How to choose a good vacuum cleaner for cleaning the pond: classification and comparison of units


A beautiful well-groomed pond with flowers growing along the banks of the river, silver fish floating in clear water and pebbles sparkling under the sun's rays can turn into a dirty swamp covered with mud, if it is not cleaned from time to time. There are several ways to rid a pond of debris and silt, for example, mechanical - but it takes a lot of time. Chemical technology will kill everything living in water, the best option remains - use a vacuum cleaner for the pond, a special device for cleaning.

Water Vacuum Cleaner Classification

The name "vacuum cleaner" in this case is not entirely correct, since the unit has nothing to do with dust, but is named after the analogy with a household appliance. Like a home helper, he brilliantly cleans the contaminated surface, but instead of flooring and upholstered furniture, he serves the bottom of the reservoir, methodically removing silt and small debris. Thanks to the simple operation of the water device, the underwater part of the pond acquires a well-groomed appearance, the water becomes transparent, and from the shore you can observe for a long time the active life of water inhabitants.

If we take into account the degree of human participation in the management of a water vacuum cleaner, then all known models can be divided into three groups: manual, semi-automatic and independent machines.

Manual control - budget option

The main driving force of a handheld vacuum cleaner is its owner. He chooses a site for cleaning and independently, but with the help of a device, removes dirt and silt. The simplest models are ideal for ponds of small sizes, since the length of the rod is strictly fixed.

Manual cleaning of the pond can be a wonderful active form of relaxation: a couple of hours in the fresh air will strengthen the body, and the pond will get a great look

The manual water vacuum cleaner for the pond has in its kit a standard set of parts:

  • telescopic rod made of durable plastic or aluminum;
  • corrugated hose;
  • several nozzles (a net for garbage, a brush for a bottom).

All components are assembled and attached with a garden hose. A jet under pressure flushes the bottom sludge and raises the dirt up. To completely clean the pond, the equipment is connected to a special filter. The purified water is returned back to the pond, and the mud remains in a special bag. Thus, sediment can be removed from the bottom, the walls of the pond and the decorative objects inside it: stones, details of the fountain, water decorations. Light garbage - leaves, dry twigs, grass - usually keeps on the surface, a net is specially designed for it. A nozzle with a mesh is attached instead of a brush at the end of the rod, and you can slowly remove all the excess that floats in the pond.

The advantages of hand models:

  • ease of assembly and use;
  • budget cost;
  • the opportunity to once again enjoy communicating with nature.

Disadvantages are important for people who are short of time: manual work will take more than one hour, and it will have to be repeated with a certain regularity.

Some models of handheld vacuum cleaners have vacuum nozzles that suck in the debris raised from the bottom and deliver it to a special tank

Semiautomatic devices: process control

Any automatic intervention is another convenience and additional help to a person. Externally, semi-automatic water vacuum cleaners are distinguished by a nozzle - a more complex and functional vacuum brush. In addition, the devices are arranged in such a way that you can control the speed of the passing water stream. Most vacuum models are the middle link between an elementary hand brush and a standalone robot vacuum cleaner. The pneumatic system and filtration equipment ensure the smooth operation of the apparatus, which randomly moves along the bottom, collecting sludge and dirt. A special suction cup membrane holds the nozzle in one place, then moves to another.

Brush nozzles for semi-automatic watercraft differ from manual counterparts. They are made of elastic material, thanks to which the nozzle literally sticks to the surface, cleaning it from sludge

Plus, the acquisition of a semiautomatic device is the ability to use it in ponds of various shapes and sizes. When installing, you should consider the need to connect to a skimmer or to a garbage bag. Cleaning takes place much faster than manually, but control over the operation of the equipment is still necessary. The bottom processing speed controlled by a special valve can be easily adjusted. The semiautomatic device does an excellent job of cleaning cavities and places that are difficult to reach by hand. Naturally, the cost of vacuum models is higher than manual vacuum cleaners.

Modern robotic vacuum cleaners

There are many reasons to purchase an autonomous vacuum cleaner for high-quality cleaning of the pond, which is usually called a robot. Compact and beautiful models in appearance and in the way of adjustment resemble children's radio-controlled cars - the same bright, functional and original. Not only that - they are more independent than toys, and absolutely do not need active human intervention.

There are two main ways to control underwater robots. The first is good when the bottom of the pond is flat, has no complex irregularities and bends. After switching on, the device acts strictly according to a given program, carefully examining the entire bottom and walls. The program is stored in the device’s memory, and the next time it will clean again along the same route. The second method is optimal for the bottom with hollows and hills. The vacuum cleaner is sent using the remote control to the desired areas, it is also regulated by the time it is in the right place, difficult to clean.

Not only brushes, but all electronic filling is under water. The range of the device is limited by the length of the electric cable. The robot does not need a skimmer or other additional equipment, the filtering system and the garbage container are inside it. After each cleaning procedure, the vacuum cleaner must be cleaned, especially its filter.

Most of the robotic vacuum cleaners are designed for cleaning pools, however, they do an excellent job cleaning ponds, which have a flat bottom and walls

Easy to use, convenient and reliable, robotic vacuum cleaners quickly won the love of summer residents. The price of machines is high, so for all their advantages, the acquisition of underwater toys is not affordable for everyone.

Overview of popular brands

Option # 1 - Mountfield

The Czech company Mountfield specializes in manual models. Kits for connecting to a skimmer are sold collapsible and include at least a telescopic holder tube (2.5-4.8 m), a corrugated hose of various lengths and a brush head. The length of the hose can vary, but on average it is 9 m or 12 m. The cost of the kit is 3500 rubles.

Parts of the Mountfield kit are sold separately, so if the telescopic rod, hose or nozzle fails, they can be easily replaced with similar ones.

Option # 2 - Pondovac Classic

Holders of picturesque ponds are probably familiar with German Oase pond cleaners. For the most part, these are universal machines for cleaning ponds and rooms.

The Classic model with a capacity of 1,400 W has a capacious garbage tank (27 l) and a large set of nozzles, among which there are convenient devices specifically for cleaning cavities and crevices or cleaning threadlike algae. The device is equipped with two hoses: for suctioning water (4 m) and for draining (2 m). The vacuum cleaner has proved itself perfectly when working at a depth of up to 2 m. The cost of the apparatus is 11,600 rubles.

Pondovac Classic is a favorite of practical Germans. In the summer it is an excellent assistant when cleaning the pond, in the winter - a great washing vacuum cleaner for the home, powerful and comfortable to use

Option # 3 - Dolphin Galaxy

The Israeli company Maytronics produces quite expensive, but high-quality and reliable robotic vacuum cleaners. One of the relatively inexpensive is the Dolphin Galaxy, which is ideal for ponds with a flat, even bottom. The combination brush of a special shape (40 cm wide) perfectly cleans the bottom and corners. The device is equipped with a fine filter that holds particles of debris and dirt up to 70 microns in size. The cost is 41,000 rubles.

The Dolphin Galaxy Robot Vacuum Cleaner scans the bottom area for cleaning on its own, and is also able to clean a small pond in just two and a half hours

The choice of a water vacuum cleaner depends on the availability of free time, the desire to spend more time outdoors and, of course, on material capabilities.


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