Chinese hibiscus - planting, care and reproduction at home, photo


Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus) or Rosan Chinese - a shrub in the family of malvaceae, 3-5 meters high, with smooth, green leaves and flowers of various shades, about 15 cm in size.

The birthplace of Chinese hibiscus is Asia, the northern part of Indochina, from where it gained distribution both in tropical countries and in Europe. In countries with a cold climate, including Russia, the plant is grown in greenhouse or indoor conditions.

Active flowering of shrubs occurs in the spring-summer season, as well as warm autumn. At home, Chinese hibiscus does not live longer than three years. In a greenhouse and in the wild, the life span of a flower can be over ten years.

Be sure to look at the azalea and gardenia jasmine flowers.

Fast growth. Up to 10 cm per year.
Active flowering of shrubs occurs in the spring-summer season, as well as warm autumn.
Easy to grow plant
Perennial. Up to 3 years.

Useful properties of Chinese hibiscus

Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus). A photo

This flower perfectly moisturizes and disinfects the surrounding air, decomposes harmful fumes from varnishes and glue. In addition, Chinese hibiscus is an aphrodisiac plant.

Hibiscus: signs and superstitions

This bush is credited with a lot of mystical qualities. So, it is believed that the flowering of Chinese hibiscus strengthens love in the family, and unmarried women promise a quick marriage. If the flower begins to wither, then this is a sure sign of the illness of someone from the family.

Chinese hibiscus care at home. Briefly

Chinese hibiscus at home feels very comfortable if the following conditions are provided for its growth.

Temperature modeIn summer - no higher than 22 degrees, in winter - no lower than 16.
Air humidityAbove average, about 70-80%.
LightingSoft or shaded sunlight, direct sunlight should be avoided.
WateringAbundant in the summer season, extremely rare in the cold season, while drying out the soil surface should not be allowed.
PrimingUsed well-enriched loose soil, or a special composition for geraniums.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIt is carried out annually in the spring-autumn periods with fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen.
TransferFor young shrubs every spring is carried out. Flowers over four years old are transplanted every four years.
Hibiscus breedingPerhaps both by seeds and by shoots. In the first embodiment, some characteristics of the plant variety may be lost.
Growing FeaturesNeeds cutting and pinching, likes air, constant humidity. At the same time, it is unpretentious and successfully grows even among inexperienced gardeners.

Chinese hibiscus care at home. In detail


Chinese hibiscus blooms almost all year, usually excluding spring.

Typically, the flower lives only a few days, and in hot weather it completely falls in the evening. But very soon the following buds will form on the same shoot.

Depending on the type of top dressing, the degree of lighting and watering, the color of Chinese hibiscus changes significantly. Now known plants with flowers of purple, yellowish, blue, red-pink, colorful hues.

It happens that Chinese hibiscus does not bloom at home or blooms extremely rarely. This occurs for the following reasons:

  • the plant was not provided with a dormant period in the cold seasons;
  • the plant was not trimmed in time;
  • the soil is too nitrogenous, which leads only to the development of foliage growth;
  • the flower does not receive enough light;
  • pests appeared;
  • excess or severe lack of nutrition.

In addition, among the hibiscus there are quite capricious specimens that drop buds from a change in the location of the flower pot. Also, flowers in very young bushes fall very quickly.

Temperature mode

The most comfortable temperature for the development of Chinese hibiscus should not exceed 24-25 degrees in the warm season. In cold periods, the flower should be protected from temperatures below 11-13 degrees, including from wind and draft.

A temperature of 10 degrees can only withstand a long-term instance of rosan, and also if it is a variety resistant to cold.


If you want to decorate the house with beautiful tropical inflorescences, Chinese hibiscus is suitable. Home care in this case involves not only watering, but also constant spraying at any time of the year. In the summer, this measure will prevent the appearance of certain types of pests, help the flower survive the hot weather. And in winter, the soil and the plant itself will be protected from drying out, which inevitably occurs due to increased air dryness due to the operation of heating systems. The water for spraying is taken exactly the same as for irrigation, it is standing, rain or melt water.


Like any tropical plant, the hibiscus flower at home needs enough sunlight. It should not be a window with a bright scorching sun, it is better to choose such conditions so that the bush receives soft diffused light that does not burn the leaves.

In constant shade, the plant also grows and develops, but there is a risk not to wait for the hibiscus to bloomor there will be a very small number of flowers. The best option is to place the shrub on the windows and balconies of the southwest, southeast side.


Chinese rosan needs plentiful regular watering. If we allow a lack of moisture, drying of the top layer of the soil - the leaves of the plant react instantly - lower and slightly fade. But it’s easy to fix by moistening the soil by spraying the crown and putting the flower in the shade. After a short time, the moisture balance in the leaves will be restored and the Chinese hibiscus will return to its previous form.

In winter, the plant is rarely watered. The principle is the same - to prevent complete drying of the topsoil. It is often necessary to apply not so much watering as loosening, which allows you to evenly distribute the remaining moisture in the ground, which eliminates the risk of root decay.

Chinese hibiscus soil

Young plants need a loose, “airy” substrate, which includes peat with sand or perlite from the calculation: five parts of peat and one part of sand, or perlite.

Older shrubs require a more thorough and saturated soil mixture, which may include parts of clay, humus, sod and leaf soil in the calculation of 2: 1: 1: 1, respectively. It is also possible to use the following composition:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • humus (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Including it is permissible to use ready-made mixes from the store with a large number of loosening elements. And an important addition - for Chinese hibiscus of any age, good drainage is required in a layer of about 3 cm, consisting of expanded clay.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Chinese hibiscus needs to be fed year-round. In winter, it is enough to fertilize monthly with a special nutrient compound, diluted twice. In summer, frequent top dressing is required - once every seven to ten days. Very good for this purpose - mullein per one part of fertilizer per ten parts of water. In addition, it is useful to use specialized fertilizing for flowering and ornamental shrubs, including mineral supplements with a high content of phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Hibiscus transplant

Transplanting Chinese hibiscus has a number of nuances, since this plant is quite tender and can not tolerate any transplant. If this is a very young copy from the store, first you should give him time to settle down in current conditions. Also, do not touch the flowering shrub, you must wait until the flowering ends.

When transplanting, as a rule, they change the pot to a more spacious one, but here the important point is that you must not take a container that is too large and deep, otherwise the soil will become acidic early and flowering will weaken. It is enough to take the container only 5-7 cm larger than the previous one.

And perennial large bushes and young plants are transplanted without completely destroying the earthen lump, without washing the root system. The hibiscus is slightly shaken, rearranged in a new pot, after which the missing amount is added, that is, the so-called transshipment is carried out.

This method is much milder than a cardinal transplant, after which young plants often die. Transplantation is carried out annually in the spring.

How to prune Chinese hibiscus?

Homemade Chinese hibiscus is required to be pruned. It is this procedure that allows you to wait for fast flowering, and the shrub itself takes on a neat compact shape. Pruning is carried out both in spring and summer. When the shoots reach the desired height - the top is cut off, the leaves on the stem do not break off. The lateral branches that appear in the subsequent ones are also cut off when they reach the required length. Thus, the crown is formed, and on the new sprouts buds will appear quite soon.

Rest period

The dormant period is necessary for Chinese hibiscus, if you want to observe its bloom annually. To do this, the flower is cleaned in a cool shaded place, watering is reduced, while moderate soil moisture is maintained. After dropping the leaves, the shoots should be shortened to about 9 cm and after a few weeks, when the plant sprouts new branches, the flower can be placed in heat, regularly pinching and spraying the tops. Thus, if you extend the dormant period and prune at the end of spring, you can shift the flowering period of the shrub to autumn and winter.

Breeding Chinese Hibiscus

Propagation by processes

Reproduction by the processes of Chinese hibiscus is carried out taking into account the following features of this method:

  • cuttings obtained as a result of pruning are used;
  • cuttings should not be green, soft, it is best to choose semi-lignified;
  • the used shoot must have at least 2-3 internodes;
  • the selected shank is placed in ordinary water with activated carbon or placed in a loose substrate;
  • the process is covered with a bag or plastic form to create a greenhouse effect.

After a short time, roots and small leaves will appear on the handle, which is a sign of successful rooting. Then you can accustom the plant to room environment, and after three to six months, wait for the first buds to appear.

Growing hibiscus from seeds

Propagation by Chinese hibiscus seeds gives a chance to get an updated variety of plants, but in the process, the features of the original variety are lost. Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • fresh seeds are soaked in a solution of an additive that stimulates growth;
  • after soaking, the seeds are placed 3 cm deep into a loose composition, half consisting of perlite or sand;
  • each seed is provided with a mini-greenhouse, which must be ventilated daily;
  • with the advent of the first leaves, the plant is taught to develop without a greenhouse.

With a lack of natural sunlight during the breeding season, artificial illumination is used. With any method of propagation, the procedure should begin in February-March.

Diseases and Pests

Chinese hibiscus is often affected by both diseases and pests. Briefly list the most common problems:

  • hibiscus blooms poorly with an improperly selected substrate, violation of the growth conditions;
  • hibiscus buds fall when the soil dries up or a sharp temperature difference;
  • waterlogging of the soil, frequent drafts or, on the contrary, too dry air are the reason that the leaves turn yellow and fall off the flower;
  • lack of lighting, as well as a rare transplant, lead to the fact that leaves turn pale;
  • the ends of the leaves dry hibiscus when a plant is infected with a spider mite;
  • leaves are covered with pink spots due to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria or fungi, this is manifested by the so-called "rust";
  • wrinkled leaves hibiscus if the room is too dry and hot air.

Pests of Chinese hibiscus:

  • Whitefly. A 2 mm moth-like insect. It settles on the back of the leaves, growing larvae pollute the plant with a sticky secret, as a result of which the leaves fade and curl. Treatment consists in regular ventilation, flushing the flower, as well as its treatment with insecticides in case of severe damage.
  • Aphid. Small sucking insects of various colors, live on all the organs of the flower - stems, leaves, roots. Well visible, as they always settle in groups. A plant affected by this pest is deformed and dies. For treatment, it is first of all necessary to mechanically clean the bush, remove its affected parts, then wash the remaining organs of the plant and spray with medicinal herbal remedies.
  • Spider mite. A small arthropod half a millimeter in size, which manifests itself in light powdery coating on the underside of a plant leaf. Another sign of mite damage is white or yellow dots, dotted lines on the surface of the flower. Effective measures to get rid of the tick are regular washing of the plant, airing, removing dead, dry parts, spraying the flower with specialized chemicals.

Popular varieties of hibiscus Chinese indoor with photos and names

Hibiscus syrian rose syrian

It blooms almost all year, has buds 10 cm in size, with a variety of colors from dairy and raspberry to mixed variegated shades.

Hibiscus hawaiian

As a rule, this is a bush a meter high, with oval-shaped leaves and bright flowers.

Terry hibiscus

Inflorescences are large, most often, white, red or yellow. Leaves have an unusual edging.

Hibiscus herbaceous

A shrub about two meters high, has the largest flowers and leaves among the varieties of this plant.

Northern hibiscus

The smallest specimen, the flowers of which have a fairly long flowering period - a month.

Now reading:

  • Pakhira - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Pomegranate - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Diplomacy - cultivation and care at home, reproduction, photo species
  • Fuchsia - home care, photo
  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Watch the video: Grow hibiscus from cutting. Grow plants in water (September 2024).