Rosa Fire flash (Fire flash) - grade description


Roses have been the most demanded and popular cultures in the flower market for decades. Their fabulous flowering and wonderful aroma won the hearts of gardeners. In the second half of the last century, a separate group was identified - roses, a spray of the floribunda type. Against the general background of varying heights of pink shrubs, a spray of rose flash fire stands out as a bright flash.

Rosa Fire flash (Fire flash) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

The Dutch breeders of the Interplant company were involved in the emergence of the Fire Flash variety. They are mainly engaged in breeding roses for cut or indoor crops. The name of the noble plant is translated as "fiery flash", as evidenced by the color of its buds.

Rosa Fire flash stands out among other varieties

Baby flash compact size. The bush reaches a maximum height of 70 cm. Shoots are strong with small dark leaves. The buds are small, of a classical form, collected in inflorescences-brushes from 5 to 10 flowers in each.

Perennial original in flowering color. Two colors are mixed in it: a raspberry shade with brightly red blotches. Due to the variegated coloring, the rose looks spectacular and elegant. Bushes bloom with the onset of May and do not cease to please until the first frost.

Baby flash miniature size with strong shoots and classic buds

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Cons of this flower is not found. But there are many pluses:

  • unusual colors of buds;
  • lush, long flowering;
  • a large number of buds on one shoot;
  • resistance to many types of diseases;
  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • very low spike of shoots;
  • weather resistance;

Use in landscape design

Flushing rose always looks favorably against the background of any garden, park or greenhouse. Used in the design of mixborders, flower beds and robots. Dutch women often decorate soda paths and borders. Effectively solo on the background of a mowed lawn. Compact bushes are planted along fences, around arbors and benches. Culture will emphasize the beauty of sculptural ensembles and fountains. It stands out elegantly among fragrant herbs, lilies, ornamental cereals and undersized conifers.

On a note! A miniature rose with its bright appearance will decorate the verandas and balconies, refresh the terraces.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

The plant is not capricious, which means that novice florists can easily cope with some of the nuances of its cultivation. Place for planting bush roses Flash fire should be well lit and not be in the drafts.

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

For the planned landing should be prepared in a few months. Choose a place, prepare the soil:

  • remove weeds with roots;
  • dig up the place reserved for the rose;
  • prepare trenches;
  • make organic fertilizers;
  • maintain the landing site for several months.

It's important to know! When organizing the design of the flowerbed, it is important to know which plants grew before this site. There are a number of cultures that negatively affect the future growth of the fire rose. If earlier on this place grew: hawthorn, aphid quince cherry, then it is advisable to replace the entire top layer of soil.

The soil for planting should be slightly acidic. To normalize the balance of acidity, it is diluted with ash, compost, humus or dry needles. Experienced gardeners recommend planting a plant in the spring, after preliminary autumn soil preparation.

Seedling preparation

Before planting in the soil, the seedling is cut, damaged leaves and branches are removed. On the main shoot leave no more than 5 eyes. Lateral and dry roots are removed. Next, the seedling is kept in a solution of sodium humate for 12 hours.

The procedure for planting roses in the ground

Adhering to some rules of planting a Dutch woman in open ground, you can get a healthy, strong plant in the future. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Treatment of seedlings with growth stimulants.
  2. Adding compost or peat to the topsoil.
  3. The formation of a landing hole, the width and depth of which is 40 cm.
  4. The formation of a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole.
  5. Transfer the seedling to the prepared hole with its further instillation.
  6. Abundant watering.

The distance between the rose bushes should be at least 35 cm. This will ensure sufficient air circulation to the lower leaves and will serve as a prevention of some diseases.

Proper planting in the open ground will provide the plant with healthy growth.

Crop care

Rosa Sim Salabim (Simsalabim) - a description of the tea-hybrid variety

Decorative perennial - unpretentious plant. Care procedures will not cause difficulties with a competent approach.


Regular hydration is the key to abundant and long flowering. The drier the weather, the more moisture a flower needs. Water should only fall under the root. Watering is carried out after drying of the top layer of the earth.

Watering is carried out after drying of the top layer of the earth.

To save water resources and slow down the drying out of the soil, it is recommended to mulch.

Additional Information! In order not to harm the leaves and not cause burns, watering is better in the evening.


Rose Fire flash, like other ornamental plants, needs regular fertilizers. It is especially important to feed the queen of the gardens during the ovary buds and during the flowering period.

Nitrogen fertilizers are relevant for maintaining budding. The end of flowering coincides with the application of fertilizing containing a large amount of phosphorus and potassium.

Fertilizers can be purchased in flower shops or prepared at home according to the description of folk solutions and decoctions.


The pruning procedure should be carried out with a special garden secateurs, disinfected with alcohol. Processing the tool will save the plant from fungal infection.

Trimming takes place in several stages:

  • Spring pruning. It is necessary to get rid of frozen and diseased shoots.
  • Summer pruning. It is carried out for thinning and forming a bush, by cutting off too actively growing shoots inside the bush.
  • Autumn pruning. With its help, weak shoots are removed, in order to avoid their freezing during wintering.

These manipulations are carried out to prevent diseases and rejuvenation of rose bushes.

Pruning is done to prevent diseases and rejuvenate roses.

Preparing for the winter

For a proper wintering, the plant is spudded and the planned pruning is done. The stems are bent to the ground and sprinkled with sand. Sawdust, peat or spruce are poured over the sand.

Another variant of shelter for the winter is a rose of roses - air. To do this, make the frame up to half a meter high and cover it with foam and film.

Flowering roses

Rose Eddy Mitchell - grade description

Rose flush releases the first buds at the end of spring and does not stop blooming until mid-October. During this time, 3-4 flowering avalanches of a large number of buds are observed.

Rosa Fire flash blooms profusely all season

Periods of activity and rest

The dormant period of dutch flash is winter. All fertilizer application should be stopped immediately after the last flowering so as not to harm the plant during wintering. The period of activity is all the warm months.

Rules for care during and after flowering

To maintain a healthy and strong flowering, the plant needs quality care. Namely:

  • top dressing to stimulate the formation of buds;
  • mulching;
  • timely watering;
  • pruning faded buds and weak shoots.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

If a plant refuses to produce buds or never blooms at all, there are a number of reasons for this:

  • wrong landing place;
  • deep cropping;
  • disease or pests;
  • bush age.

If no apparent reason is found, you should be vaccinated, while getting rid of extra shoots and fertilizing the soil with potassium and phosphorus.

Flower propagation

A variety of border roses can be propagated in several ways.


The most laborious, complex and unjustified method of reproduction is seed. Seeds germinate for a long time and not every gardener dares to do this. Therefore, this method is used mainly by breeders.


This is a method of digging up an escape from an adult bush. For several months, layering will give roots and will be fully viable. After rooting, it is separated from the mother bush. The method of propagation by layering has proven itself among gardeners.

Offspring of roots

A young shoot with a root is separated from the bush and planted in a separate place.


The most common and easiest way to reproduce. Cuttings are cut from the middle of a strong shoot. With the help of a root growth stimulator in water, the root system is built up and planted in a greenhouse. There, the plant gains strength before planting in open ground.

Propagation by cuttings - the most common method of propagation of roses


An adult bush is dug up and divided into several independent plants. The main condition for dividing is that each separated sprout has enough roots and several healthy buds for growth.

Good to know! The division method is considered the fastest method of reproduction. In this case, the culture does not lose the characteristics of the variety.

Diseases and Pests

The Dutch garden queen rarely gets sick and suffers from pests. If such a nuisance did happen, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of struggle:

  • Aphid. A common nuisance of all types of roses is small bugs that feed on the sap of the plant. An aqueous solution of soap and mustard powder will help in the fight against them.
  • Spider mite. Insects sucking juice from leaves, after which the foliage turns yellow. They are afraid of the effects of the Fitoverm drug.
  • Powdery Mildew A fungal disease covering the plant with a white coating. It is treated with a concentrated solution of soda or by treating the bush with a Bordeaux mixture.
  • Rust. It appears during the warm and wet spring with yellow-orange sporulation pads. The plant dries and deforms. To treat the flower, iron sulfate and a copper-soap solution are used.

Compact, miniature rose Flash fire is good as a flower garden decoration and in bouquet compositions. Its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care will be appreciated by any gardener.


Watch the video: Fireflash Rob Romeyn (October 2024).