Violet Ness Crinkle Blue - Plant Features


Among the species of senpolia there are varieties with the most unusual forms and color of inflorescences. One of these varieties is Ness crinkle blue. It differs not only in the beauty of terry flowers of a deep blue hue, but also in continuous flowering. To admire such beauty all year round, the plant does not have to create special conditions, since the variety is very unpretentious.

What does the Saintpaulia of Ness crinkle blue look like

This variety of Saintpaulia stands out in terms of external characteristics.

Stunning Saintpaulia Ness crinkle blue

It will be no less interesting to learn about the origin of the variety, as well as about other varieties from this group.


Saintpaulia Ness crinkle blue is a semi-miniature variety. The size of the outlet, flowers and leaves is average. The plant is characterized by long flowering with interruptions of 1-2 months.

The leaves are dark green, with a serrated edge and a sharp tip. Terry flowers, petals are arranged in several layers. The color of the inflorescences is blue with a thin white rim around the edge. During flowering, flower stalks bend under the weight of inflorescences, lie on the outlet and cover it almost completely.

History of Origin and Species

Saintpolis is also called Uzambara violets. Both names are related to the origin of the plant. For the first time, flowers were spotted in the region of the Uzambara Mountains (Africa), and discovered by a local official, St. Paul Iller. He transferred the seeds to one of the prominent botanists of that time - Herman Wendland, who gave the flower the name of Saintpaulia in honor of its discoverer. He attributed the plant to a large family of Gesneriaceae.

The crinkle blue variety and many others were bred by breeder Don Nes. At first he was engaged in crossbreeding gloxinia as a hobby, and became interested in the Senpolis after visiting the exhibition of Uzbek violets in Sao Paulo. The selection was so successful that new varieties spread throughout the continent and soon gained worldwide fame.

Features and Characteristics of Ness Varieties

Violet VaT King Peas - plant features

As a result of many years of work, Don Ness presented the world with many varieties of saints. Some of them deserve special attention. For example, such as uzambar violet ness orange pepe or antique red.

Crinkle blue

Differs in almost continuous flowering. Terry flowers resemble miniature blue roses. Violet is very unpretentious and easy to breed.

Crinkle blue

Orange pekoe

Uzessar violet Ness Orange Pekoe has double or semi-double flowers of a deep coral hue.

Orange pekoe

Inflorescences look very decorative against the background of cream-green, and sometimes green-pink leaves.

Satin rose

Terry flowers with a delicate white-purple color, which changes from the middle to the edge.

Satin rose

A feature of the variety is the crown arrangement of inflorescences. Leaves have pronounced ribbing and a serrated edge.

Spring blush

Simple and semi-double flowers consist of white petals with pale pink stripes and purple spots.

Spring blush

Senpolia breeders call a similar coloring a chimera. The plant is very unpretentious in care, has a long and abundant flowering.

Blueberry puff

The blue flowers of this variety seem to be decorated with white specks of paint. Outwardly, it looks like the glare of sun bunnies on the petals. Inflorescences are dense, on one up to 15 flowers can be collected.

Blueberry puff

Tiny flame

Soft purple terry or semi-double flowers contrast against the background of dark foliage.

Tiny flame

A feature of the variety is a creamy white border along the edge of the leaves.

Pink confetti

This compact variety of senpolia has an original color of flowers.

Pink confetti

White petals around the edges seem to be covered with splashes of fuchsia paint.

Red velvet

The flowers are simple, with a wavy edge of the petals.

Red velvet

Velvet scarlet color slightly brightens from the middle to the edge. The violet is unpretentious in leaving and simply propagates.

Angel face

The flowers resemble miniature bells in shape.

Angel face

Petals with a slight waviness along the edge have a fuchsia hue.

Antique red

Terry flowers of saturated red color, similar in shape to miniature roses, stand out clearly against the background of dark green foliage. Violet blooms almost all year round.

Antique red

On one peduncle, up to 7 flowers bloom simultaneously.

Fantasy gold

In the color of terry flowers, yellow, pink and fuchsia shades are simultaneously present.

Fantasy gold

On each petal they are combined randomly. The leaves are deep green, almost black.

Blueberry kiss

The variety is distinguished by large flowers of the original color.

Blueberry kiss

The snow-white center passes into the blue edges of the petals. Violet blooms for more than 6 months. Inflorescences form very large.

Care Features

Senpolii - unpretentious indoor flowers. To enjoy beautiful blooms almost all year round, it is enough to follow a few rules regarding care and maintenance:

  • Watering is carried out in a pan. To do this, use settled water at room temperature.
  • The temperature is maintained at a level of 20-23 ° C, most importantly - not lower than 18 ° C.
  • Lighting needs a long and intense, but not direct sunlight.
  • It is better to purchase ready-made soil, especially for the senpolia.
  • Mineral dressing is applied in the spring-summer period, 1 time in 10-14 days.
Humako inches violet - plant features

Caring for the senpolis is quite simple. The main thing is to prevent waterlogging of the soil and to provide the plants with good lighting.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to spray and wipe the leaves. To maintain humidity, it is recommended to put the pot on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay.


What is the name of violet pink, blue, purple and others

Most often, the senpolia is propagated by leafy cuttings. Use should only be healthy and not too young leaves.


  1. The cutlery is placed in water until the roots appear.
  2. Then it must be rooted in a substrate of peat and sand mixed in a ratio of 2/1.
  3. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, they are pickled in separate pots.

Leaf propagation - quick and easy

For large plants when transplanting, the bush division method is used. Reproduction by seeds is a rather laborious and long process, which is relevant only for obtaining plants of a rare variety.

Attention! To get the seeds yourself, you need to conduct artificial pollination of flowers.

When and how it blooms

Saintpaulia or violet, Ness crinkle blue has a very long flowering period. Almost all year round, the rosette is covered with lush terry inflorescences.

During flowering, the plant must be properly looked after. Feeding should be done at least once every 10 days. It is necessary to prevent temperature drops and protect the flower from drafts.

Important! In no case can you rearrange the blooming senpolia to another place. During this period, the plant is very sensitive.

Transplant after purchase and during reproduction

The technology of transplanting the senpolia practically does not differ from the standard technique of propagation of indoor flowers. Pay attention to several important points:

  • The drainage layer at the bottom should be ¼ part of the volume of the pot.
  • It is important to ensure that there are at least 3 drainage holes in the landing tank.
  • Soil is better to use ready-made or mix garden soil with sand and peat in proportions 2/1/1.

Possible growing problems

The reasons for the deterioration of the appearance of the senpolia can be improper care, an attack of pests or diseases.

Improper care

Errors in care include excessive watering, non-compliance with light and temperature conditions. Signs that the plant is experiencing discomfort, consider the appearance of spots on the leaves or their wilting.

Pests and diseases

Uzambara violet ness krinkle bleu is susceptible to a number of diseases, such as late blight, fusarium, powdery mildew and various rot. The most common plant parasites are aphids and cyclamen mites. At the first signs of a flower lesion, leaf and soil should be treated, and sometimes transplanted into another pot.

Saintpaulia - flowering and unpretentious plants


Saintpaulia Ness crinkle blue is a wonderful variety presented to the world by breeder Don Ness. His name is also given to species such as Uzambara violet oranges, satin rose and many others. Subject to simple rules for care and maintenance, these unpretentious flowers will delight you with beautiful flowering almost all year round.


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