Types of cacti: description and characteristics


Cacti is a large family of carnation. A plant native to South and North America has spread widely around the world and has gained popularity among lovers of exotic flowers, due to the wide variety of species forms.

Description of cacti

The stem has unique modified branches - areoles, from which thorns grow, in addition, they serve as a place for the formation of children. Cactus buds also bloom from these buds. At home, the plant reproduces more often vegetatively and rarely blooms. Like other succulents, cacti are able to do without water for a long time due to the special structure and vital functions. So, the process of photosynthesis in them occurs at night, because during the day the stomata are closed to avoid fluid loss. The stem contains juices that nourish the areola. The root system is well developed and highly branched to absorb as much moisture as possible. Some representatives of cacti are actively used in food and pharmaceutical fields.

Varieties of cacti

From a biological point of view, there are 11 tribes and 4 subfamilies, which include Pereskievy, Maukhienievy, Opuntsievye and Cactus, combining varieties that are not included in previous subfamilies. However, lovers of indoor plants classify this plant according to other visual signs. For example, in appearance: tree-like, shrubby, liana, grassy. At the place of growth, cacti are divided into desert and forest, found in the tropics of South America. These varieties are a simplified version of 11 knees. If you call the habitat and outdoor characteristics, it immediately becomes clear what kind of representative.


This species is characterized by branching shoots of small length, lowered to the ground. A special feature is the flowers, abundantly covering the stems: they have a bright red-orange or purple color. A typical representative is Hilocereus, whose ripe fruit is called pitahaya and is actively eaten in tropical regions.


They are distinguished by a large massive columnar-shaped stem of a cylindrical shape branching in the upper part. The diameter of tree-like cacti can reach gigantic sizes, especially in the natural environment. Plants are able to be in active vegetation for more than 300 years, after which they stop developing, but live for a long time. At home, this is impossible to achieve. Many specimens, for example - Cereus, grow up to 25-30 m.


Most adapted to arid climate and direct sunlight. Their whitish spines are tightly linked and form a kind of web that protects the spherical stem and collects drops of moisture. Small size: 30-40 cm in height and 15-20 cm in diameter. A striking representative of this species is Mammillaria. It has gained popularity among cactus growers due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness.


Epiphytic plants twisting around the stems of trees. Their sizes depend on the length of the support, on average it is 5-9 m, stem diameter is about 2-3 cm. Bristle spines are brown or white. Having reached 3 cm, the areoles disappear, over time, new ones appear in their place. There are 5-8 ribs. This species is especially appreciated for its unique flowers. For example, Selenicerius has elongated bright yellow and beige rounded buds that, when opened, resemble the Sun.

Desert cacti

In order to survive in conditions of constant drought and rare rains, cacti in the process of evolution have acquired numerous traits, including needles and a dense stem. The root system of all desert species is pivotal, but varies in branching frequency and length. So, the roots of many representatives are able to occupy large areas, spreading small thin branches in search of moisture. Other specimens are characterized by a thick rod breaking through dry soil by tens of centimeters, due to which moisture is accumulated in large volumes. Another fixture is the comb. During the rainy season, with direct water intake, the liquid accumulates inside the cactus, so the ridge swells, acquiring a rounded shape. This helps maintain moisture and prevents cracking of the skin. Desert species include the following:

  1. Astrophytums. Between the long spikes there are many small hairs. It has a spherical shape and colorful flowers.
  2. Ariocarpus. Stems are flattened, creeping low.
  3. Gymnocalyciums. It may have pink, orange and red color, due to the lack of chlorophyll.
  4. Cleistocactus. Tightly covered with white spines. The flowers are bright, located at the top.
  5. Lofofora. There are no needles; it resembles a pumpkin in shape.
  6. Cephalocereus. Sharp, long, thin needles that look like hair.

Forest cacti

The structure of representatives of this group is significantly different. Most are epiphytes, growing on trees and stones, which serve as their support. There are parasitic species that feed on organic remains. The moisture of the plant is obtained using numerous aerial roots. In fact, there are no thorns; instead of them, villi appear on long dense stems. Forest specimens require soft diffused lighting and relatively high humidity.

  1. Ripsalis. The stems are smooth, narrow, rounded. The buds resemble bells.
  2. Epiphyllum. Fragrant flowers of various shades.
  3. Aporocactus. Reaches 2 m, has a silver color.

Types of Domestic Cacti

Not all cacti are grown at home. Many representatives need a special soil composition that cannot be recreated manually. In addition, some are able to reach enormous sizes, so their cultivation is not practical.

Flowering cacti

There are several species forms that can please the owners with beautiful bright inflorescences.

Echinocereus crestDense stem 20-25 cm, spines small, grow in a spiral.Large bright pink, purple, red or violet-yellow with a pleasant aroma.
Astrophytum CapricornLarge elongated ribs, rounded spines. In the early years it has a round shape, lengthens over time.Round, only mature cacti bloom. There are yellow and orange petals.
Notocactus OttoSpherical, elastic. The needles are large, straight.Variegated large varied color about 10-12 cm in diameter.
Tiny rebuciaMiniature species, grows up to 5 cm. Grows in colonies.Large yellow or red inflorescences cover the entire surface of the cactus.
CereusUp to 100-150 cm tall. There are varieties without thorns with a smooth juicy stem. It does not tolerate interaction with direct sunlight.Rounded, compact, white with a pinkish tint.

Leaf cacti

Such cacti got their name because of modified stems: they are flattened and elongated, in shape resemble small leaves. The main feature is unpretentiousness in leaving, therefore these plants are quite popular. The following species are considered to be sheet:

  1. Cactus Schlumberger or Decembrist. Low epiphytes blooming in winter.
  2. Ripsalidopsis. Shanks with numerous notches, symmetrical buds.
  3. Pereskia. It has natural leaves and needles. The flowers are large, orange.

Cactus cultivation

Cacti are great for growing at home. They are unpretentious and annually delight owners with beautiful buds. However, inexperienced gardeners at first difficult to achieve the appearance of inflorescences. With proper care, the plant is actively developing, children are forming. In addition to external signs: a thick fleshy stem and spherical shape, cacti have useful properties. They have a surface that absorbs light and light radiation coming from electrical appliances.

Soil and containers for cacti

Cacti need direct access to water, so the usual soil mixture is not suitable for them. The substrate should consist of large separate particles so that the fluid freely reaches the root system. In addition, the correct soil will ensure the free penetration of oxygen, which is important for the life of the plant. With a high nitrogen content in the soil, cacti die very quickly, so it is advisable not to allow mineral fertilizers that contain this substance to enter the soil.

Organic fertilizers also negatively affect the condition of the plant, cause weakness and disrupt the natural processes of metabolism. It is strongly not recommended to add humus to the substrate. Charcoal, crushed stone, sand and soddy soils are perfect.

To choose the capacity, you need to pay attention to the volume of the cactus root system. In some species, it grows strongly in small branches. The pot must correspond to the size of the roots, otherwise the plant will be crowded, and it will cease to bloom. In too large containers, cacti do not grow. Do not forget about the drainage placed at the bottom. It can be polystyrene, crushed stone, nutshell or expanded clay. After planting, the top layer should be sprinkled with pebbles, sand. The soil must be regularly loosened so that air penetrates to the roots.


This is a fairly easy event, which even a beginner cactus grower can carry out. However, you should adhere to a certain order of work:

  1. Before planting, you need to stop watering for several days, so that the roots can easily separate from the soil.
  2. First you need to prepare the container and fill it with soil about 1 3 of the total volume.
  3. Then carefully place the cactus in a small depression so that the entire root system is underground.
  4. Sprinkle the remaining space with river sand or ash.

Care for indoor cacti

SeasonThe necessary conditions
SpringThe period of active vegetation begins. The frequency of spraying must be increased slowly so as not to harm the cactus. With the resumption of growth, rare irrigation can be introduced. In late spring, with the onset of warm weather, plants should be placed outdoors. In this case, the pots need a little shade and gradually increase access to sunlight. It is recommended to make phosphate top dressing.
SummerMost species are at rest. Watering should be reduced. Fertilizing is also not recommended. Spray on hot evenings. In August, when cactus growth slows down, top dressing should be completely ruled out.
AutumnWatering should be gradually reduced; by November, the cactus does not need additional hydration. Plants placed in greenhouses and gardens should be brought indoors.
WinterCreate special conditions: cool air, medium or low humidity, good lighting. The plant does not need watering and fertilizer.

Read more in the article how to care for cacti at home.


Although cacti are not naturally demanding of regular hydration, full watering cannot be ruled out. Like any plant, cacti need fluid for normal life, but in limited quantities, otherwise decay will begin. With moisture, the root system absorbs important trace elements that ensure regular flowering and vegetation. Each species is characterized by its own amount of water, but there are general rules for watering:

  1. Use only settled liquid.
  2. It is recommended to moisten the cactus under the root or to carry out lower watering.
  3. Make sure that there is no stagnation of water, organize drainage.
  4. In the warm months to spend it in the evenings, in the cold - in the afternoon.
  5. Plants, the stem of which is covered with a wax coating, do not need spraying.

Top dressing

If you use a special substrate for cacti, which already contains all the necessary components, you can optionally not fertilize it. Otherwise, mineral fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus are best suited.

It is recommended to use liquid top dressing, mixing them with water and applying during watering during the period of active vegetation. Too often, the plant does not need to be fertilized, especially after flowering, when dormancy comes. Guano (decomposed droppings of birds and mammals) can also be used by adding to the soil mixture during planting, but to a limited extent.

Cactus transplant

The transplant should be carried out no more than 1 time per year in the spring or at the beginning of autumn, so that the plant has completely rooted and adapted to winter. The new capacity should be slightly larger than the previous one, otherwise the root system will not have room for development. Before planting, the pot and prepared substrate must be disinfected, eliminating the possibility of fungal infections. The soil should be moistened, the cactus should not be deeply buried, as with further watering, the stem under the soil layer will rot and die. The following hydration should be carried out only after 3-4 days.

The location of the pot is better to choose immediately, plants do not like frequent changes of place.

If the cactus does not bloom

It is quite simple to achieve the appearance of bright variegated buds, you just need to follow some rules:

  1. Do not turn the plant in different directions towards the light. In this case, the stem will be significantly curved, but the cactus will bloom for a long time.
  2. Work carefully so as not to damage the thorns and root system. Plants take a lot of effort to restore, so the buds may not appear.
  3. Do not abuse watering, especially in winter and autumn.
  4. When the buds begin to form, fertilizers are not applied, otherwise the cactus will dump the immature inflorescences.

Mr. Summer resident: tips for growing cactus from seeds

Breeding with seeds is a rather complicated but fascinating process that can take a long time.

  1. Soil and container must be decontaminated with steam or special solutions.
  2. Fill the pot with a prepared slightly moistened substrate, laying a drainage layer on the bottom.
  3. Seeds placed on top at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  4. Sprinkle with a layer of sand or ash.
  5. Cover the containers with plastic wrap or glass, place in a well-lit place.
  6. After two weeks, the first shoots will appear, then the shelter needs to be slightly shifted, but not removed, and the soil should be moistened with a sprayer.
  7. With the advent of the first needles, the film must be removed and the cacti planted in individual pots.


Watch the video: Cacti Identifications. Names of Cacti 30+ (September 2024).