. Flowering continues from early June until the cold weather.Refined, carved.Light green. Creamy yellow.
DelawayPerennial plant, the trunk reaches 60 cm. Negatively refers to frost.Pointed, up to 20 cm long.A variety of shades of pink. The core is tubular, yellow. Inflorescences are in the form of panicles, they consist of three buds.
Dense or largePerennial growing up to 30 cm. Blooms from May to August.Large, slightly pubescent.Twisted, diameter up to 6 cm. Color - purple, light pink. Petals fused, have a yellow base.
MayraLow perennial, frost resistant. The basal rosettes have elongated and strong petioles.Slightly dissected. Dark green.Large, pink. Tubular whisk yellow.
WhiteThey grow to 50 cm.Spiky.Snow-white, the center is yellow.
PinkBarrel height up to 1.5 m.Cirrus dissected, covering only the base of the stem.Small, pink. The diameter of the buds is not more than 2 cm.
White SwanGrows to 50 cm. Designed by breeders.Fern-like.Cream, diameter from 4 to 5 cm.

Incarvilla growing conditions and care features

When growing incarvilles, you need to choose the right place. The root system of the flower is sensitive to moisture, therefore it is recommended to plant on the slopes, rocky areas or in rock gardens. When a plant is placed in a flower bed or flower bed, its rhizome is raised above ground level. A suitable option would be nutritious sandy loam soil, the drainage layer is made of coarse sand.

The site should be well-lit, allow a small partial shade. The flower is protected from direct sunlight.

Incarvilleia needs moderate watering. It is forbidden to fill, this provokes rotting of the root system. But also it is impossible to suppose and drying out of the soil.

During the transplant, the plant is fed. The soil is filled with a complex of mineral or organic fertilizers (often use mullein infusion, which is advised to be applied during the period of active growth).

If planting and caring for the Incarville were correct, then the flower has excellent winter hardiness.

Propagation of the incarville

Incarvilla propagated by seed and vegetative methods.


When using the first method of breeding a flower, planting material is placed immediately in open soil. These actions are performed in March or September, and flowering is expected no earlier than next year.

To obtain buds almost immediately after planting, seedlings are used. In this case, the plant is more resistant to cold and will retain its appearance for a greater amount of time. But already in the second year there was no difference between the incarvilles planted in the form of seeds and seedlings.

When propagating by seedlings, planting material must be stratified. To do this, a few months before transplanting, the seeds are placed in a peat substrate, and then transported in refrigerators.

Provide a temperature of +5 ° C and hold a flower in it. Since the Incarville is placed in the ground in March, the above is done in January.

Land for seedlings is bought in a store; any soil mixture for garden plants is suitable. Also, the substrate is created independently by mixing the following components in equal proportions:

  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • coarse river sand.

The soil is subjected to heat treatment and for 30 minutes placed in the oven, set the temperature to more than +100 ° C. Then the earth is placed under gauze and held there for up to 3 weeks, for complete restoration of microflora.

If the planting period has come, and there is no specified time for waiting, then the soil is treated with a 0.2% solution of manganese acid and potassium salt, after which the soil is dried for several days.

Seeds are laid out on a slightly compacted soil, placed in a special box for seedlings, and sprinkled with 1 cm of sand (evenly moisten using a spray bottle). The container is covered with a film and provide a temperature of + 18 ... +20 ° C.

It is recommended to place seedlings on the south side of the house, but at such a distance from the heaters that the room was no more than +22 ° C. Caring for the seedlings is simple: flowers are sprayed daily from the spray gun and the film is removed for half an hour to allow fresh air to enter.

They dive into the Incarville when 3-4 permanent leaves appear on it. It is recommended to transplant in separate containers. Often use plastic glasses with a depth of 5-6 cm.

In open soil, seedlings are planted in June. About a month before this, hardening begins, taking the container with flowers out into the air for several hours.

The rest follows a simple scheme: on the first day, the incarvilla is left for 30 minutes, every next day - for half an hour more. The last 2-3 days, seedlings and do not enter the room.

For planting seeds in open soil, the best time is mid-April. Thus, the flowers get the maximum hardening and have high winter hardiness.

Vegetative propagation

Carried out by three methods:

  • leaf cuttings;
  • division of the bush;
  • tubers.


Cuttings are recognized as the easiest method of reproduction and are used in mid-summer. To begin with, they choose strong and healthy foliage, which is cut together with part of the stem, the length should not be more than 4 cm. Planting material for a day is placed in the Kornevin solution. In parallel, the soil is prepared, it is treated with potassium permanganate and left to dry for 24 hours.

Then the cuttings are planted in the ground and placed in greenhouse conditions. It can be a small greenhouse or a do-it-yourself fixture from a 5-7 liter plastic bottle.

As the plants grow, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle. The flowers are aired daily for 10-15 minutes. After the incarvilia has become stronger, it is planted in open ground.

Bush division

Carried out only if the bush is very thickened. The best time is March or September.

Initially, the plant is dug out of the ground and placed on a special substrate. Inspect the rhizome and remove weakened, diseased or dried areas. Using a knife or secateurs, the bush is divided into 2 equal parts, which have a healthy root system and young growth points. Plants are planted in new pots, deepening about 5 cm. A week before planting, the shrub begins to harden.

Old places are prohibited, since fungal infections often remain there. These areas are carefully dug to a depth of approximately 20 cm, and all injured and damaged rhizomes and possible foci of the disease are removed.


This method for flower propagation is used only when it is necessary to completely update the root system. The best time is mid-March. The site for the landing of the Incarville is dug up in the fall. At the same time, the soil is saturated with compost, humus or manure.

Before planting the flower, they again dig the soil, create holes and place tubers in them, deepen the growth point by no more than 5 cm. Water the next day, and then every 3-4 days. After applying moisture, the soil is carefully loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm.

At the end of June, the first leaves appear on such a plant, and in about a month flowering is expected. It will be fast and not abundant, but by the next year the Incarville will come into full force.

Mr. Dachnik warns: pests and diseases of the Incarville

During the cultivation of incarville, it can be attacked by such pests and diseases:

Decay of the root system.Withering and death of the plant.They are treated with fungicide solutions of Fundazole or Scor. Adjust the irrigation regime, reducing the frequency of water application.
Spider mite.Warping flowers and stems. White thin web.Spray with Actara and Actellik.
Mealybug.Withering leaves. The accumulation of white small insects.They are treated with Acarillic and Aktar acaricides.

With timely disposal of these insects and diseases, the plant will delight with its healthy and flowering appearance.


Watch the video: L'église d'Incarville (September 2024).