Bagira blackcurrant: how to grow a large berry variety in your garden


Every blackcurrant lover wants to find his own variety, so that it tastes good, and it was not difficult to take care of the plant. Many opt for currants with the sonorous name of Bagheera. But the variety really has something to boast of - it’s not afraid of frost, tolerates drought, annually brings excellent crops, large and tasty berries.

Description of Bagiri currant variety and photo of berries

There is hardly a garden in which blackcurrant bushes do not grow. Among the many varieties of this plant, there are also those that not only delight with a delicious harvest, but also decorate the garden. It will be about the black currant Bagheera. Having excellent frost resistance, Bagira bushes later than ordinary varieties drop foliage, which allows them to be used in landscape design as hedges and group or single plantings.

Bagir blackcurrant not only pleases with a useful crop, but also decorates the garden

Baghee’s blackcurrant is not a novelty. The variety was born in the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture. I.V. Michurina. The Scandinavian variety of blackcurrant Bredthorpe and the Belarusian Minai Shmyrev were chosen as the parent forms. In 1986, Bagheera was accepted for a state test, having successfully passed which, since 1994, has been included in the State Register.

Regions suitable for growing Bagir currants are the Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka, West Siberian, Ural and East Siberian, including Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Omsk Regions. From the above list it is clear that the variety is zoned in places with a not very mild climate.

Bushes Bagira medium-sized, up to 1.5 m, semi-spreading, covered with dense foliage. Hairy young shoots are of medium thickness and grow straight. Over time, the branches become lignified and acquire a yellowish color. The single kidneys slightly deviated from the shoot resemble a slightly elongated egg with a pointed tip. Kidney scales are golden brown. Five-lobed and rather large dark green leaves have a smooth matte surface. Petiole of medium length and thickness. Goblet flowers are not too large.

Bagir blackcurrant bush semi-spreading, highly leafy

Brushes with average size and density grow from 3 to 6 cm long. A node often has 2-3 hanging brushes, each of which carries 4 to 7 berries. Fruits can be safely called large, their weight ranges from 1.1 to 2.3 g. The shape is rounded or flat-round, one-dimensional. The skin is black, shiny and not very dense, but at the same time quite durable, which allows the berry to be transported over long distances.

Bagira blackcurrant - large berry variety

The delicate pulp contains a small amount of seeds and has a pleasant aroma. The taste is dominated by sweetness, sourness is barely perceptible. Assessment of tasters - from 4.5 to 5 points.

Agrotechnical characteristics of a grade

Bagira blackcurrant is an excellent variety that has inherited only the best qualities from its parents.

  • Bagira belongs to the varieties of medium-late ripening;
  • the early maturity of the variety is striking - a year or two after planting, you can take the first crop. Fruiting is stable;
  • Bagheera's yield shows good. One bush brings up to 4.5 kg of fruit;
  • the variety has a high percentage of self-fertility (70%), which allows you to get a good crop regardless of weather conditions during flowering and the presence of pollinators. But to improve the quality and quantity of berries, it’s nice to plant nearby bushes that bloom with Bagheera at the same time and are suitable for cross pollination. These include Venus, Raisin, Green haze;
  • berries that perfectly retain their shape, do not let juice out or crumple, are great for industrial use;
  • can tolerate drought and frost up to -320FROM;
  • It has medium resistance to powdery mildew, is relatively resistant to anthracnose. May be affected by rust. Among the pests, the spider mite is not terrible, but the bud can become a threat to the crop.

Advantages and disadvantages of Bagir blackcurrant variety - table

Drought tolerance.It has average immunity. It is affected by rust, susceptible to a kidney tick.
Winter hardiness.
Early maturity.
Dry separation of fruits.
It tolerates transportation.
It is perfectly stored.
Berries have universal application.

Landing Features

So that the work on planting black currant is not in vain, you need to take into account some features.

What time to plant seedlings

You can plant in autumn or spring. The planting season does not matter, the main thing is to manage in a certain period.

  • in the fall, Bagira sapling should be planted in early October, so that the plant has time for successful adaptation. Until spring, the currant will take root and with the onset of heat will actively move to growth;
  • in spring, you need to be in time before the onset of sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. If the deadlines are missed, the seedling will take root for a long time.

You can plant currants in autumn and spring, the main thing is not to miss the deadlines

Landing place and suitable soil

When choosing a site for planting Bagir currants, one must take into account the fact that in one place the variety will grow and successfully bear fruit for more than 15 years. It is important for the plant to have sunlight, but the midday sun can cause burns. Therefore, it will be ideal to plant shrubs in light partial shade. Avoid strong shading - in such places the berries become acidic, and the bushes are very extended. Typically, currants are planted along hedges and fences. This is done to protect against winds, especially northern ones. In winter, snow accumulates in such places, which protects the currant from freezing.

Of the soils, Bagheera prefers slightly podzolized, loamy and loamy sandy compositions with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The land on which blackcurrant will grow must be nutritious and loose.

The root system of currant has a surface location - it penetrates deep into the soil by only 20-40 cm and is very afraid of stagnation of water. Groundwater level - not higher than 0.5 m from the surface.

Refuse to land Bagira on swampy lowlands. Also, do not plant in areas where related plants - gooseberries and currants - had previously grown. In such places, toxins unfavorable for growth can accumulate. Bagira grows poorly on sandy, saline and heavy lands.

The yield of black currant depends on the right place

Preparing the site for landing

If planting is scheduled for spring, you need to prepare the soil and dig a planting hole in advance - in the fall. The preparatory period for the fall landing can begin a month before the intended action.

  1. The selected area is leveled, weeds and plant debris are removed.
  2. They dig the soil well and break up large clods of earth.
  3. On the leveled surface, the dimensions of the landing pit are outlined - a circumference of 0.5 m. Digging 40-45 cm deep. The upper fertile layer of earth is laid to the side.
  4. To fill the pit in the deposited soil add: 3-4 kg of well-decomposed manure, 120-150 g of granular superphosphate, 150-200 g of ash, 25-30 g of potassium sulfate. Instead of these fertilizers, 200 g of complex mineral additives can be added to the organic. The composition is well mixed and laid in a pit.
  5. 2-3 buckets of water are poured so that the earth is compacted and does not sag after planting.

If the soil in the selected area has a high acidity, it is necessary to carry out liming. For every 1 m2 400–500 g of dolomite flour or burnt lime are added for digging.

Given the size of the bushes of Bagir currant, the planting scheme should look like this - the distance between the bushes is from 1.2 to 1.5 m, in the aisles - at least 2 m.

A pit for planting currants needs to be dug in advance

Selection of planting material

Only healthy planting material can guarantee further healthy plant development and stable yields.

  • for planting, it is best to select young 1-2-year-old plants;
  • the root system is powerful and strong, with a length of at least 20 cm. 3-4 lignified branches must be covered with a fibrous mesh of additional roots. Rotten or damaged areas are not allowed;
  • the aboveground part should consist of 1-2 branches 30-35 cm long. The shoots should be elastic, covered with elastic bark without damage.

To be sure of the selected variety, it is worth buying seedlings only in specialized centers.

Step-by-step landing process

To perform the correct planting of blackcurrant, you need to know one secret - the seedling must be placed at an angle of 450, and the root neck is buried in the soil by 6-9 cm. Thanks to this, the young plant will be able to quickly grow additional healthy shoots and form a strong bush.

  1. A part of the soil is taken out of the pit.
  2. The seedling is installed in a landing pit at an angle and straighten the roots.
  3. Gently fall asleep with soil, shaking slightly, so that the earth fills all the voids between the roots. At the same time, you can spill it with water. One bush will need 3-4 buckets.
  4. After planting, the earth around the bush is carefully tamped and mulched.

Experienced gardeners radically cut the seedling after planting, leaving hemp 5-10 cm above the ground. Such pruning will postpone the appearance of the crop for a year, but will help to form a powerful and healthy bush.

When planting, the currant bush is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees

Currant bush care

The unpretentiousness and endurance of black currants of the Bagira variety does not mean that the plant can be left without care. The implementation of simple agrotechnical measures will support the natural immunity of the plant and receive generous harvests.

Pruning - shaping and sanitary

Trimming is one of the most important care methods. The formation of the bush begins immediately after planting - half the length of the shoots, or even 2/3, is cut off from the seedling. And then you need to apply the following scheme.

  1. In the spring of the second year, skeletal branches are formed. To do this, choose 3-5 of the strongest shoots. All others are deleted. Around mid-summer, pinching is carried out on skeletal branches - for 2 buds, no more. This procedure will lead to the formation of young fruit twigs and new shoots.
  2. For 3 and 4 spring, 3-6 of the healthiest and strongest are selected from the total mass of overgrown zero shoots, the rest are cut off. At last year's branches, the top is shortened.
  3. As a result, after 5 years, a strong bush is formed, consisting of 3-4 shoots of each age, but not older than 5-6 years.

Proper pruning allows you to get a healthy, bushy bush

Sanitary pruning can be carried out in parallel with the shaping. Sick, broken, dried shoots are subject to removal. Cut the branches near the ground so that there is no stump left.

Anti-aging pruning is indicated for the fruiting bush of 5 years of age and older. Old branches no longer bear fruit, but they take away the forces from the plant, so they need to be removed. At the same time, young weak shoots, on which fruit buds are practically absent, need to be cut.

A sanitary and anti-aging procedure is best done in the spring. But if you do not have time on time, then you can postpone pruning and fall until the end of the harvest.

How to prune blackcurrant bushes - video


Baguir currant can survive short periods of drought. But it’s not worth the risk - only timely watering will guarantee a decent harvest.

Water the black currant often and plentifully, but not excessively. A prolonged lack of moisture slows the growth of young shoots and affects the quality of the crop. The most important periods for irrigation are:

  1. The end of May, when there is an active growth of shoots.
  2. The beginning of July, when the berries become brown.
  3. Immediately after harvesting. During this period, buds begin to be laid for the next season.
  4. The end of September, but on condition that the autumn is dry.

Watering rate per 1 m2 will be 4-5 buckets of water. It is very important that the soil is moistened 40 cm in depth. If the weather is very hot or windy, the volume of water needs to be increased slightly. The number of irrigations will be 1-2 times a week, but precipitation must also be taken into account.

To start moisturizing currants is best in the evening.

Top dressing

Since Bagir blackcurrant in one place can grow long enough, it will need additional nutrition.

If during planting all the necessary nutrients were introduced, then they will be enough for 2 years. In this case, you can start feeding currants in the 3rd year.

Fertilizing under Baghir blackcurrant - table

Fertilizers Application rate Application Time
UreaA young plant requires up to 50 g per bush.To bring in the early spring.
For plants older than 5 years, the dose is reduced. Now it is from 20 to 40 g.The application time is also changing. 2/3 of the fertilizer plants should receive in early spring, the rest - after flowering.
OrganicsAfter watering, organic matter will not only fertilize the bush, but will also serve as a mulch, protecting against excessive moisture loss. From 5 to 10 kg are added under the bush.In the summer.
Sulfuric acid potassiumUnder the bush, 10-20 g is enough.In the fall, after harvesting.
Superphosphate50 g for each plant.

Fertilizers containing nitrogen cannot be applied in the autumn. They can provoke the growth of young shoots, which, not having time to wood, will suffer from frost.

Organics, which are fed blackcurrant bushes, is also a mulching agent

Weed removal and cultivation

Currant must be kept clean. Timely weed removal will remove the bushes from unwanted pests.

In addition, the soil under the bushes and in the aisles must be constantly loosened so that it remains air- and water-permeable. Such a procedure should be carried out at least 1 time per month during the entire growing season. Every autumn, the earth around the bushes and in the aisles needs to be dug up to a depth of 15 cm.

Shelter for the winter

Bagir currant is able to tolerate frosts in -300FROM. Natural protection in the form of snow cover is enough to protect against cold weather. But if the winters in the region are snowless, then you need to take care of shelter. To do this, the connected bushes are wrapped with any covering material that allows air to pass through.

If you are afraid that the winter will be snowless, then you can cover the blackcurrant bushes for the winter

Currant Care - Video

Diseases and pests of culture

So that currants do not have any problems with possible diseases and pests, it is worth paying more attention to preventive measures. Also, do not neglect the rules of care - a well-groomed plant always has good immunity.

Diseases characteristic of Baghir blackcurrant - table

DiseaseHow do they manifestPrevention Control measures
RustOn the affected leaves, rusty pads appear on the underside, only small spots are visible on the top of the sheet. The disease leads to leaf decay and reduced yield.
  1. Do not plant conifers near blackcurrant plantings.
  2. At the initial stage of infection, you need to pluck all the leaves affected by the disease from the bush and burn.
  3. To conduct examinations in the currant in order to timely identify the disease.
Before the flowering period, treat with 1% Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 liters of water) or copper sulfate (35 g 95% of the drug per 10 liters of water).
SeptoriaThe leaves of the diseased plant are covered with small rounded or angular brown spots. Later, a dark border appears around them, and the spots themselves become almost white. With severe damage, the leaves can almost completely fall. Bushes are slowing down.
  1. Fallen leaves must be collected and destroyed.
  2. Conduct annual pruning of bushes.
  3. In autumn, it is imperative to dig up the soil around the bushes and in the aisles.
  4. Fight Weed.
  5. Prevent waterlogging of the soil.
  1. In the early spring, when the buds are still sleeping, treat the bushes with Nitrafen or copper sulphate.
  2. In summer, you can use 1% Bordeaux liquid. Spend 2 treatments with an interval of 10 days. Prepare working solutions according to the instructions.
TerryDeformed leaves appear on the currant infected with terry. Their form becomes not five-blade, but three-blade. Veins are rough. The color of the foliage darkens. Young shoots are stretched. The flower brush becomes thinner; instead of flowers, scales appear.
  1. To propagate currants, use only healthy shoots.
  2. Sick branches cut and destroy.
  3. Perform thinning pruning.
  4. Fight the kidney tick. He is the carrier of the disease.
Spray diseased bushes with a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur. The first treatment is carried out during the period of exit of ticks from the affected kidneys. The second - after 10 days. If the disease progresses, 2 more sprayings will be required - after flowering and harvesting.

What are the symptoms that can recognize a disease in time - photo gallery

What pests affects Bagira currants - table

Pests How to recognizePrevention Control measures
The mite hibernates inside the kidney, which becomes like a small head of cabbage. A weak shoot grows out of it, which is far behind in development and does not produce a crop. With severe damage, the kidneys die. The tick transfers terry and mosaic leaves.
  1. A small number of affected kidneys can be collected manually and destroyed.
  2. Heavily damaged branches need to be cut and burned.
  3. Pour boiling water over the bush (but not cool), after tying the shoots together. This will kill the larvae inside the kidneys.
  4. Sprinkle the bushes with the infusion of garlic (100-200 g of chopped garlic pour 10 liters of boiling water. Mix well and strain the solution, sprinkle them with currants. Use this method only until flowering).
  1. In the period of swelling of the buds and before flowering, sprinkle with a solution of colloidal sulfur. The solution is prepared according to the instructions.
  2. An alternative to sulfur are acaricides - Vermitek, Appolo, Neoron. Use strictly according to instructions.
GlassmakerAn adult lays eggs on damaged areas of the cortex. Emerging caterpillars penetrate the shoot. Damage in the first year is not visible. In the second year, small leaves grow on the affected branches, prone to wilting and early decay. The berries are few, small and sour. The larva that wintered in the shoot turns the core into dust, as a result of which the shoot dries out and breaks easily.
  1. Get only healthy planting material.
  2. In early spring, carry out thinning pruning, removing excess shoots near the ground.
  3. Try to avoid mechanical damage to the branches.
  4. Regularly inspect the currant bushes, cutting out withered shoots. Smear the slices with a garden var.
  5. In winter, you can gently bend the twig in the middle. The affected person will easily break. It needs to be cut out.
  1. The following drugs are best used against larvae: Kemifos, Fufanon, Spark M. When preparing the solution, follow the instructions.
  2. Twice - before flowering and after harvesting, treat the bushes with a solution of 10% Karbofos (75 g per 10 liters of water).
The infected gall aphid leaf is covered with swelling and growths. Eating the juice of young shoots, aphids greatly weaken the plant, which leads to a decrease in the yield of this year and in the future. If the currant is not removed from the pest, the bush will dry up.
  1. In the fall, dig aisle.
  2. Fight weed in spring and summer.
  3. Be sure to thin out the bushes.
  4. Plant strongly smelling flowers and herbs next to the currant bushes - marigolds, chamomile, calendula.
  5. If the aphid has just appeared, it is recommended to remove the young affected shoot from the bush and burn.
  6. Treat bushes with mustard infusion. 25 g of powder pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 2 days. Strain and dilute with water to 10 l of volume, add 50 g of soap.
The following aphid colony will help to destroy the following drugs - Actellik, Confidor Maxi, Calypso, Wofatox. The drugs are toxic. When working with them, use personal protective equipment. Prepare the solution only according to the instructions.

Signs of currant pests in the photo

Harvesting, storing and processing blackcurrant

Bagir blackcurrant harvest occurs in late July or early August, depending on the growing region and weather conditions. The berry ripens together. But you can not rush with cleaning. The fruits are held tightly on the branches, and their taste does not change.

To keep the berry longer, you need to pick whole brushes

Bagira berries are perfectly stored. Fruits sorted and packed in a plastic bag (best picked by a whole brush) can perfectly lie for more than 2 months at a temperature of about 00FROM. However, they will not lose their taste and aroma. In the freezer, the shelf life is much longer. At room temperature, whole berries can withstand a little more than a week.

Without exaggeration, blackcurrant berries can be called a storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, the most benefits can be obtained from their fresh use. Also, currants make wonderful preparations - jam, jelly, jam, compote.

Dried leaves and berries will make an excellent tea composition, which will return the body vitality and strength in the winter.

Fragrant Bagir blackcurrant tea will support the body in winter

Gardeners reviews of Baghir blackcurrant

Bagheera is very pleased - high yields, even in dry years, a dry margin. I never noticed a bunch of ovaries on my bushes; brushes with large berries are stably formed.

Marina Ufa


... passed through Curiosity and Bagheera. I got rid of both. The curiosity - and the taste and size are not so hot, Bagheera - is larger, and I liked the taste, but I got a very powdery mildew.



Tasty, sweet currants - Bagheera and Pygmy. Bagira also grew in my old garden, with Pygmy we tried the first harvest this year. You can eat from the bush as much as you like.



In order to grow a generous crop of tasty and healthy blackcurrant berries, you don’t need to overwork. The long lifespan of the plant, stable fruiting and universal use of the fruits make Bagheera variety very popular. That is why seedlings are in demand not only among amateur gardeners, but also among commercial organizations involved in the cultivation of this berry.


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