Varieties of violets with names and photos


Often people confuse violets with another culture - senpolia. There are similarities between them, but still these are two different plants that have their own characteristics not only in appearance, but also in content (care).

So different violet flowers

Viola (garden violet) grows in open areas, and the senpolia is suitable only for indoor breeding, because it does not tolerate frost. The first type of flowers belong to the family Violet, and the second to the genus Gesnerieva.

Fragrant violet

Annual, in which the laying of the beginnings of stems occurs in the year preceding their growth. After ripening, thin stalks lower the inflorescence baskets to the ground. Thus, mature seeds lie under a bush.

The peculiarity of this variety is wintering with developed greens. He calmly tolerates cold, but in too severe frosts it is better to cover with spruce spruce branches to prevent freezing. Loves moisture, but can rot due to prolonged stagnation of groundwater.

Violet graceful

Perennial plant with rising shoots. Inflorescences up to 4 cm, blue-lilac or yellowish. Except Lord Nelson. It is dark amethyst, almost black. Flowering from spring to frost.


This is a houseplant, which is also called uzambar violet. This name is given because of the area in which it was found. And also because of the visual resemblance to a viola.

Classification and popular varieties of indoor violets (senpolia)

Senpolia is divided into:

  • Variegated with brightly colored foliage of any shades, the presence of edging. The first varieties had small flowers, later new hybrids with large inflorescences were bred.
  • Collectible with voluminous colors. Almost all of them are terry, with folds. Plates and inflorescences come in different tones. Such senpolis participate in exhibitions, collectors collect them.
  • Industrial, used for large-scale cultivation on special plantations. They are sold in bulk to decorate holidays, offices, office buildings. They do not need special care, they bloom for a long time.

Read more in the article indoor violet or Saintpaulia.

By type of leaf:

  • boy - completely green;
  • girl - there is a bright spot at the bottom of the base;
  • lance - elongated, with a pointed end;
  • spoon - with the edges folded up.

Also, there are plates:

  • flat, with folds or teeth around the perimeter;
  • plain or colorful;
  • strongly or slightly pubescent, smooth.

Saintpaulia with inflorescences of different sizes in cm:

  • mini (up to 6);
  • halfmini (up to 15);
  • medium (20-40);
  • large (40-60).

Classification by the number of additional petals:

  • half-terry - 1-2 pieces in the middle;
  • terry - a lot, have a different arrangement, are spherical or flat.

There is also a separation according to the type of petals:

  • Pansies: 2 in the top row, 3 in the bottom. Moreover, the apical ones are smaller.
  • Star: the same length, arranged evenly from the center.
  • Campanula: connected at the base. Because of this feature, the senpolia cannot fully reveal inflorescences.
  • Bowl: not overgrown, but the plant does not open them to the end.
  • Wasp: completely disconnected. Two are folded into a tube, and three elongated, hanging.

The size of the bush depends on the substrate: on nutritious soil mixtures and undersized senpolia grow to medium size.

There are also senpolia chimeras with a pronounced line of contrasting color on the main background. Such varieties are in demand among collectors.

Lions Pirates Treasure

The buds are pink with a strawberry hue. Covered with dirty purple spots and dots. Bubble green.

Melody Kimi

Embossed foliage around the perimeter. The flowers are simple. The 2 upper petals are bluish, the rest with a cut of the same shade.

The beauty queen

Emerald green forms a large basal bush. Inflorescences are bright strawberry with a pearl-amethyst tint.

Austin's smile

The plates form volumetric sockets. Flowers are star-shaped, single, lilac-coral with a dark lilac core and raspberry-cut.

EC Admiral

Flowers in the form of bells, cornflower blue, wavy. The leaves are pointed, dark emerald. Around the perimeter are creamy pink edging.

Robs dandy lyon

Inflorescences are large, bell-shaped. Painted in light green and beige. The foliage is dark malachite, with light snow-white variegation. Greens form sockets.

Boo man

A gentle bluish tone. The apical petals are pearl, sometimes greenish. The plates are spoon-shaped, dark emerald.

Ming dynasty

The flowers are bowl-shaped, highly corrugated with a strawberry or lilac hue. Greens with brightly manifested variegation, wavy.

Luna Lily White

The leaves are quilted, grassy in texture, and form a small basal bush. Inflorescences consist of semi-double snowy flowers.


The plates in the middle are variegated. Petals are folded into lilac tubes with embossed folds.


Inflorescences are amethyst-scarlet, reach 15 cm. Lime green.

Blue tail sail

Blue grade. Lower petals hanging, upper tubular. Foliage with a pile, forms a bag.


Pearl flowers are voluminous. Similar to cloves. The leaves are malachite, roundish.

Robs penny ante

The flowers are snowy, bell-shaped. In the middle is a deep azure peephole. The greens are light grassy.

Pink Sensation

Variegated variety with whitish-green foliage. The flowers are semi-double, whitish, star-shaped. In the center are large, slightly pink blotches.

Natalis Extravaganten

Inflorescences are lacy, white-lilac, with a greenish, chocolate or pinkish border. Malachite leaves with lateral variegation.

Modern Talking

Belongs to pansies. Flowers with frills, semi-double, white, around the perimeter of blue-violet-pink. Plates are flat, green.

Chain reaction

The buds are large, light pudding, with a soft lilac line in the center. It is strewn with impregnations of the same shade.

Queen sabrina

Coral flowers. On each petal there are thin amethyst stripes. The leaves are medium-sized, emerald.

Music of the rain

Buds of beige shade with lilac fringing. In the shape of a star, with a beam span of 7 cm. The entire surface is covered with azure strokes and blotches.


Malachite foliage with teeth. Flowers bright pudding tone. Along the perimeter are wavy whitish lines. The surface is strewn with cornflower-blue strokes and stains.

Currant Dessert

Semi-double, lush, star-shaped flowers. They have a border of unusual coloring, reminiscent of a shade of currant jam. Easy to grow.

Winter rose

Petals are bluish-violet, with a thin whitish frame around the perimeter. The mother bush conveys varietal traits well.


Plate with teeth, saturated emerald. Inflorescences are large, semi-double, sky-purple, with a wide fuzzy fringing of a whitish hue.

Alice Blizzard Baths

The flowers are small, pearl, with additional petals in the middle. The plates are heart-shaped, bright grass color.

Snow lace

Gives lush flowering. Fluffy buds of a snow-white tone with a bluish spot in the middle. Edging is light green.

The bride's bouquet

The flowers are star-shaped, white, wavy at the edges. This variety of saintpaulia resembles a wedding bouquet. Petals are monophonic: spots, strokes, inclusions are absent. It blooms profusely.


Buds with embossed folds, large, saturated pink with lilac dots. There is a thin fringing of light green color. With proper maintenance, it blooms profusely.


Large, double flowers of strawberry hue. Along the perimeter there is a lilac border with the finest, pearl line. Emerald greenery.


Spherical, fluffy flowers arise from light green rosettes. They are wavy around the perimeter. Grow close, it gives them the appearance of a huge bouquet. The variety is presented at flower shows.

Lilac charm

Rounded leaves are formed into a rosette. Amethyst flowers with a lilac core and dark edging. Grow on thick pedicels. The variety is very easy to maintain. Children will be able to look after him.

Favorite daughter

The serrated plates are rounded, dark emerald on the outside, crimson on the inside. The plant lifts them up closer to the sun. At the beginning of the formation, the flowers are dark, small. Then they brighten, acquire a purple color with a mother-of-pearl border. Flowering is colorful, you can observe 2-3 weeks.

Blue dragon

The buds are large, azure. Framed by a greenish-white line. The variety is capricious, with the slightest miss in care, it can become sick and wither.

Blue danube

Bred in Russia. Blossoms large celestial flowers. The leaves are opaque, embossed, with pointed ends. With intense lighting, regular watering grows rapidly.

Blue Lagoon

Star-shaped flowers of large sizes. Azure, with a cornflower spot in the middle and a purple border. It blooms for about 2 months. It does not require special care, even a beginner can breed it.

Lemon snow

Petals are pearl with yellowish touches. The center and edges are cast with lapis lazuli. Variegated variety: malachite plates with a snowy outline.


Variegated foliage: emerald hue with strawberry or whitish spots. The plates are bent around the perimeter. Apricot flowers with a lime frame.

Gift for a loved one

The decorativeness is greens: a rich grassy color with a whitish-strawberry border. Blue buds with purple cut. Participates in flower shows. Despite this, it is quite easy to care for him.


The leaves are malachite from the outer region and reddish from the inner region. Amethyst petals with a dark line in the center.


The shoots are underdeveloped. Leaves are heart-shaped, grassy. The inflorescences are bluish-lilac.


With emerald jagged plates. Star-shaped flowers with folds, blue splashes and strawberry strokes on a white background.


The greens are mottled, wavy. Inflorescences are magnificent, white. Corollas are decorated with light green fringe.

Fire moths

The leaves are oval, green. Corollas are fiery red or burgundy. The edging is wide, pink or snow-white. Border changes color during the growing season.

Magic of love

The flowers are lush, densely double, resemble pompons. Petals are stacked in a star. Beetroot coloring. A neat pearl line runs along the edge.

Rose of Wind

The flowers are pale lilac with a strawberry cut, which in some places acquires a greenish color.


Large-flowered variety. Petals are star-shaped, burgundy-amethyst with a whitish curved line around the perimeter. The leaves are simple, egg-shaped.

Ampel Senpolis

There are ampelous species: they have lush greenery, and shoots hang over the edges of the cache-pot. Planted in hinged containers. Such varieties have elongated and flowing shoots, many lateral processes.

The most popular varieties:

  • Trinket Summer Skies with malachite roundish leaves, bluish buds;
  • Robs Humpy Doo with light greens and pearl flowers;
  • Grotto with pubescent foliage, lilac-cornflower inflorescences;
  • Ramblin Dots with golden white leaves and lavender buds covered in purple;
  • Folin Snow with numerous small flowers of snow-white colors.

Miniature varieties

There are about 2,000 dwarf senpolia. Most popular:

  • Avatar - variegated, simple semi-double flowers, of a gentle heavenly hue.
  • My angel - pink inflorescences on powerful pedicels. Leaves are light green with a wide, pearl edging.

Popular varieties of garden violets (viola)

All varieties are winter-hardy, photophilous. The most popular of them:


It forms a dense bush up to 20-25 cm. The leaves are gray-green. Cherry buds, with a pleasant aroma, circumference up to 6 cm. There are bright red-brown spots on the 3 lower petals. Flowering can be observed in April-May and again in the fall.


Greens light grassy hue. Lemon inflorescences (13-15 pcs.) Occur on a high peduncle 16-18 cm. Flowering occurs in May.


Compact bush up to 18-20 cm. Golden canary buds. The bottom is a little wavy, with dark brown spots. Occur from April to June, again - in the last month of summer.

Grant Oregon Mixed Color

Grows to 20-23 cm. Emerald green. Inflorescences are red-yellow. The petals are wavy, the upper ones are the colors of red wine, the lower ones are sunny with a violet tone pattern and dark scarlet border. Flowering can be observed from April to August, again - the first month of autumn.


A small bush up to 20-23 cm. Lush flowering, from April to late spring. The flowers are white with a pleasant smell.


Dense bush with dark green foliage. The buds are deep blue, fragrant. The bottom is curved, with dark amethyst, almost black spots. At the peduncle, 24 flowers are simultaneously open. The period of their blooming: early spring, occur a second time in the fall.


With dark leaves, up to 15-16 cm in height. The upper petals are snow-white, the lower ones are purplish-lilac, velvet. It blooms in the second decade of spring.


One flower has several shades: sunny, pinkish, wine. Black eyelashes are located in the center.

Wittroka Terry Lace

Inflorescences are bright cornflower, with a black wide stripe. In a circle up to 8 cm.

Indoor and garden violets have a huge number of varieties. Every lover of flowering plants can choose for breeding variety to their liking. It is better for beginners not to opt for collection types, as caring for them requires certain skills and knowledge. It is advisable to start with dwarf or ampelous specimens. They are simpler to maintain, but very attractive and fragrant.


Watch the video: The Top Ten Most Beautiful Violet Flowers (September 2024).