Cavili F1 - one of the leaders of the squash variety


One of the most popular garden crops is zucchini. It is unpretentious, universal in use, has a delicate taste, high nutritional value. When selecting a variety for their six-hundred-year-old farm, each gardener tries to choose a variety that, with a minimum of labor, planting space, will yield a good crop that can provide not only fresh produce, but also material for harvesting for the winter. Many zealous owners, who are able to correlate costs and profits, opted for the Dutch hybrid Cavili F1, which appeared at the beginning of the XXI century and today is one of the leaders in cultivation, and not only in our country, but also abroad.

Zucchini Cavili F1: description and main characteristics of the hybrid

Zucchini Kavili F1 was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Allowed for Use in the Russian Federation in 2002. It is recommended for cultivation on garden plots and small farms in all regions of Russia.

The hybrid is universal in use: it can be used fresh, ideal for canning, cooking first and second courses, and popular squash caviar. It can be frozen and dried.

Cavili F1 is an ultra-mature, self-pollinated hybrid variety. The period from the appearance of seedlings to the technical maturity of the vegetable is about 40 days. It is a bushy, compact plant with small to medium sized leaves. They are dark green, strongly dissected, with whitish spots throughout the leaf plate.

The Cavili F1 hybrid grows in the form of a bush and has compact dimensions, which is very appreciated by gardeners with small areas for growing vegetables

The fruit of the zucchini has a cylindrical shape, medium length, whitish-green in color with diffuse spotting. The pulp is painted in white or light green color, characterized by uniformity, tenderness and juiciness. The length of technically mature fruits is about 20 cm, and the weight is just over 300 g.

The peel of the young fruits of the Cavili F1 hybrid is thin, technically mature - denser

From one square meter during the fruiting period, you can collect more than 4.5 kg of vegetable.

Cavili F1 hybrid zucchini harvest starts in late June or early July

Advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid

Ultra earlyThe inability to obtain high-quality hybrid seeds at home
Shrub shape compact size
Consistently high yield
Prolonged fruiting for two or more months
The fruits have excellent marketability and taste.
Universality of use
In stressful situations (for example, in bad weather conditions) it exhibits parthenocarpic properties, that is, it is able to form fruits without pollination
Suitable for cultivation in open and protected ground.
Resistant to overriding

Cavili F1 retains its distinctive qualities only in the first generation and does not transmit them when sowing from seeds of the obtained crop

Growing zucchini Cavili F1

In general, this hybrid, like most pumpkin, does not have special requirements for the conditions of care and cultivation. First of all, he needs a standard set: good lighting and power. To increase the air permeability and nutritional value of the soil when preparing a site for planting Kavili F1 zucchini, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with quality, take measures to improve its structure:

  • in clay or loamy soils, it is recommended to add peat, sawdust or humus, wood ash and superphosphate;
  • peat, compost, clay flour, complex mineral fertilizers, wood ash should be added to the sandy soil;
  • peat soil will respond well to the application of organic matter, river sand, clay, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

A good effect is the incorporation of green manure into the soil. This procedure restores the structure of the soil and improves its condition.

When choosing a site for planting a hybrid, pay attention to two more rules that affect the success of growing Kavili F1 zucchini:

  • the place should be well lit and protected from the winds;
  • be sure to observe the crop rotation, do not plant zucchini for several years in a row in the same place, do not allocate them a plot after cucumbers, squash and other pumpkin crops. Good predecessors for the hybrid are cabbage, radishes, onions, carrots, herbs, potatoes, tomatoes, winter rye.

Zucchini Cavili F1 feels comfortable in an open, well-lit area, where there is no stagnation of moisture and drafts

You can plant Cavili F1 with both seeds and seedlings. Seeds germinate quickly, no later than a week after sowing. A technically mature crop can be harvested 40-50 days after germination. Hybrid cultivation in the seedling method will give an earlier harvest, since zucchini can be sown in April, they will spend the initial growing season in comfortable home conditions or in a warm greenhouse.

Landing strong seedlings will approximate the harvesting period by approximately 2 weeks

Sow seeds or plant seedlings in open ground after the soil warms up to +12 degrees per ten centimeter depth. The nuance of planting zucchini of this variety is to maintain a comfortable distance between the plants to be planted. Holes should be located at a distance of about 70 cm from each other in a row, the recommended row spacing is 1.3-1.5 m. With this planting scheme, squash bushes will be provided with sufficient area for nutrition and development.

Thickened planting will adversely affect fruit set and hybrid productivity.

When sowing seeds in one hole, you can plant 2-3 seeds to a depth of about 5 cm, and after germination, thin out and leave one of the strongest seedlings in the hole. Cavili F1 is considered a cold-resistant hybrid, but with early sowing, it is recommended to additionally protect the beds, covering them with a spanbond or film from spring frosts.

Zucchini of this variety can be sown in several stages, with an interval of a week. Such sowing will provide you with young fruits until late autumn.

Growing zucchini Cavili F1 in a greenhouse and in warm beds

Hybrid can be grown not only in open ground, but also in sheltered. This method has the following advantages:

  • plants will be reliably protected from spring back frosts;
  • hybrid harvest will be not just early, but ultra-early;
  • yield indicators reached maximum sizes.

Good indicators of yield and growth of zucchini Cavili F1 shows when grown on warm beds. Such facilities are especially relevant in regions with a cool climate. The meaning of the warm ridge is to lay layer by layer organic waste and waste in a wooden box about half a meter high and wide:

  • the bottom layer may consist of large waste: rotten boards, branches, cardboard. It will decompose for a long time and fulfill the role of a drainage layer;
  • the bed should have at least 2 layers of plant residues (mowed grass, weeds, rotten vegetables, food waste, etc.), manure. On top of each layer about 10 cm of earth is poured;
  • topsoil should be about 20 cm.

Warm bed is able to generate heat for 2-3 years

If you prepare such a bed in the fall, then the plant debris will begin to decompose, generate heat and provide the hybrid with comfortable growth conditions.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of growing zucchini on a warm bed

Early harvestAdditional labor for the construction of the structure
Plants are reliably protected from spring frosts
In the first year of operation, plants do not need additional fertilizing
Comfortable landing care

Cavili Zucchini Care F1

Care for zucchini of this variety is absolutely standard: you need to remove weeds in a timely manner, periodically loosen the soil, feed the plants and regularly water the plantings. Particular attention should be paid to the procedure of loosening the soil. This must be done very carefully: the depth of cultivation in the row-spacings should not exceed 15 cm, and under the bush - 5 cm. The plant has a superficial root system, deep cultivation can damage it.

Some beginner gardeners spud zucchini, as their roots are sometimes bare. The procedure carried out in phases 4 and 5 of the leaflet really helps the plant build up an additional root system. Zucchini reacts poorly to hills conducted later in the growing season. If during this period the roots of the bush are exposed, it is better to sprinkle them with brought earth.

Hybrid is watered only with water heated in the sun. Watering is carried out at least once a week before fruiting and twice as often after the appearance of the first fruits. Excess moisture for the zucchini is undesirable, it can cause the spread of fungal infections. Watering is done under the root, since the ingress of additional moisture on the young ovaries can lead to their decay. The procedure is best done in the evening to avoid the danger of sunburn of the plant.

In rainy summers, when there is an excess of moisture, ripening boards, pieces of slate, and a film can be placed under the ripening fruits to prevent decay of growing zucchini

Experienced gardeners argue that if you stop watering the plants about a week before harvesting, then the collected fruits will have a more intense taste and aroma.

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is a reliable guarantee that the Kavili F1 squash will grow up healthy and strong. Problems associated with diseases and pests can occur in the case of thickened plantings, waterlogging of the soil, and non-observance of crop rotation rules. When caring for a hybrid, it is important to systematically examine it and take effective measures at the first sign of damage.

Seed producers state that the Cavili F1 squash is resistant to the main disease of the crop - powdery mildew.

Hybrid feeding

Zucchini Cavili F1 responds well to dressing. The main thing is to carry them out correctly and not to overdo it with the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers, because the described hybrid is early ripening, so the later application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits. Especially carefully feed zucchini grown in sheltered ground. The fact is that in greenhouse conditions the above-ground part of the vegetable marrow will quickly and actively develop, additional stimulation can lead to an increase in green mass to the detriment of the formation of ovaries.

If during the preparation of the site a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers was introduced, then the early ripening hybrid Cavili F1 will be enough for normal growth and development.

Table: Cavili F1 Hybrid Feeding Mode

Feeding timeType of dressingCompositionConsumption rateFeatures
Before floweringRoot0.5 L mullein + 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophosk on 10 l of water1 liter per plant
During floweringRoot40 g of wood ash + 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid fertilizer Effekton or 20 g of complex mineral fertilizer per 10 liters of water1 liter per plant
During fruit ripeningRoot3 tbsp. tablespoons of wood ash or 30 g of nitrophosphate per 10 l of water2 liters per plant
FoliarThe drug Bud (according to the instructions)
Liquid fertilizer Ross (according to the instructions)
2 liters per 10 square meters. mYou can spend 2 foliar dressings with an interval of 2 weeks

The hybrid does not tolerate top dressing with fertilizers containing chlorine.


When growing Cavili F1, attention should be paid to the timely collection of fruits. A distinctive feature of this variety is its resistance to overgrowing, that is, even fruits that stand on the bed do not lose their excellent taste. But if the crop is removed in a timely manner, then the ripened zucchini will not pull on itself the strength of the plant and it will lay new ovaries.

The collected fruits of the hybrid are perfectly stored in the refrigerator (up to 1 month) or in the cellar (up to 2 months). The main condition for long-term storage is the cutting of the fetus with a piece of the stem and the absence of light.

The peel on the young fruits of the squash Cavili F1 is very thin, so they are not subject to long-term storage

Video: Cavili Squash


I also really liked the Cavili zucchini. When sowing the first vegetable marrow at the end of May, he removed it in the garden in June (before cucumbers), the last after frost (late September).



And I did not like Cavili. I’m used to it with the Diamond - it has healthy zucchini on the bush that can be removed already in the winter, and teenagers, and greenbacks and ovaries are full. In Cavili, it’s not so, until you remove the grown up, then there is no ovary. No, I will not plant more. I will dwell on the Diamond and the Bourgeois, who have been planting for many years, here are win-win varieties in any summer!



So far, only Cavili managed to test the hybrid ones. The variety is very good. Fruits are tied early and in large quantities. But it seemed to me, like Tisza, that the bushes were fruiting in jerks. And this is not very convenient. But the plants are very neat, compact. Taste is also excellent. So Cavili is a pretty acceptable sort of zucchini.



For several years I planted one grade of Cavili F1 - 5. Harvest, tasty. But it is not stored very long.



I will add my opinion about zucchini. The last 3 years, my favorite is Cavili. Before that, I planted different varieties. Someone liked more, someone completely disappointed, but before Cavili I couldn’t choose for myself a grade of zucchini that should be planted necessarily. And a few years ago on the Internet I read good reviews about Cavili, I decided to try. Cavili did not disappoint. This is an early bush squash, giving a huge amount of smooth fruits. Rating 5+. Also tried and satisfied Sangrum, Karima. Grade 5. They are also bushy and fruitful. All three give a large number of female flowers, while they appear already at the very beginning of flowering. The only thing I can advise to be sure to plant a couple more bushes of ordinary zucchini to them, which usually have the first flowers for men. This is necessary for pollination of the 3 varieties mentioned by me. Otherwise, it turns out that they simply have nothing to pollinate due to the lack of male flowers. The truth about these hybrids is that they allegedly can self-pollinate, but this did not happen to me.



Zucchini Cavili F1 can be attributed to varieties that, in a fair fight, have earned a reputation as a delicious variety, ideal for preparing gourmet dishes, distinguished by simple agricultural technology, a super-early abundant harvest. It was these qualities that allowed him to occupy one of the leading places in the zucchini popularity table and earn the attention of gardeners.


Watch the video: Budapest. Wikipedia audio article (October 2024).