Gimenokallis flower - home care


The birthplace of an unusual gimenokallis is considered Latin America. The main difference of the plant is the elegant shape of the flowers, which look very decorative and unusual. The plant is also called Peruvian daffodil, it was started growing at home relatively recently. At the same time, care for hymenocallis is quite simple.

Hymenocallis reproduction

Gimenokallis can be easily grown in a pot; home care is quite simple. Its reproduction is carried out using seeds or bulbs. Seeds germinate for a long time, it will take a lot of patience to grow a strong plant from them. We need a substrate of sand and peat, as well as regular moisture and good lighting. After 1-2 months, the first sprouts will appear.

Hymenokallis on the windowsill

Bulb reproduction is simpler and more convenient. In a three-year-old plant, children with young shoots form from the main bulb. For their separation, you must carefully dig out the flower of Gimenokallis, separate the small shoots and immediately plant them in the ground.

Important! If the bulbs are left in the air, they will dry.

Home-grown species

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The flower Gimenokallis festalis is not fully understood, in the wild it grows in remote areas. Officially registered 66 species of this plant, but there are the most popular for growing at home.

Sprouted Bulbs of Hymenocallis

Caribbean hymenocallis - Hymenocallis caribaea

Caribbean hymenocallis grows to 1 m in height, leaves reach the same length. Preferred places for accommodation are offices, halls, winter gardens. Narrow leaves up to 7 cm wide, taper to the base. It blooms in late summer and autumn. Flowers in the outlet grows from 6 to 12 pieces, an inflorescence is umbrella-shaped.

Attention! The leaves and flowers of the plant are poisonous.

Gimenocallis beautiful - Hymenocallis speciosa

Pleasant gimenokallis or beautiful is another common plant variety. Reaches 70 cm in height, up to 15 pieces are collected in umbrellas in the inflorescence. It blooms for a month in May and June.

Flowering Caribbean hymenocallis

Hymenocallis tubiflora - Hymenocallis tubiflora

Tubiflora is distinguished by wider leaves, variegated varieties are also often found. The crown of the flowers is quite small. Flowers are usually white, less often yellow.

Hymenocallis cordifolia - Hymenocallis cordifolia

This species is most different from the rest. Flowers have virtually no crowns. The leaves are elongated, heart-shaped. The flowers are snow-white, decorated with long and narrow hanging petals.

Broad-leaved Hymenokallis - Himenocallis latifolia

The leaf length of broadleaf hymenocallis reaches 75 cm, width - 7.5 cm. The flower grows up to 60 cm tall. It differs in the wavy edge of the flower crown and funnel shape. The plant grows a large number of evergreen leaves.

Hymenokallis broadleaf

Gimenocallis coastal - Hymenocallis littoralis

Another name for this species is spring lily spider. In height reaches 45 cm. Flowers with a strong aroma reach 1 cm in diameter. Inflorescences contain up to 3 outlets. The flowering period lasts all spring. Leaves reach 90 cm in length.

Hymenocallis narcissiflora - Hymenocallis narcissiflora

A high peduncle with 5 flowers reaches 1 m in height. The plant has light green leaves, a fairly deep crown, which vaguely resembles a daffodil, hence the name. The flowering period begins in the summer, in winter rest is necessary.

Hymenokallis narcissiflora

Growing hymenocallis, caring for it

The flower hymenocallis festalis can be grown both in open ground and in pots at home. It propagates with the help of seeds or bulbs. An important condition for successful plant growth is to maintain sufficient soil moisture and lighting.

Outdoor Landing Technology

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For planting in open ground, germinated bulb of hymenocallis is used. The best period for planting in open ground is the beginning of May, when stable warm weather is established - more than 150C.

Bulbs are planted in the soil well warmed up by the sun. Be sure to control soil moisture. Too much moisture will lead to decay of the roots, its lack will delay flowering.

Advice! It is best to water in dredged holes next to the flowers.

Planting at home in pots

To grow hymenocallis (physalis) in a room, a number of factors necessary for growing and flowering plants should be considered:

  1. In late autumn, it is necessary to reduce watering and prepare the flower for a dormant period, which is usually 3 months.
  2. After the plant drops the foliage, it is taken out into a dark room with a temperature of no higher than 120 ° C, while watering is completely stopped before the beginning of spring.
  3. A week before the end of February, gimenokallis is taken back into the heat, for lighting, and resume watering with small volumes, gradually bringing to normal. A month later, the plant will release young leaves.

For planting in pots of a houseplant, hymenocallis often use seeds and bulbs.

How to grow hymenocallis from bulbs

The easiest way to grow hymenocallis is to grow from bulbs. When the plant reaches the age of three, small onion bulbs with shoots appear on its bulb. For planting, they must be separated, for this they dig a flower, carefully remove the small bulbs and immediately plant them in the prepared soil.

Attention! The key to successful cultivation is bright lighting and timely watering.

Seed cultivation

After flowering on gimenokallis boxes are formed containing seeds. Sand-peat substrate should be preliminarily prepared, in which seeds are planted to a depth of not more than 8 cm. It is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 200 ° C, watering regularly, then after 3 months the first plant sprouts may appear.

How to accelerate the flowering of hymenocallis

One of the most common questions of amateur gardeners is why hymenocallis does not bloom. Description of several reasons why gimenokallis will not please with its flowers:

  • lack of lighting;
  • low air temperature in the room;
  • lack of rest period;
  • lack of fertilizers and fertilizing.

Performing regular simple actions, it will turn out to enjoy the beautiful and unusual flowering of this plant.

Flowering hymenocallis


Diseases and pests typical for hymenocallis

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The main problem of growing hymenocallis in many lovers is excessive waterlogging of the soil, which causes not only rotting of the roots, but also the appearance of pests such as spider mites or aphids. The foliage starts to turn yellow. In order to get rid of them, it is necessary to use special means - insecticides.

With a lack of moisture, the plant can be affected by gray rot and a red burn. For treatment, it is necessary to cut off the affected parts of the plant and sprinkle them with ash, and also treat with foundationazole.

Often there is the appearance of brown spots on the foliage, which means the defeat of the disease anthracnose. In this case, cut off all affected foliage and burn. Also, the lack of air negatively affects the plant. For this, a sufficient distance between the plants should be observed both in the garden and on the windowsill.

Gimenokallis is important to properly water, give rest during rest, transplant every 2-3 years, and also control the absence of pests and diseases. If you take care of the plant, then it will delight with its unusual and beautiful flowers.
