Mimosa Hostilis (Hostilis) - what kind of plant


Mimosa Hostilis is a plant of the species Mimosa Tenuiflora. Previously, it belonged to the Mimozov family, but subsequently it was disbanded, now it is part of the Legumes. Outwardly, the bush is unremarkable, but it became famous thanks to its psychotropic properties, which were used by the shamans of the tribes living in Brazil.

Mimosa Hostilis (Hostilis) aka Mimosa Tenuiflora - what kind of flower

Mimosa Hostilis and the flower, which is traditionally given to women on March 8 in Russia, are not the same thing. After the dissolution of the Mimosa family, there was some confusion, and throughout the world the second plant was attributed to the Acacia family. Therefore, it is not surprising that Hostilis is very different in appearance from the usual mimosis.

Mimosa Hostilis

Short description of what it looks like

In the wild, the height of the tree can reach 8 meters, but this is rare. Most often you can find small shrubs with a lignified trunk. Some specimens have spikes about 4 mm long at the base.

White fragrant inflorescences are spikelets. The hostilis has fruits in the form of pods, divided into several parts. Inside are small seeds of dark color in a hard shell. The pod can reach 3 cm in length. The leaves of the plant are dissected, pinnate, about 5 cm long.

Where grows in the wild

In the wild, Hostilis is more common in Brazil. The largest numbers are observed in the northeastern states, among which:

  • Rio Grande do Norte;
  • Ceara;
  • Bahia
  • Pernambuco;
  • Paraiba.

There were also individual specimens on the coast of Chiapas and Oaxaca, which is the southern part of Mexico, and these are even more northern areas. The optimal growth environment is from the ninth and higher frost resistance zones (geographically defined zones on the basis of the average annual minimum temperature). Hostilis grows on hills, rare specimens are found at an altitude of about 1 km.

Mimosa flowers


Mimosa flower: growing conditions and plant care options

First of all, for the cultivation of a plant, it is required to find out the frost resistance zone: what does this mean and how to use it. Depending on the zone, you can find out what minimum temperature the plant can bring to planting. However, this scale does not take into account a number of important features: temperature differences, snow depth, spring frosts, rainfall, soil topography, etc.

Important!In Russia there is no suitable zone for the cultivation of Hostilis. The closest city you can consider is Krasnodar, officially there is 7. A plant that is hardy to zone 9 and above can withstand temperatures that have fallen to -7 degrees Celsius.

In Russia, Hostilis was banned from cultivation and consumption. In any case, it could be grown only in botanical gardens and greenhouses, as it would not have taken root in open ground.

Mimosa cultivation

  • Choosing a place and soil

Hostilis is a heat-loving plant, and therefore its cultivation is possible only in greenhouse conditions. It is necessary for landing to choose well-lit places, protected from sudden gusts of wind, drafts.

For the roots, the best soil option is a nutritious and loose substrate, since it conducts oxygen and water well, and is itself saturated with nutrients.

  • Top dressing

Once every couple of months it is required to apply fertilizer to the soil, because without this there will be no full-fledged growth.

It can be mineral or organic top dressing, which is required during the growing season.

Attention! During the resting period, it is better not to disturb mimosa.

  • Watering and humidity

Optimum conditions for growth include constant support for the high level of air humidity that Hostilis is used to at home. This is required not only during the growing season, but throughout the year.

In summer, watering should be carried out regularly, in winter its amount should be reduced to a minimum.

  • Pruning

Pruning should not be carried out only during the rainy season, as this can lead to their death. When cultivated in greenhouse conditions, this procedure is possible. Do not cut branches too much, it is better to let the mimosa grow in an arbitrary way.

Breeding methods

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In the wild, this mimosa spreads by seed. When the pods begin to open, the wind spreads the seeds up to 8 meters away, in the rain they wash off onto the plains, where they find fertile soil for germination.

Seeds Hostilis


At home, the collection of seed should be carried out if the pods themselves began to open. It is required to collect all the pods from the plant, arrange them under the sun and wait for the release of seeds. Their preparation and cultivation of mimosa can cause a number of problems, so you should strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Seeds must be scarified because they are very hard and dense. It can be produced both by using sulfuric acid (an unlikely combination of circumstances at home, since the procedure is dangerous to human health if carried out without protective equipment and certain knowledge), and by using damage to the membrane. To do this is a disinfected sharp knife using personal protective equipment, so as not to injure your hands.
  2. The prepared material must be immersed in hot water - from 60 degrees Celsius or more (most importantly, so that it does not boil) for half an hour.
  3. Plant in loose soil with a drainage layer at the bottom. You can use a sandy substrate.
  4. It is recommended to cover the container with seedlings with glass or plastic wrap to create the required conditions. Periodically, it is necessary to ventilate the plantings, additionally moistening the air.
  5. After the first shoots appear, it is required to rearrange the container on the windowsill and remove the shelter. A monthly plant can already be considered an adult. It is required to maintain a moist state of the soil, however, to prevent stagnation of water in it, as this can lead to rotting of the roots.

A three-month-old plant can be transplanted into a more spacious container, separating it from its counterparts. The volume of the pot should be at least 15 liters, because Hostilis grows quickly enough, and its roots are quite voluminous. After a month, you can start feeding.

The plant needs fresh air, so in summer it can be taken outside, and in the winter it is worth ventilating quite often, while avoiding drafts.

Important! Hostilis reacts negatively to external stimuli, so do not smoke next to it.


Propagation by cuttings is possible in the presence of an adult plant. In this case, it is required to pre-prepare the material - the branches should be semi-lignified about 15 cm long.

It is recommended to treat them with a means to accelerate rooting, for example, Kornevin. Then it’s worth putting the sticks in the container, slightly deepening one end into the substrate. The container should be covered with a film. When the first sprouts appear, you need to transplant the young mimosa into an individual pot.

Dried plant parts

Why is this plant prohibited in Russia

In 2017, Hostilis was included in the list of plants that contain narcotic or psychotropic substances. The decree was signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev. Mimosa did not just get on this list - its dried parts were sold in online stores to people suffering from drug addiction.

Begonia plant ever flowering at home and in the garden

Plant seeds were also sold, and therefore botanists who wanted exotic ones could grow mimosa at home. The substance was used in the usual way for the “grass” - it was smoked, sniffed, inhaled through the nose, made intramuscular injections, added to food.

The plant was in demand, because it quickly had the desired effect and had a long period of relaxation. With the introduction of large doses caused a change in consciousness. The substance causes acute problems in the sensory system.

Important!At the moment, Hostilis is prohibited for consumption and cultivation in the territory of the Russian Federation. Several copies of mimosa are available in the botanical gardens of the North Caucasus, they are used exclusively for scientific research.

Use as Entheogen

Entheogens are a group of plant components containing psychogenic substances that cause a change in consciousness. For the first time, Brazilian shamans began to use the roots and leaves of the plant in order to enter a trance state in order to communicate with spirits.

Brazilian shaman


Mimosa Tenuiflora is an outwardly unremarkable plant that has a mass of unusual properties. Its bark can be used as a disinfectant, but it is used to a greater extent by people with drug addiction to achieve a change in consciousness.


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