Galbena nou grapes - description of the variety, especially planting and care


The cultivation of grapes has recently become available not only to the residents of the southern regions of our country - to those lucky people who previously could only be envied. Today, a passion for viticulture is popular in many central regions, and northerners can get crops from frost-resistant varieties. Galbena Nou grapes - popular due to its unpretentiousness and ability to survive in harsh winters.

Variety breeding history

The Galbena Nou grape variety was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture in the city of Novocherkassk relatively recently and has not yet been included in the state register of selection achievements. It is also known to winegrowers under other names - Yellow New and Zolotinka. Galbena nou was obtained by crossing the nutmeg Frumoas Albe and the unpretentious, resistant to various diseases, variety Rapture.

The berries of the Galbena Nou grapes become ripe when ripened

Description and characteristics of the variety Galbena know

Galbena know table grapes are an early ripening variety. The growing season lasts from 110 to 120 days. Powerful large bushes give strong shoots ripening over the entire length. Bunches of conical regular shape reach a weight of 600-700 grams or more. The berries are round, large, weighing 7-9 grams, in a bunch are in a free, uncompressed state, so they do not deform. Color ranges from light green to golden white. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, pitted, with excellent taste and aroma. Sugar content increases as it ripens and reaches 16-17 g / cm by harvest3.

The Galbena Know grape cluster looks like a regular cone

Subject to all the rules for growing and forming bushes, the Galbena nou variety is resistant to fungal diseases and to pea - shredding of fruits. With good care - stably productive. With shelter able to withstand temperature drops to -25about. When freezing fruit buds, it is well restored and forms a crop on the side shoots.

Galben know fell in love immediately, as soon as we had a seedling. It took root well and grew quickly - in two years it turned into a completely adult plant. Already in the second year two brushes matured, and we managed to try it. Very sweet, pleasant and just wonderful taste, unfortunately, was appreciated not only by people, but also by wasps. The skin of the grapes is thin, quite tough for these sweet lovers. While the grapes are young, the clusters can easily be wrapped with gauze or a fine net, but as they grow, when there are a lot of clusters, this becomes problematic. In the fight against wasps, traps were very convenient. I make them from ordinary plastic bottles - cut across into three parts, remove the middle one, and turn the top one with the neck down and insert it into the bottom. The trap is ready, it remains only to pour a little any syrup or water with jam into it and attach it to the vineyard.

Falling into a trap, wasps cannot get out

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Galbena know was appreciated not only by experienced growers, but also by beginner gardeners. This is not surprising, since with minor flaws the variety has a number of significant advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • early fruiting - the first crop can be harvested already in the second or third year;
  • frost resistance;
  • ease in reproduction - good rooting and survival of cuttings;
  • undemanding care;
  • good transportability and keeping quality of fruits.

Video: Galbena Nou grape variety

The disadvantages of the Galbena know variety include its tendency to overload with fruits. For experienced winegrowers, this is not a problem, but beginners will have to study the methods of forming a bush and other methods of rationing so as not to lose crops due to the chopping of fruits. Otherwise, if the landing site is chosen correctly and the basic techniques of agricultural technology are followed, this variety will not cause much trouble.

Features of planting Galbena Nou grapes

Planting Galbena know is not much different from other grape varieties. It is necessary to choose a place - sunny, preferably not blown through with a through wind and with a bed of ground water no closer than 2 meters. Grapes grow well near the south wall of the house or barn. When planting Galben know, it is important to consider the size of an adult plant. Since this is a vigorous variety, it is necessary to plant it at a distance of 2.5 -3 m from neighboring plants or buildings.

Enough space is needed for the powerful Galbena Know bushes

In the southern regions, Galbena nou can be planted in spring and autumn. In the spring - after warming the soil, in the fall - a month before the onset of frost. In areas with harsh winters, it is better to plant grapes in the spring, when the threat of return frosts passes. Over the summer, the seedling will take root and prepare for winter.

Features of growing grapes Galbena know

Galbena know does not require much effort from the gardener when growing. Like other varieties, this grape needs timely watering and top dressing, cultivating and removing weeds.

Mulching the soil around grapes is a very important technique. Immediately after planting, you need to cover the surface of the soil with peat, rotted sawdust or hay. Mulch will prevent cracking of the soil and reduce moisture loss. By mulching the plantings, you save yourself the need to loosen and weed out weeds.

Despite the fact that Galbena know is rarely affected by fungal diseases, preventive treatments are necessary for this variety. In the spring, before the buds swell, you need to spray the plants with a solution of copper sulfate - 10 g of the drug, diluted in a bucket of water. The fungicides Oxychom and Paracelsus are also suitable for these purposes. The second treatment must be carried out after the beginning of fruit setting, the third 25 days before harvesting. The preparations divorced according to the instructions will protect the grapes from such an unpleasant disease as oidium.

The matured Galbena Know grape vines tolerate winter well. However, they also need shelter and the stronger the frosts, the more seriously you need to cover the bush.

The nuances of pruning Galbena know grapes

Given the growing power of the bush, Galbena Know needs the right pruning. The procedure is carried out in the fall, at the end of the growing season. Shoots are usually shortened by 5-10 buds, but lower pruning is also acceptable - by 3-4 buds.

Pruning young bushes of grapes - in the first and second years

The tendency of the variety to overload dictates its own rules for rationing fruiting. In the spring, you need to remove the extra brushes, leaving one or two to escape. However, there are some nuances here, because underloading also has a negative effect on the crop. The required number of fruit buds for the bush is determined empirically. This takes into account the age of the plant, its condition and climate. Whether the bush was overloaded or underloaded with fruits can be understood next year. In the first case, a lot of thin underdeveloped shoots will appear on the plant and then the bush needs to be unloaded, in the second - on the contrary, long, thick, so-called fattening vines signal that the load needs to be increased.

For good fruiting, you must remove all unnecessary brushes

Reviews of the variety Galbena know

Zolotinka (Galbena Nou) is one of the most delicious varieties on my site. The impressive size of the brush and berries does not differ, but it looks good. The brushes are neat, without peeling. The berries are yellow amber, with a nutmeg taste. There are no particular problems, protection against diseases - according to the general rules (I process 4 times, like the whole vineyard). Separate vines can grow up to 4-5 m. I got grapes in 300-400 gr .



Excellent light colored variety with nutmeg taste. Strong-growing, steady, frost-resistant. It is one of the best in terms of total merits. It does not differ in particularly large sizes of clusters and berries. The variety is very good and there is no need to select “keys” for it. Good luck



there are no problems with the variety. Resistance and winter hardiness are very good. We grow in non-covering culture, it only died out in the winter of 2006. Taste is also worthy. Good sugar storage. In terms of dimensional characteristics, it’s not a record holder, but it is stable and without “surprises”.



Experienced wine growers knowingly fell in love with Galbena know. A lot of positive qualities of the variety, excellent taste of berries, ease of propagation and cultivation, winter hardiness make it popular not only among sophisticated gardeners, but also among beginners.


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