Leaf celery - popular varieties and features of cultivation


Among the herbs and herbs grown in our gardens, leafy celery occupies a special place. Its openwork shiny leaves are not only tasty and fragrant - it is a real green pharmacy. It is impossible to list all the useful properties of culture, but they are worth it to find a place for this plant on a personal plot. And although celery is grown through seedlings, and this is additional trouble for the gardener, the effort spent will pay off handsomely.

Celery: plant description

Celery is an aromatic herbaceous plant in the family Umbrella. There are three types:

  • sheet,
  • petiole
  • root.

In the first two, the root system does not form a root crop; therefore, only the tips — petioles and leaves — are used for food. Leaf celery does not grow juicy fleshy stems such as petiole, but no less valuable. In contrast to the counterparts, the root celery uses both the tips and roots, but the root crop is of primary value.

Leaf celery has all the power in the leaves

The delicate leaves of celery look like parsley, but they have a completely different flavor. Leaf and petiole varieties can be grown as biennial crops. If you cut greenery in the autumn without taking out the roots, then next spring the plants will please the owners with large, powerful bushes. It blooms and forms celery seeds also in the 2nd year.

Seeds germinate for a long time, so they grow a culture through seedlings. Seed germination improves over the years - seeds sown 3 years after harvest will germinate better than last year.

In Russia, from ancient times it was believed that celery brings happiness to the house. Therefore, dried plants were often hung in rooms next to onions and garlic. In ancient Greece, celery was revered no less - wreaths were made from it for winners in various competitions and decorated tombs.

Beneficial features

Celery is recognized as one of the most valuable vegetables grown in our country:

  • all parts of the plant are rich in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and other useful elements;
  • a high content of valuable amino acids, vitamins B, A, E, C determine its medicinal properties;
  • celery is prescribed for cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the presence of folic acid in a plant determines its therapeutic effect in blood diseases;
  • soothing properties are used in the treatment of nervous diseases;
  • celery is rich in fiber and vegetable proteins, thanks to which it has become the number one product in the treatment of obesity and diabetes.

Relieving fatigue, normalizing blood pressure, increasing immunity, removing excess fluid from the body and improving digestion - the list of useful properties does not end there. Due to hypoallergenicity, celery can be taken by everyone who monitors their health. The hormone androsterone contained in this plant prolongs youth and increases male strength. For women with hormonal disruptions and menopause, doctors recommend drinking freshly squeezed juice and an infusion of celery seeds. They help to cope with many disorders in the female body, significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The constant use of celery in food returns health and a flowering appearance.

Celery juice is good for both men and women

In the absence of severe illness, there are no contraindications for moderate use of celery. People with varicose veins and any bleeding should not be carried away by juice, since it helps to dilate blood vessels. It is also worthwhile to refrain from excessive use of celery by pregnant women, people with kidney stones, as well as suffering from cholecystitis, pancreatitis and epilepsy.


In cooking, celery is used not only in fresh form, adding to salads. All parts of the plant are suitable both as components of meat and vegetable dishes, and as an independent side dish.

When stewed and fried, some of the vitamins and nutrients are lost, however, the value of such dishes remains high.

Celery leaves not only give an exquisite taste, but also decorate the dish

Juice from all parts of celery is used in diet food, but many do not like its peculiar taste. In such cases, you can add it to any other juice. Dried leaves and roots are used as a spicy aromatic additive to various dishes.

Popular varieties of leaf celery

Seed producers today offer quite a lot of different varieties of leaf celery. The most popular of them:

  • Sail - mid-season leaf celery. Technical ripeness of the variety occurs on the 73-80th day from the start of seedlings. Green leaves on long hollow petioles are collected in a half-raised rosette. The variety is valuable for its excellent taste and aroma of greens, resistance to flowering, long-term storage and high productivity, which is 3.2-4.7 kg per 1 m2;
  • Openwork - an early ripe leaf grade for use in fresh and dried form. Large vertical rosettes of dark green leaves and petioles are ready for collection on the 75-80th day from germination. The weight of one plant is about 85 g, and the yield from 1 m2 is 2.6-2.8 kg. The variety has a very good taste and aroma, as well as the ability to grow quickly after cutting;
  • Athena is a mid-season leaf variety. Gathering of greens begin on the 78-80th day from the beginning of seedlings. Rosettes of bright green leaves are medium in size and have excellent taste and aroma. From 1 m2 the area can be collected 1.8-2.1 kg of greenery;
  • Zahar is a mid-ripening leaf variety used for fresh consumption and all processing methods. Cut greens begin after 150-160 days after germination. Leaves with strongly dissected edges on narrow petioles are collected in semi-raised rosettes of medium size. The value of the variety consists of excellent taste and aroma, as well as high productivity - from 1 m2 collect up to 2.4 kg of greens;
  • Samurai is a high-yielding mid-season variety. Tasteful greens are recommended for all uses. A large vertical rosette of leaves reaches a height of 65 cm and a weight of 640 g. You can start harvesting on the 75-82th day from the start of seedlings. Productivity is 3.8-4 kg of greens with 1 m2. This is one of the most unpretentious varieties - can withstand a sharp drop in temperature, and a slight drought;
  • Eccentric - mid-ripening leaf variety can be harvested 105-110 days after full germination. A medium-sized rosette of leaves is made up of corrugated leaves with thin stalks. Plant weight does not exceed 120 g, and yield from 1 m2 is about 2.5 kg. The taste and aroma of the variety are very good.

All varieties were tested by the State Commission of the Russian Federation for testing and protection of breeding achievements and approved for production.

Photo Gallery: The Most Common Varieties of Leaf Celery

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Celery seeds germinate for a long time, and the plant itself develops slowly. Even in early-ripening varieties, the term for cutting green comes at best 2.5 months after germination. To reduce the time of cultivation in the open ground (or to obtain an early harvest), celery is grown through seedlings. The best time for sowing seeds is late February or early March.

Video: growing celery

Seed and soil preparation

Celery seeds intended for sowing are soaked for 2-3 days in water at room temperature. Before soaking, it is desirable to etch them in a strong solution of potassium permanganate:

  1. Seeds are wrapped in a cotton napkin, put on a saucer and poured with a solution.
  2. Then the napkin is washed in clean water and left in a wet state for several days.
  3. It is advisable to cover the saucer with a plastic bag so that the water does not evaporate.

    When soaking the seeds, it is important to prevent moisture from evaporating, so it is better to cover the container with polyethylene

Before sowing the seeds must be well dried. For convenience, they are mixed with dry river sand.

You can prepare the soil yourself or buy ready-made soil for seedlings. It is important to consider that celery does not like acidified environments, and the finished soil, most often, contains peat, that is, an acidic component. Therefore, it is desirable to add a deoxidizing agent - dolomite flour or ash in the amount of 20-30 g per 1 kg to both the store and the home-made mixture. When preparing the soil independently, 3 parts of garden soil are taken in 1 part of compost and sand, 0.5 parts of vermiculite or coconut substrate are added - for looseness.

The subtleties of sowing

You can sow celery seeds for seedlings in any plastic containers. It is important not to forget to make drainage holes in the bottom of the tank so that excess water does not accumulate and does not sour.

Step-by-step process of sowing seeds:

  1. Fill the container with prepared soil.
  2. Seeds mixed with sand should be sown in rows at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other.
  3. Sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil and spray with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Cover the container with a plastic bag and put in a warm, bright place.

After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will appear, and the package can be removed. So that the seedlings do not stretch, it is rearranged in a cooler place (with a temperature of no higher than 18-20aboutFROM). Growing plants must be sprayed on time, avoiding the drying out of the soil.

After emergence, the containers are rearranged in a bright, cool place.

Seedling Care

With the advent of two true leaves, celery seedlings can be peaked in separate pots. For these purposes, plastic disposable cups or special cassettes for seedlings with a capacity of 150-200 mg are suitable. Before picking, seedlings must be watered so as not to injure the roots of plants.

Dive Sequence:

  1. Fill the prepared containers with soil and slightly compact it.
  2. With a stick or pencil, make a depression in the center of the cup.
  3. Pick up the celery seedling with a stick, carefully pull it out and transfer it to a separate cup.
  4. Lower the root into the hole and squeeze the earth around it.
  5. Water the seedlings, and if necessary add soil without deepening the sprout.

    When picking, the celery rosette growth point should remain above the soil surface

Spiked seedlings must be placed in a bright, cool place. It is necessary to water the growing seedlings regularly, but very carefully, so that a stream of water does not damage the delicate sprouts. An ordinary medical syringe is best suited for this.

Rooted seedlings need to be fed. This usually occurs 7-10 days after a dive. You can use an aqueous solution of nitroammofoski, but the concentration should be 2 times weaker than for adult plants. Therefore, 0.5 tbsp will be enough for 1 bucket of water l fertilizers. You can feed seedlings only in the morning and on moist soil. If the soil in the containers is overdried, preliminary watering is necessary.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to harden the plants for 2 weeks. To begin with, containers are taken out into the garden (or onto the balcony) for 15-20 minutes. This should be done in the morning or evening hours, so that the delicate leaves do not fall under the scorching sun. Every day, increase exercise time so that at the time of transplanting seedlings could be in the air all day.

Grown hardened seedlings can be planted in open ground

Planting seedlings in the ground

You can plant celery seedlings in open ground after establishing relatively warm weather. In most areas of our country, the best time for a transplant is mid-May. The bed should be in an open sunny place. 2 weeks before planting, 250 g of dolomite flour and 40 g of nitroammophoska are applied to the soil per 1 m2) and dig. In the absence of rain, the bed must be watered so that the fertilizer dissolves.

The holes are dug at a distance of 35 cm from each other, 40 cm are left between the rows. Seedlings are planted, squeezing the earth around the seedlings, watered and mulch the soil. It is very important not to bury the plants. The growth point (the center of the outlet) should be above the ground, otherwise the young leaves will not be able to break through to the light, and the plant will die.

It is better to plant celery seedlings on a bed in cloudy weather or in the evening

There are no plants in our gardens that could oppress celery or have a negative effect on it. Onions, beans, cabbage or tomatoes planted nearby can improve its growth, and celery, in turn, will scare away the strong aroma of some harmful insects that bother neighbors. Undesirable predecessors - carrots and beets.

Video: planting celery

Outdoor Celery Care

Caring for celery after planting seedlings on beds is simple. If the plants are not mulled, then regular weeding and loosening of row-spacing is necessary. A layer of mulch with a thickness of 5-7 cm eliminates unnecessary work and reduces watering. Celery is put up with a short-term lack of moisture, but water should be enough for good growth.

Celery mulching will make plant care easier

To build green mass, plants need top dressing, especially when grown on poor soil. The first fertilizer application can be carried out 2 weeks after transplanting. The main rule remains the same - to top dress only on moist ground.

Fertilizer application:

  1. 2 weeks after planting, dilute 40 g of nitrophoska in a bucket of water and water the aisles.
  2. 2 weeks after the introduction of mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizing - dilute the mullein infusion with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  3. A month later, a complete mineral complex fertilizer (for example, Kemira Hydro - 10 g per 10 liters of water).

In the future, it is better to use only organics for dressing. In order not to fall on the leaves, the infusion of chicken droppings, mullein or green (grass) fertilizers is introduced into the aisles. This should be done no more than once every 2 weeks on poor soils and once a month on fertile soils.

Growing greens on the windowsill

Celery can be grown all year round at home on the windowsill. Seed preparation and sowing are the same as for open ground, and fertilizing is done as for seedlings. To obtain greenery for cutting, it is necessary that the window or balcony faces the sunny side. In winter, the landing will have to be illuminated with a phytolamp.

The optimum temperature for indoor cultivation of celery is 15-18aboutFROM. If it is warmer, and the lighting is insufficient, the seedlings will stretch and will be thin and frail. It is necessary to water plants with settled water at room temperature.

Celery and other representatives of spicy greens feel good in pots on a light windowsill

Diseases and Pests

Celery in the open ground is sometimes affected by various fungal and viral diseases. They inhibit plants and deprive a full crop. In order to notice signs of plant damage in time, it is necessary to inspect them regularly; if suspicious symptoms are detected, take urgent measures.

Table: Celery fungal diseases - control and prevention methods

SeptoriaColorless spots with a dark border appear on all parts of the plant, the leaves curl, the plant dries out.If signs are found, spray the plants with Topsin-M solution or Fundazole. Processing is carried out no later than 20 days before cutting greens.
  • crop rotation compliance;
  • compulsory seed treatment and steaming soil for seedlings;
  • control of harmful insects;
  • the destruction of weeds and the removal of plant debris from the beds;
  • if there were cases of fungal or viral diseases on the site, when preparing the bed for planting, it is necessary to spill it with Fitosporin solution.
CercosporosisIt is more common in greenhouses and greenhouses - spots appear on the leaves of plants, which eventually acquire a purple color.
Powdery mildewA white coating appears on the leaves and petioles, often on both sides of the leaf, the plant rots.
FomozLeaves turn yellow, petioles become thinner and darken at the base.

Photo Gallery: Signs of Fungal Disease

Of the viral diseases, celery is the most dangerous cucumber mosaic. If the outlet slowed down or stopped its growth, and various convex rings appeared on the leaves, damaged plants should be removed immediately. This disease is not treated. To avoid it, it is necessary to fight against ticks and aphids, since they are precisely the carriers of viruses.

Celery leaves affected by cucumber mosaic are covered with convex rings

Outdoor celery can be threatened by:

  • aphid,
  • spider mite,
  • carrot leaf flea,
  • celery fly.

Insects gnaw leaves and stems, draw out the juice, thereby weakening the plant. If any pests appear, it is necessary to treat the plants with an insecticide as soon as possible. It is best to use biological preparations Fitoverm or Iskra-Bio for these purposes. These insecticides are quite safe and do not cause severe harm to the environment. In addition, greens can be consumed 2 days after treatment. In the instructions attached to the preparations, dosages and methods of application are indicated (depending on the pest).

For natural protection, onions and garlic can be planted on beds with celery. These plants can scare away many harmful insects with their smell.

Photo Gallery: Celery Pests

To combat various diseases and pests, you can use folk methods:

  • 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar, diluted in 1 liter of water, will drive aphids, and also protect plants from fungal diseases;
  • a decoction of onion husks (50 g per 1 liter of water) repels ticks;
  • kefir, diluted in half with water, will protect not only celery, but also other plants from powdery mildew;
  • ground red and black pepper scare off the carrot leaf and celery flies, if the powder is scattered in the aisles.

Harvesting and storage

Celery is cut 2-3 times during the summer with an interval of about 40 days. It is important to carry out the last harvest before the first frost - in late September or early October. The leaves are cut, leaving the petioles about 5 cm long. This will save the weak central leaves of the rosette, which will again grow and gain strength, and also protect the roots from decay in the winter-spring period.

You can save celery greens in various ways:

  • drying. Cut greens are sorted, removing damaged leaves. It is washed with running water and dried on paper towels, laid out in a well-ventilated place, away from sunlight;
  • freezing. Washed and dried greens are placed in a freezer, previously packed in plastic bags;
  • pickling. Dried celery leaves are cut and mixed with salt (200 g of salt is added per 1 kg of greens). Having mixed the mass well, lay it in sterilized jars, compact it and store it under nylon covers in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Pure dried celery is laid out in bags and put in the freezer

In our family everyone loves spicy herbs. And dill, and parsley, and cilantro, and basil - only with the appearance of their aromas does summer really come to us. I grow greens in the form of a flowerbed - I plant different species on one bed, and I make furrows not in straight lines, but in zigzags, rings and other figures - for which there is enough imagination. When the plants grow up, my flowerbed transforms - the delicate leaves of dill and curly parsley against the background of burgundy and pale green lettuce look pretty pretty. The center of the composition, as a rule, is a powerful celery bush. He’s just our favorite one, and it grows everywhere - under the apple trees, on a bed with tomatoes, single bushes, and among other greens, and on a separate bed. I tried to grow root and petiole several times - it does not work. There are leaves, and very good ones, but with the rest of the parts there is a problem. But the leaf pleases, especially in the second year. I plant different varieties - Samurai, Zahar and Odd. All are very good, slightly different in flavor, and the Eccentric, thanks to openwork leaves, cannot be confused with any other. In the autumn I cut off all the greens, leaving small stumps, I do not cover anything in the winter, and in the spring, in May, the first sprouts already appear. Second-year rosettes develop faster than young ones from seedlings and by June, as a rule, we tear off the first leaves for salad. I grow seedlings in a year, and I do it without picking. Armed with tweezers, a magnifying glass and spread the seeds immediately in glasses. I put 3-4 seeds in each, then I remove the extra ones. I noticed that seedlings grown in this way better transplant transplant to open ground than dive. For a long time before this, it was grown in the usual way - it was sown in a row, then it tried to dive this darkness. The lesson is not the most pleasant, so I chose a method without diving for myself. I plant them in the garden next to tomatoes and onions - everyone feels great and no one bothers anyone. I dry land collected for the winter and store it in glass jars.


In the middle lane it is necessary to plant it with seedlings. Plant seeds at home and water, then sprouts will grow, then transplant them to the garden. At my place several sprouts have grown now, but they are still thin, weak.



Celery is a real find. It has so many useful things that it's hard to imagine. This healthy plant works wonders. It can also be used in cosmetology. Celery face masks refresh your face, prevent aging and relieve blackheads.

Kate warm


Celery is one of our family's favorite seasonings. It has a specific taste, not everyone likes it, but a sensible use will help to correct this drawback and turn it into a virtue. In my dishes I use celery as a flavor enhancer.



For about 15 years I have known the beneficial properties of celery, without exhausting myself with diets in just 1 week, I lost 3 kg !!! I do not really like fresh celery, but in combination with other vegetables on the broth, the taste of the dish does not deteriorate, and the result exceeds all expectations!



Celery is an ideal product for weight loss. It helps not only in the fight against extra pounds, but also has medicinal value, due to the content in the stems and roots of vitamin A, vitamin K and E, B vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin), nicotinic acid, amino acids, essential oils.



Celery is a rather unpretentious plant - it grows on almost any soil, can withstand cooling and put up with a lack of moisture. The only difficulty is to grow and plant seedlings, otherwise the care for it is minimal. A lot of vitamins and useful properties, three cuts per season, as well as a two-year growing cycle make this plant valuable in every sense of the word.


Watch the video: Our Complete Spring Planting Schedule & Garden Layout Zone 5 Season Extension (October 2024).