The software package "For summer residents"


A special package of electronic encyclopedias for summer residents. The package includes three programs: Your garden + Garden; Home canning and home winemaking. Today, almost all have garden plots. The encyclopedia "Your garden + garden" will become your universal adviser in gardening, will reveal its tricks and wisdom, will help to acquire certain skills in agricultural techniques of growing and conducting protective measures for the care of plants. The program is equipped with an automated lunar-sowing calendar, which will tell you which crops are best planted (transplanted) today or on any day of interest.

And yet, no one, perhaps, will argue that during the long winter there is nothing tastier and more aromatic skillfully and lovingly prepared homemade cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant and cabbage. These and many other recipes, as well as a detailed description of canning technology, can be found in the electronic encyclopedia Home Canning.

Discover all the mysteries of cooking wine and other alcoholic beverages at home! A lot of different recipes, descriptions of raw materials and how to prepare and store them, information of a literary and historical nature, humorous masterpieces of folk art - and all this is only about wine, winemaking and everything connected with it.

Interface languages: Russian
Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Delivery method: electronic delivery

You can purchase a licensed version of the program here - the price is 855 ₽.
