Marigolds: growing and care


Marigolds are a genus of the aster family. There are both annual and perennial plants. Their homeland is America from Arizona and New Mexico to Argentina. The Latin name (tagetes) was received in honor of the god of the Etruscans, who appeared from the earth. In different countries they have different names: in Germany, Turkish carnation, in China a flower for thousands of years, in England Mary's gold, in Ukraine Chernobrivtsi is a national symbol.

Description and features of marigolds

Marigolds have straight stems and ribbed shoots. Despite the strong branching, the bush is compact, its height is 20-120 cm. The root system develops in a fibrous type.

Leaves are of several types, it depends on the variety: cirrus-separated, dissected and whole. They are located opposite each other or in the next order.

Coloring all shades of green, both light and dark. An elongated shape with a pointed end, reminiscent of feathers. Edges of a leaf plate with small teeth. Openwork greens.

Inflorescences located on the tops of the shoots resemble the shape of a medium-sized basket. There are simple, semi-double and terry. They are a cup of fused short leaves on a long leg. In the middle are tubular flowers with dark-colored corollas. Closer to the edge are false reeds with oval wavy petals. The aroma is specific. The colors are diverse: brown, red, orange, yellow and colorful, as well as white and greenish, which is present in varieties bred by selection. Flowering is plentiful from June to frost.

The fruit is a flat black or black-brown box. The seed is long, black and white, the germination period is 3-4 years.

Types and varieties of marigolds

About 60 species of marigolds are known, they are divided into groups according to the size of the bush and the structure of flower heads. The most common are three varieties. These are annual plants, on the basis of which many different varieties and hybrids are bred.

Rejected, French

Most popular among gardeners, often found in flowerbed compositions. The size of the bushes is average - 50 cm in height. An oblong leaf with a pointed end. Baskets are simple and terry, it depends on variety, medium-sized: 4 cm in diameter. Color scale: orange and its shades. Can be used as a houseplant or decoration of a balcony or loggia.


Size (cm)Features


Vilmorin26The inflorescences are graceful.Bright yellow.
Gold Copchen25The greens are dense, the flowers are small.Golden.
Gold Ball60Spreading bush. Half-terry baskets. Suitable for cutting.Saturated yellow.
Carmen30Large baskets 6 cm in diameter.The middle is yellow, with a stretch of color from red to brown to the edge.
Cherry bracelet25Thick bushes, good for balconies and flower beds.Red with a touch of ripe cherries.
Fire ball70Tall marigolds, original color.Red-brown turning into yellow.
Golden ball30The flowers are small. The plant withstands small frostsOrange golden.
Orange flame25-30Grow closely together.Orange with red splashes.

Narrow-leaved, mexican

The most unpretentious look in leaving. Perfect even for bad soil and shaded areas. Compact branched bushes of 20-50 cm, spherical in shape, with straight shoots and small foliage. The inflorescence is simple, the most common colors are yellow and orange. They are abundantly blooming, up to hundreds of buds can bloom.


Size (cm)Features


Golden Ring50Long flowering: from June to frost. Small inflorescences 3 cm in diameter.Bright yellow.
Gnome25Bushes grow with a dense carpet. The foliage is thick.The yellow middle and orange-brown edges of the petals.
gold ring50Long shoots, with small inflorescences at the ends.Sandy with brown spots.
Lulu30The leaves are thin, a neat bush is formed.Lemon and yolk color.
Paprika20-25Decorative variety, spherical shape. Repels pests from garden crops.Bright red with amber cores.

Upright, African

The largest variety, height 30-110 cm, large inflorescences: diameter 13-15 cm. The buds open late, in early July. Suitable for cutting.


Size (cm)Features


Lemon prince50-60Stems with a pink tint. The foliage is large dark green.Saturated yellow.
Bolero30A variety of gamma colors. Growing fast.Shades of red, brown. Golden.
Yellow stone100Branched bushes with highly developed shoots. It can be used as a houseplant.The color of the yolk.
Golden dollar110Tall but compact.Orange, bright red.
Alaska100Ball-shaped flower.With a creamy middle.
Kilimanjaro70-80The best variety for bouquets.White.
Popsicle30-35A great solution for planting in groups.Vanilla.

Other species

A few more species.

Radiant or clear

Perennial plant with straight stems, 40-80 cm high. The shape of the flowers is simple, and the leaf plate is narrow, they are collected, dried instead of tarragon.


Tall bush 90-120 cm, with dark green leaves. They have a citrus flavor and are used in cooking as a seasoning for fish and additives to baking.


Another name is lemon marigold. They belong to the species to giants, their height reaches 110-120 cm, they also have a large leaf plate up to 15 cm. The aroma of flowers resembles the smell of tangerines and attracts many butterflies.


The plant is found more in the wild and on agricultural fields as a weed. It tolerates an arid climate, unpretentious to the soil. Height is 8-50 cm.


It is a large bush from 50-180 cm, some reach a mark of 200 cm. The name was given in honor of small flowers 1.5-2.5 cm. The leaves are long dark green, have a strong smell.

Growing Marigold from Seeds

Marigolds are an unpretentious and fast-growing plant. The breeding of tagetes is done with the help of seeds.

The first method is seedling by sowing in open ground: in warm climatic zones this can be done already in April.

If spring turned out to be cold and there is a threat of frost, it is better to postpone planting until May.

The earth will warm up sufficiently at this time, and the temperature will not fall below +5 ° C. You need to plant in the holes at a distance of not less than 1.5 cm from each other and to a depth of 3 cm. Sprinkle on top of the ground, the layer height is at least 1 cm. If, after emergence, the shoots grow densely, they need to be planted. Adult plants will delight in flowers in mid-July.

Preparing marigold seeds for planting

Another option, suitable for cool climatic zones, to grow seedlings. This is best done in early spring, so young marigolds will begin to bloom earlier. The very first to sow upright in mid-February and March, and after small-leaved and stunted in early April.

For the initial planting, you need to purchase seeds. After they can be collected from grown plants, waiting for the boxes to dry. However, it should be remembered that many cultivated varieties are hybrid and some newly grown plants can inherit only part of the traits from their parents.

For better germination, soaking is suitable. Planting material is laid out on a saucer or on a cloth and moistened. Next, cover with plexiglass or film and placed in a warm place for 3-4 days.

Read more about growing seedlings in the next section.

Growing Marigold Seedlings

It is necessary to sow in pots with prepared loose soil. Its composition: humus, turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5. The earth also needs to be prepared - disinfect with manganese, the solution should be strong dark pink. You can still shed boiling water and allow the substrate to cool. At the bottom of the tank there must be a layer of expanded clay with a height of at least 3 cm. At this stage, the application of any organic fertilizer is useful, only manure is contraindicated.

It is necessary to prepare the grooves at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other and distribute the seeds in them. Sprinkle with a small layer of soil and carefully pour. The temperature for the emergence of seedlings should be within + 22 ... +25 ° C. Sometimes you need to check that the soil does not dry out, however, too wet should not be too. After 7 days, after the first sprouts you need to rearrange in a cool place. The thermometer should be no more than + 15 ... +18 ° C. After 14 days, organic matter is added to the soil again.

Gradually, you need to accustom the shoots to the environment and ventilate the container, removing the lid or polyethylene for a short while. This procedure will also avoid diseases such as the black leg. When all the seeds hatch, the package is removed.

As soon as the seedlings are a little older, they can be carried outside for several hours. From this seedlings will become more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

If the young sprouts are closely in capacity, it is necessary to pick. To do this, you need to prepare another pot in advance with the same soil. Make deepenings in it and carefully, capturing a small earthen lump, transfer the sprouts to a new place. It is better to perform this operation when the soil is wet, this will help not damage the root system.

Marigolds also feel good in crates and containers. They need a little land for growth. If you plant bushes in the fall in the spring, you can observe flowering.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The plant prefers fertilized neutral soil: pH 6.0-7.0. For drainage, compost is added to the selected area, this will help enrich the roots with oxygen. If the soil is lean, it is necessary to feed young plants, during their growth, at least 2-3 times.

To determine the readiness of seedlings for moving to a permanent place is simple: at least 3-4 real leaves should grow and powerful roots should form. The term for transshipment in open ground is the end of May or the beginning of June.

The location of marigolds in the flowerbed depends on the species and variety. Dwarfs can grow at a distance of up to 20 cm from each other, medium-sized 30 cm, and giants at least 40 cm. When planting, the stem must be deepened by 1-2 cm in the soil.

Garden Marigold Care

Caring for plants is not a big deal. They grow well in lighted, sunny or slightly shaded flower beds. This is noticeably reflected in the size of the flower. The optimum temperature for proper development is + 20 ... +23 ° C. At values ​​below +10 ° C, plant growth may slow down or even stop, and the color of the green will turn pale. It is necessary to protect the bushes from the cold wind, they do not like drafts.

Abundant and regular watering is necessary in the active phase of growth of young seedlings. Then, soil moisture is reduced to prevent rotting of the root system and damage to fungal diseases. Due to the high humidity, the bushes may even stop blooming. It is better to pour water not from above, but under the root of plants, this will protect from the appearance of pests.

Due to their origin, marigolds easily adapt to drought. But with very poor watering, flowering slows down, and the size of the buds becomes smaller.

Plants positively perceive top dressing, any complex one bought in a specialized store will do. It should be entered in 3 stages:

  • Young seedlings reached a height of 10-12 cm.
  • The formation of the first buds.
  • The beginning of flowering.

However, fertilizers need to be applied no more than once every 30 days, due to the abundance of minerals in the soil, the plant will increase its green mass and will not bloom soon.

The earth around the flowers must be loosened, weed and weed removed. To form neat bushes in the summer, you can perform corrective pruning. To prolong the formation of buds, blooming peduncles must be removed.

With the onset of frost, the plant in the flower bed wilts and dries. After that, it can be removed.

Marigolds, due to their unpretentiousness and decorative appearance, are used in landscape design. The optimal solution for placing bushes will be their distribution in the flower beds in height, the lowest in the foreground, and the largest in the center. You can also choose a variety by color, for example, make a composition of yellow or orange.

Another option is the combination of several shades in one box or pots. Solid and colorful marigolds look good.

They feel great together with large bushes, herbaceous plants and with all flowering annuals.

Diseases and Pests

From the time of planting velvet to the appearance of the first flowers, 2 months pass. If there are no buds after this period, it is possible that the care was carried out incorrectly, the plant was attacked by pests or simply fell ill. To find out the causes of malaise and find a solution, the table will help:




BlacklegDamage to young plants and seedlings.Watering seedlings and bushes with a pale pink solution of manganese. Use of fungicides, dusting of soil with ashes. In severe cases, plant transplantation.
Gray rotHigh humidity, dampness, too dense landing. The use of manure as an organic fertilizer.Diseased bushes are best pulled out and disposed of. Prevention: weeding, loose soil, good moisture permeation.
Viral infectionBacteria in the soil.Removing damaged plants.
Fungal infectionWaterlogged earthen lump.
Spider miteDry air.Regular watering, spraying leaves with tobacco tincture: for 3 l 200 g, keeping for 2 days, then dilute with water to the amount of 10 l and add 50 g of soap.
WhiteflyHot weather, cultivation in closed greenhouses with low humidity.Spraying with drugs: Aktara, Fitoferm, Spark.
Snails, slugsDamp weather, excess humidity.Manually collecting pests, spraying the earth around the plants with mustard infusion.
ThripsLack of care and prevention.Special treatment: Malathion, Spinosad or Thiamethoxam.
CaterpillarsUse of chemicals: Commander, Fufang. Sprinkle leaves with ashes.

Marigolds are not only suitable for planting on flower beds or containers, they look great in the front row in the garden. A specific smell of flowers repels pests from vegetables, helping to preserve the crop. Protect from fungal diseases, such as fusarium.

From them make infusions that protect against aphids. To do this, crush any parts of the plants, fill a 5 liter bucket to half and fill it with hot water. Insist in a dark place for 2 days. Then add 30-40 g of liquid or bar soap and spray fruit trees, cucumbers or cabbage.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: healing properties of marigolds

Marigolds are used not only as a plant for the garden, but also as a food supplement. In Mexico - the birthplace of a flower, it has long been used not only as a seasoning for meat delicacies, but also as a substance that can help the gastrointestinal tract digest heavy protein foods. Water infusions also affect the function of the pancreas, prevent the formation of diseases such as pancreatitis or diabetes.

The plant is rich in essential oils, which contain useful micro and macro elements, vitamins. Marigold hoods can be purchased or made analog at home. Grind the flowers and add oil, preferably olive based on a 1:10 ratio. Settle for eight hours, and then warm up in a water bath for 30 minutes and pour into opaque glass vials. Apply for burns and skin diseases.

In the fight against internal parasites, fresh flowers are used, 2 pcs. after dinner for children and 5 for adults. And the infusion: 1 tbsp. l chopped inflorescences pour 300 ml of boiling water, stand for 30 minutes. Further, the reception is carried out according to scheme 2 of Art. l three times a day.

For the treatment of joint pain: take 20-30 inflorescences per liter of boiling water. Up to 2-2.5 liters of the resulting liquid can be consumed per day. Treatment is carried out from one and a half to three months.

Prevention of vision loss in computer specialists, drivers: the use of fresh flowers or the addition to salads.

In case of metabolic disorders in the body: boil for 3 minutes 5 fresh inflorescences in a liter of water. Then drink before eating 1 tbsp. twice a day, 2 courses a month, with a weekly break between receptions.

For cosmetic purposes, use balms that protect the delicate skin of the lips in cold and windy weather. Recipe: olive oil 3 tbsp. l., almond (apricot) 12 gr, 2 tbsp. l ground flowers mix and insist 14 days.

There are few contraindications to the use of the supplement: allergic reactions, personal intolerance and pregnancy.

Marigolds are unpretentious garden flowers. Bright coloring, variety of varieties made this plant not only an ornament of flower beds, balconies and window sills, but also an indispensable assistant with pests in the garden. The use of infusions and decoctions of inflorescences, in turn, helps to improve health and cure diseases.


Watch the video: Caring for Marigolds (October 2024).