Passiflora: description, planting and care


Passiflora is a plant native to Colombia, also growing in Brazil and Peru. This representative of the Passionflower family has unique healing properties that were used by the Indians back in the 16th century.

Description Passiflora

The passion flower can be either a shrub or a herb with whole or lobed oval leaves. Flowers reach 10 cm in diameter, bloom on long elastic pedicels.

There are five petals and sepals; on the middle vein they have small processes. Passiflora fruits are passion fruit, some of them, for example, Passiflora Blue or Edible Passionflower, are eaten.

Types of Passiflora

Wild passionflower includes up to 400 species forms, but only a few of them are grown as indoor flowers.

IncarnataMedium-length medicinal liana.Large, purple, lilac or violet-white with a pink tint.Sweet and sour, medium sized. Deep yellow.
BlueTo 900 cm. An evergreen liana, is cold-resistant and unpretentious in leaving. Distributed in Latin America.10 cm in diameter, white, blue or purple.3-6 cm long, 4-5 cm in diameter. Ellipsoid, yellow. Consists of many red grains.
Edible800-1000 cm, dark green liana. Leaves 10-20 cm long with serrated edges.2-3 cm. Purple-white with a green middle.Edible, orange-green, spherical. Juice is used in cosmetology.
ChangeableFlowering plant with toxic unripe fruits, actively used in pharmaceuticals. The stalk is sinewy, fleecy.4-6 cm in diameter, gray, white or beige.Rounded, orange. Young reaches 2-3 cm in diameter. Mature is actively eaten.
Meat red900 cm, grassy branching vine. It features a long root system. Leaves up to 20 cm in diameter, rough.8-9 cm, the crown is covered with a fringe of purple color. The petals are purplish white.Green-yellow berry that falls off after ripening. Widely used in food production.
LaurelA stiff liana up to 1000 cm. Oval pointed leaves are covered with wax, reach 17-20 cm in length, 5-8 cm in width.Spherical, white-violet, medium size.Ellipsoid, 7-8 cm long, 3-6 cm wide. Orange-yellow peel and white transparent edible pulp with seeds.
TenderShrub or lianar representative up to 500-700 cm tall. Distributed in the Andes and New Zealand at altitudes of more than 3,000 m.6-8 cm. White-pink with a reddish tint. They are odorless.Reaches 12 cm in length, 5 cm in width. Contains sweet burgundy pulp with black grains. Edible.
ReedThe liana, woody at the base, is 400-500 cm. The stems are smooth, the leaves are heart-shaped 10-15 cm.7-10 cm, lilac-white, pinkish or red with a gray tint.6-7 cm in diameter, oval, yellow-red. The peel is smooth, the flesh is transparent with black seeds.

Passiflora Care at Home

In order for the perennial passion flower to actively grow and delight with its unique flowers, he needs to ensure proper care.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingTo place in the southern or western part of the room, avoiding direct sunlight. It can be taken out to fresh air in warm weather.Prevent drafts and excessively dry air. It is also necessary to prolong daylight hours with the help of phytolamps or luminescence.
TemperatureMaintain within + 22 ... +25 ° C. The maximum is +30 ° C, but at this value it is necessary to ensure the appropriate humidity.It is necessary to move it to cool air with indicators of + 10 ... +14 ° C, at a lower plant dies.
HumidityAbout 70%. Spray passionflower carefully every 2-3 days, avoiding contact with flowers.With a decrease in temperature, lower humidity accordingly to exclude the possibility of disease or decay.
WateringRegular but infrequent. Make sure that the soil does not dry out to the end, and expanded clay was sufficiently moist.Reduce to 1 time in 10 days. Especially the plant does not disturb.
FertilizerUse universal foliar top dressing every 1-2 months. Mineral fertilizers and organics based on moss, needles, peat and sawdust are also suitable.Maintain soil saturation, but without unnecessary need not to fertilize.

Growing Passiflora in the Open Field

Passiflora can also be grown on the site, if the appropriate conditions are met.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingGrow in a place accessible to sunlight, there should not be canopies on top. Best placed on the south side of the garden.With lowering the temperature to +15 and below, bring the container with the plant in a cool room (+ 10 ... +16 ° C), otherwise frost will destroy the vine shoots. Blue Passiflora can be left to winter in the open ground, it has a sufficiently deep and strong root to withstand the cold.
TemperatureApril-October is best suited for outdoor cultivation, in case of bad weather and sudden frosts, you need to move the flower to a warm room.+ 10 ... +16 ° ะก, if raised, the plant will lose all leaves and will not bloom.
HumiditySpray every day, remove drops if it comes into contact with flowers. On dry days, moisten twice as often.It should be reduced so that passionflower does not die. The air should not be dry.
WateringThe soil should be moist, especially carefully monitor it on hot days. Regularly from the moment new sprouts appear (early spring) until late autumn.Not more than 1 time per week, otherwise the plant will rot and die.
FertilizerStandard mineral or organic, to provide top dressing of the soil with peat tablets, ash or sand. Use drugs no more than 5 times during the growing season.Do not use.

Passiflora transplant

An adult passiflora is transplanted once every 3-4 years, when the pot becomes too small.

  1. First you need to prepare a substrate of sheet and turf land, peat, sand, ash.
  2. The capacity should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one, so that the roots of the plant feel comfortable.
  3. Make drainage holes at the bottom of the pot and put polystyrene, expanded clay or eggshell.
  4. Separate the earth ball from the old container with a disinfected knife and carefully place in a new one.
  5. Add the required amount of soil and water carefully.

Passfilora breeding methods

Passionflower is propagated by two methods: by seeds and vegetatively.

Cutting is best done in the spring.

  1. Prepare containers with drainage and substrate based on peat, needles and sand.
  2. Separate the shoots with 2-3 healthy leaves with sanitized scissors.
  3. Treat the cut sites with charcoal crumbs or cinnamon.
  4. Place the cuttings in individual prepared containers.
  5. Create greenhouse conditions: cover with a bag or film, ventilate, place on the sunny side, maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity.
  6. Once the sprouts form a strong root system, they need to be transplanted into standard pots.

By sowing, propagation is much more difficult. This method is good to carry out in the summer.

  1. First you need to damage the outer shell of the seed by rubbing it on fine sandpaper.
  2. Put in water for a day.
  3. Prepare nutritious soil with peat and spread the seeds on the surface of a common container.
  4. Press, but do not bury them in the substrate by more than 0.5 cm.
  5. Create greenhouse conditions: cover with a bag or film, ventilate, place on the sunny side, maintain a comfortable temperature (+22 ° C) and humidity.
  6. After a fairly long period (up to 1 year), the first shoots appear, then the coating needs to be removed and the passion flower should be transplanted into an individual container.

Pests, diseases and possible problems Passfilors


Leaf manifestation

CausesRemedial measures
The root and stems are covered with a dark dense coating.

Dry, fade.

Bacterial rot.Cut off the infection areas immediately, wipe with thick soapy solutions, and disinfect the soil.
Dried ends.Dry air, irregular watering.Increase soil and air humidity.
Small weak shoots.


Nutritional depletion, poor lighting.Place the flower in a saturated substrate, use phytolamps.
The stalk is dotted with brown stripes.Viral infection.Remove the plant from the site, otherwise the infection will affect other flowers. Can not be treated.
Sprouts and shoots die, characteristic spots appear.Shield.The most productive is Bi 58 or a soap solution.
Numerous small insects, wrinkled leaves, a fading stalk.Aphid.A solution of lemon zest, Actofit.
Thin web on the whole plant.Spider mite.Improve irrigation regularity, Neoron, Fitoverm.
White veins, the stalk is numb, dying.Thrips.Fitoverm, Aktara, Mospilan, Actellik or Calypso.


Watch the video: Passiflora caerulea - grow & care Bluecrown Passionflower (October 2024).