Rosa Burgund - specifications and description


Among roses grown in temperate latitudes, the Burgundy hybrid tea rose stands out for its incredible fragrance, unusual juicy colors. The variety is known as Loving Memory, Red Cedar, The Macarthur Rose, winters well, reproduces well. A beauty with dark red or burgundy buds will become a bright accent on the site, decorate it.

Rosa Burgundy

The variety was bred in 1981 by the famous breeders Kordes (Cordes) from Germany. The official name of the plant is Burgund 81 or KORgund81. A flower of the color of blood was named in honor of the militant tribe "Burgundy", who lived in the territory of Pomerania many centuries ago.

A tall erect bush throws large buds with inflorescences

Important! Later, dark cherry varieties of the variety appeared: Ice grows to 1.5 meters, Rambler is climbing, the shoot length reaches 3 meters.

Short description, characteristic

Rosa Burgundy forms a bush 80-100 cm high, shoots with dense rare spikes. The average volume of a loose bush is 60 cm. The leaves are leathery, dark green in color, the buds are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces, in the climbing variety - up to seven. The culture is winter-hardy, sun-loving, demanding on the mineral and structural composition of the soil.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages gardeners consider:

  • plentiful and long flowering;
  • strong fragrance, the smell of the flower is traditional, saturated;
  • rose is good for cutting and ornamental growing:
  • tolerates frosts up to -35 ° С.

The description of the flower will be incomplete without indicating flaws:

  • the plant requires constant care;
  • leaves are susceptible to powdery mildew;
  • buds lose their attractiveness when wilted.

Use in landscape design

Rose Burgund is used for single and group plantings on parquet lawns, against the walls of buildings, along pedestrian walkways. Grown for rose gardens and landscape flower-stone compositions.

Note! It is rarely used for border decoration due to difficult maintenance. It is necessary to provide free access to the plant.

When planting, it is important to deepen the root neck of the rose

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Rosa Burgundy is a henchman who will not bloom on clay soils, sparse soil, wetlands and flooded areas.

In what form is landing

Rosa Belvedere (Belvedere) - description and specifications

Only breeders are engaged in seed cultivation, gardeners prefer to use ready-made planting material:

  • purchased seedlings;
  • rooted cuttings and layering;
  • delenki from the mother bush.

What time is the landing

The plant is transferred to a permanent place in early spring, as soon as the buds awaken, this is March-May, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. Autumn planting is carried out a month before the onset of the rest period, in September-October.

Important! It is recommended to root the seedlings in the spring, if there are severe frosts in the winter.

Location selection

For landing you need a sunny, well-lit place. Burgundy loves direct rays, but partial shade in the afternoon is also acceptable.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

For seedlings at a distance of 70 cm from each other, pits are made up to a depth of 40 cm. The soil is loosened, enriched with humus and minerals. The shoots are shortened to 0.3 m, the roots are soaked in water for 2 hours.

Landing procedure step by step:

  1. 8-10 cm of gravel or other drainage is placed in the pit.
  2. A 5-centimeter layer of soil is laid.
  3. In the center they make a small mound, straighten the roots on it.
  4. Deepen the planting material by 2-2.5 cm.
  5. Fill the hole with prepared soil.
  6. The earth is shed well, they are dying.

Unusual raspberry-cherry variety of Burgundy called Ice bred by American breeders 20 years ago

Plant care

The plant requires regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, pruning.

Watering rules and humidity

Rose Blush (Blush) - description and characteristics of the variety

The Burgund 81 rose is hygrophilous, but does not like stagnation of water. Once every 3 days, the soil is moistened under the root, young bushes need up to 5 liters, adults up to 8. In autumn, watering is reduced to once a week, in rainy periods they stop.

Note! On hot days, the rose should not be watered with cold water.

Top dressing and soil quality

For roses, they acquire complex special compositions, bush flowering depends on the correct balance of trace elements. Top dressing is done every three weeks from the beginning of budding. When digging in the spring, humus or compost are additionally added to the soil at the rate of a bucket per 1 m2.

Important! Fertilizers begin to be applied one year after planting, not earlier.

Pruning and transplanting

In the spring, after the awakening of the kidneys, sanitary pruning is carried out, frozen, curves, thickening shoots are removed. In the fall, if desired, make formative. A rose is transplanted only at the age of five; it is divided after 7 years of growth.

Features of wintering a flower

Shelters from non-woven material are made only over young plants, snow protection is enough for adults - they bend a little to the ground, throw a lapnik.

The burgundy bud is beautiful during blooming, like all tea roses, the edges of the petals are bent

Flowering roses

Terry buds, goblet-shaped, petals slightly pointed, velvety structure.

Period of activity and rest

Rosa Boscobel (Boscobel) - description and characteristics of the culture

The hybrid tea rose Burgund blooms profusely, without interruptions from early summer to late frosts. The period of activity lasts from the end of March to November; the rest period is insignificant. Rose is used for cultivation in winter gardens, at home.

Care during and after flowering

For abundant budding, it is necessary to regularly cut blooming flowers so that seed boxes do not form. Rose responds well to cultivation, top dressing.

Note! The pruner is treated with disinfectant solutions before work, sharpened so that there are no ruptures of the bark.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

If the bush is frozen, pruning the shoots is done. It is necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil, Burgundy does not bloom when alkalizing the earth. As a solution to the problem make peat or slurry. When the soil dries up, budding stops, so watering is required.

Flower propagation

The most popular method is grafting. Capping and layering are less common.

When produced

Shoots are cut in early spring when the leaves hatch.

Detailed description

For cuttings choose 2-year-old shoots from adult bushes. The branches are divided so that on each part there are two growth points. Put in a solution with a biostimulant, after the appearance of a bunch of white roots, planted in the ground.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The main enemies of the rose Burgundy 81 are aphids and powdery mildew. Apply conventional plant protection products.

Despite the shortcomings, Burgundy pleases with bright colors, delicate flowers. Gardeners prefer to plant a variety at the entrance to the house, the veranda. It must always be open, visible from all sides, surprise with a juicy color before the snow.


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