Why geranium does not bloom and what to do


Geranium (pelargonium) does not require special care. For a plant to bloom, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions for it.

The main reasons why geranium does not bloom

Geranium at home begins to bloom in February or March. If she is properly looked after, she will delight with beautiful inflorescences until September. Beginning gardeners often complain that the bush does not bloom in a specified period of time.

The reasons can be different, usually they are associated with improper plant content:

  • unsuitable capacity;
  • heavy soil;
  • improper watering;
  • heat;
  • fertilizers;
  • lighting;
  • pruning.


Geranium is different from other indoor plants. The flower begins to bloom only after filling the roots of the entire pot. During this period, it is allowed to transplant the plant into another compact vessel. After adaptation, pelargonium begins to grow violently.

The soil

In the fall, the flower is returned home in a container along with the ground, into which it was planted on a personal plot. That is why geraniums do not grow. The soil must be replaced with fertile soil, sold in stores for gardeners or prepared by yourself.

To do this, mix sand, humus and garden soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.


Indoor geranium is considered a drought tolerant flower. The plant does not like very moist soil. Therefore, watering must be done when the earth in the pot is dry. Due to the large amount of moisture, the roots will begin to rot, the development of harmful bacteria is possible. It is required to defend tap water before watering, approximately 2-3 hours.


In winter, when flowering is interrupted, the ideal temperature for geraniums is considered to be +15 ° C. Maintaining her at home is not always possible. Pelargonium is mainly grown on the windowsill, sometimes taken out to the balcony. This is enough for a healthy flower to bloom again in spring.

In the summer months, it is better to plant the plant on a flower bed. Fresh air has a positive effect on it. Geranium begins to grow rapidly. It will bloom until the cold comes.


Geranium needs to be fed. The composition of fertilizers should include several important elements, phosphorus and potassium are mandatory. Prohibit the use of nitrogen top dressing. They cause an increase in foliage, which leads to a lack of flowering. Fertilizers are first dissolved in water, then sedimented. Watered once every half a month.


For a flower to please the eye with abundant flowering, it needs a lot of light. Lighting will be sufficient if the windowsill is located on the south side. Direct sunlight should not fall on the plant, it must be moved farther away from the window. With a lack of lighting in the apartment, geraniums can be kept on the balcony.


Autumn is best for this procedure. If the flower was constantly in the country, it is pruned before being transplanted into a pot. A compact bush during rest will get used to new conditions, give shoots, stretch up. In the spring months it will bloom again.

Sometimes it is not possible to cut the flower in the fall. It is allowed to carry out the operation in early spring.


The soil in the pot must always be changed. Due to lush flowering, depletion of the earth occurs. The flower is transplanted once for two years.

The operation is performed only in the spring months.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: advice from professional gardeners

In order for the pelargonium to bloom, a number of simple rules are required that provide the flower with normal living conditions:

  • Watering should not be very strong. Geranium does not like excessive humidity. On warm summer days this is done much more often than in the winter months. The signal is the top layer of the soil if it has dried out in the pot one centimeter deep. This is easily determined with a special stick.
  • It is necessary to water the dried soil from a bottle with a narrow neck. Water is poured near the walls of the pot, trying not to touch the stems and leaves. Excess water accumulated in the pan must be emptied.
  • Geraniums do not like frequent spraying. Only in dry weather, when there is intense heat, moisten the leaves using a spray bottle, carefully spraying water.
  • To achieve the flowering of pelargonium, it is watered with water purified from harmful salts. To do this, it is necessary to stand for two days. Sometimes a carbon filter is used. The fluid should be warm. From cold watering the plant begins to hurt, the roots rot.
  • A flower during flowering must be fed. In winter, when the plant is at rest, this is not done. To get a magnificent crown, it is better to add phosphorus compounds sold in specialized garden shops.
  • To get a long flowering, you need to constantly cut the stems, not allowing geraniums to grow in height. When the stem reaches up, the inflorescences of the flower will look faded, they will lose their natural beauty.
  • In order for the pelargonium to cease to stretch, it is necessary to cut off the extra branches, remove unnecessary leaves. This operation will help the plant build up strength to start blooming with colorful flowers.
  • Transplantation should be performed before flowering begins, or when it is completed. It is strictly forbidden to do this during the formation of new buds.
  • An clay pot is considered ideal for transplanting. This material passes air, so the soil will be constantly ventilated, the root system will not rot.

Amount of light needed

Pelargonium is a photophilous plant, but direct sunlight causes the emergence of new, unnecessary inflorescences. Therefore, the pot of geraniums should be kept away from the windowsill, which has a lot of sun. In the summer, it is allowed to keep pots with geraniums in the open air. The plant will receive much more light, however, care must be taken to ensure that sunlight does not fall on the flower.

Geranium refers to tropical plants that need a certain temperature. Pelargonium will always remain healthy if, in winter, a minimum temperature of +15 ° C is maintained. If the plant will be in a very warm room for a long time, it may stop blooming.


Watch the video: How to Get Geraniums to Bloom (October 2024).