Favorable days for transplanting houseplants


Lovers of indoor plants and flowers, when planting or transplanting their wards, try to combine this with the moon phases. Intervals favorable for the production work are combined with the time when it is not advisable to touch the plants in order to avoid their illness or death. The lunar calendar for indoor flowers for 2019, the table of which clearly describes the phases of the Earth’s satellite, helps to determine such periods.

Favorable days for transplantation

Is it possible to transplant an indoor flower today? This question is probably asked by many housewives, noticing that their pet is cramped in the old pot, or it behaves strangely. Dates, types and intervals between transplants of indoor plants differ. For each crop, they are different. Some can be transplanted annually, while others need a pot change several times.

Moon and planting

Important! In order to avoid confusion when working with potted plants, it is necessary to have a notebook in which the planting date, date and type of top dressing or preventive treatment from pests are recorded. Transplant dates are recorded there.

Before deciding on favorable days of work, you need to know that you can transplant flowers into pots in the following ways:

  • complete replacement of the soil - the extraction of all land and the liberation of the roots from the soil;
  • partial replacement - the roots are not completely freed from the soil, a certain amount of soil remains;
  • replacement of the top layer - replacement of the old layer with a new substrate, 5-6 centimeters thick on top.

There is another type of plant movement to a new place - transshipment (transplanting with the earth into a larger pot, with the addition of soil around the roots). Transshipment can be performed several times during the vegetative period and does not prevent the flower from growing.

Attention! If the root of the plant is bare, or the upper layer loses its nutritional properties, it is advisable to replace the upper layer. The upper layer is removed, a new fertile soil is poured onto the vacated place.

Favorable for transplanting indoor plants are the months:

  • from the beginning of March to the end of April - the spring movement of juices to the upper part of the flowers favors the replacement of soil;
  • from the beginning of September to the end of October - the movement of juices slows down, plant cells are dehydrated, this allows transplanting with less loss and increases the survival rate.

Auspicious days are called due to the fact that damage to flowers will be minimized.

Orchid transplant

How to transplant a plant correctly

It is not enough to choose the time for such work with domestic plants. The following procedure for changing soil and capacity should be maintained:

  • selection and preparation of another pot for the plant;
  • drainage device (if necessary);
  • preparing a flower for a transplant;
  • soil preparation.
Pests of indoor plants and indoor flower diseases

If the next place the crop grows is a new pot, then it should be larger than the previous one. At the bottom of the tank, you need to make a hole for draining excess water during irrigation. If the drainage holes are large, you can lay a piece of mosquito net on the bottom. A support - a tray under the bottom, is an integral attribute. It is necessary so that the flowing water does not damage the coating of the shelf on which the container with the flower will be installed. New items must be washed with soap.

When a used container is used as a new place of residence, it must be cleaned, washed and dried.

Caution! The pot is selected one size larger than the previous one (4 cm). Too large contributes to the rapid growth of roots and chopping flowers. When the plant is sick, the size of the tank does not change.

Drainage, despite all the controversy surrounding it, is still needed. The holes do not provide quick draining of excess water during irrigation. Drainage from small pieces of various materials, laid in a shallow layer on the bottom, will save from root decay. If it reduces the working volume of the soil, then with improper watering it will protect the plants.

For your information. As drainage, you can use brick chips, pebbles, expanded clay, shredded shards of broken plates. Harvested drainage must be disinfected in a 10% manganese solution.

The steps for preparing flowers for a complete transplant are as follows:

  • abundant preliminary watering one day before work and an hour before excavation;
  • extracting the plant along with the soil, cleaning the roots of the old soil.

The soil mixture is previously loosened with hands, slightly moistened. If the soil is not from the store, then it needs preliminary disinfection and the addition of vitamin B1 (two to three drops per pot). Disinfection is carried out by moderate calcination in a roasting pan, set on fire. In extreme cases, spilling cooked land with boiling water is suitable. After that, the cooled soil should dry to the desired condition.

Landing in a new tank is as follows:

  • drainage is placed at the bottom;
  • soil is poured on the drainage with a pyramid;
  • a flower is placed on the ground, the roots are straightened;
  • the new soil is poured around, to the level of the old mark on the trunk, slightly tamped.

In order for the transplanted flower to begin after transplantation, the room must be warm, the humidity is moderate. It is undesirable to proceed with the planned transplant before the beginning of April. Clear days and landings on the growing moon are the favorable companions of the grower in this case. Drafts, direct sunlight on the flower are negative factors that prevent it from taking root.

Planting a flower in a pot

Optimal timing for flower care

Watering indoor plants in the absence of the owners 2 weeks or a month

It is not always necessary to change the growing conditions of indoor flowers and plants. Here are a few signs confirming the need for this process:

  • after watering, the soil does not hold moisture and dries quickly;
  • roots become visible through drainage holes or come to the surface;
  • the green mass of the flower makes the pot overturn, or it looks to take an extended shape;
  • plant development slowed down or stopped altogether;
  • more than one and a half years have passed since the last transplant.

Information. To make sure that the night luminary does not decrease, and that the lunar phase is growing, you can look at the lunar schedule. When caring for flowers, they change the soil precisely during the growing phase of the Earth’s satellite.

The optimal timing for replacing the soil in home indoor flowers, giving good results, is as follows:

  • spring - March and May;
  • summer - July and August;
  • autumn - completely suitable for this;
  • Winter - December.

During the fifteen-year period, practical experiments were carried out in this direction. Studies have shown that during these seasonal intervals, soil changes for flowers are harmless. The shock of the plants is minimal, and they continue to decorate the house and delight the look with their appearance.

When is it better to transplant plants

Fitosporin for indoor plants: instructions for use

In which month to transplant flowers: in June, February? If we talk about the best moment for a transplant, then you should choose the time from the end of February to April inclusive. Awakening of the plant, the growth of new shoots and leaves contribute to this event and ensure normal vegetation throughout the season.

Sprout awakening

Transplanting Indoor Flowers in Autumn

The beginning of autumn is always associated with a decrease in ambient temperature. September and October are undesirable months for transplants. It must be performed only as a last resort. Plants are preparing for winter, and their vital processes are markedly reduced. However, if you have to do this, you need to check the lunar schedule.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants

When considering the lunar calendar for planting indoor plants, pay attention to the icons on the opposite of the month. They can be made in the form of a circle having the following color:

  • completely bright disk (the moon is illuminated by the sun) - full moon;
  • completely dark disk (the Earth covers the Moon from the Sun) - There is no moon;
  • the thin sector to the right of the disk is the growing moon;
  • the thin sector on the left of the disk is the waning moon.

These designations are the same for all calendars and for a star located in the real sky.

Transplant on a specific day

When planting or replanting flowers on a certain date, pay attention to the tables. Having found today's number, they consider the sign that is printed there. If a disc is drawn on it, on which the lunar sickle is marked on the right, then it is allowed.

Designations of the phases of the moon on calendars

How to determine days to change

Favorable days for transplanting houseplants will be marked on the lunar chart with the symbols of the growth and decrease of the moon. The growth phase allows you to transplant all the flowers that delight the upper part: flowers or leaves. At this time, the roots are strong and can withstand any transplant. In the 3rd and 4th phases, as an exception, it is permissible to transplant tuberous plants.

Important! Not only the plant itself, but also the soil under it should not be touched in the full moon. Any damage to the stems or root system can ruin the flowers.

Moon phases

In September 2019, the Moon undergoes the following changes:

  • from the 1st to the 13th day of the month - the Moon grows when indoor flowers, decorative leafy groups are subject to transplantation;
  • September 14 - full moon, nothing is transplanted;
  • from the 15th to the 27th - the waning of the Moon; they work with bulbous and tuberous flowers;
  • September 28 - the new moon, the flowers do not touch.
  • On the 29th and 30th - the Earth’s satellite is growing again, you can deal with transplants of ornamental plants.

Not only a flower transplant, but also the planting season, when seeds, bulbs or tubers are planted in the ground, depends on the night light.

An important role is played by the zodiac signs (according to the horoscope) in which the satellite is located:

  • September 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 30 - fertile signs - Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer;
  • September 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 26, 27 - infertile - Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini;
  • September 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 25 - barren - Aries, Leo and Aquarius.

Moon Calendar for 2019

Moon Calendar for March 2020

An auspicious day for transplanting indoor flowers is not one. These can be days going one after another, while a certain lunar phase lasts. For March 2020, the following phases of the moon can be distinguished, marked on the calendar.

So, in March, the days that you pay attention to are distributed as follows:

  • March 1 - 8, 2020 - the moon is growing;
  • March 9 - the full moon;
  • March 10 - 23, 2020 - the waning moon;
  • March 24 - the new moon;
  • March 25 - 31 - the growing moon.

The most favorable days are March 1, 4, 5, 6, 27, 28. The moon is in the following signs:

  • March 1, 27, 28 - in the sign of Taurus;
  • 4, 5 and 6 - in the constellation Cancer.

These days are good for any job.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that the lunar day lasts 24.5 hours, and their number in the month is 29-30, which is different from a simple calendar. If, when determining the day of work, there is a discrepancy between the moon phase and the horoscope sign, they are guided by the sign.

Lunar calendar for March 2020


Using such a calendar allows you to protect yourself from mistakes when working with domestic plants, those associated with sowing, planting and transplants. The tables indicate what can be done with agricultural technology. The full correspondence of the lunar phases and zodiac signs is calculated individually for each day and month of the season.



Watch the video: NEVER DO THIS! WHEN TO REPOT NEW PLANT: From a Garden Store Nursery or Online Garden Tips (October 2024).